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Hello to you,

No problem, the comment section is patient and we need not to hurry.

We never know how our positive impact on just one person may shape and effect the lives of many others. Inculcating principles of honesty, justice, kindness etc. in my children's personality is going to go a long way through their dealings in different realms of lives. They might become an ultimate source of bringing relief and joy to other people's whom they interact.

That is correct. In order to become this delightful source as future adults, the present children need a strict education and teaching of the traditional principles that are authentically practised by their parents. For this, they need both mother and father as well as those relatives/neighbors whom they watch live their lives and see these principles confirmed.

However, if kindergarten and school education do not follow suit, it will become difficult and children may position themselves against their parents and in favour of programmes initiated by the state and other forces that deviate from this.
That's what happened to me, my siblings and my parents. We came to our country as repatriates and my parents and other relatives were shocked by the godlessness of this new for them society.

Instead of listening to our parents, we children denigrated and mocked their faith as superstition, as backward-looking, as evil and what not, as teens and young adults. We allowed ourselves to be completely taken in by pop culture, the media, the permissiveness of lifestyles and the Germans' lack of Christian identity.

We thought that exceptions to the rules shaped by Christianity were entirely a good thing ('rights) and that getting married, having children, building something of our own was not so important and that we ‘still had enough time’ to consider it. But first have fun, earn money and then see. We arrived at a time when the German identity was already crumbling.
One shall not forget that Germany was defeated in WW II and that the influences of the victory forces were put upon our nation in total. We got the American occupation and culture, the Brits, the English language, the French rejection to everything German and the Russian occupation, dividing us in half.
Since then, we lost more and more of our German culture, traditions and history before the war and we are still sick to the core about our evil past of the German Reich and the Nazis. The grip of it, as it seems, never loosened. Today, it is even worse than back in the 80s and 90s.
What we were allowed to being proud of, was our German Wirtschaftswunder - boosting economy through rebuilding the country and wealth. Our folklores were steadily and gradually being commercialized, missing the deeper cultural links and their meanings. Instead, we became famous for Octoberfest and drinking and brewing beer. Things like that.

It is not the fault of the occupiers in person, though. I actually became friends with Brits and Americans, it was more like we guilt tripped ourselves so much that we remain in that trap. Being defeated by in principle Christian nations is not the worst, if religion stays intact, but since it's never that black and white, one has to take into account that losing can also mean to adopt an atheist world-view, to which I would more attribute the Russian influence, since they did not fraternize with us Germans in person-to-person friendly relations but quite the opposite (from a western Germans perspective). Though atheistic influences came also from the other occupiers and ourselves as well.

Having said that, the new young generations might as well opt for the opposite direction, since they themselves were not being raised Christian, they did not have staying together parents, they realize that a lifestyle without personal relationships long term, single mothers and all the other jazz, might be not such a good idea. They may realize, more than my generation, that times get more insecure, that reliance on government or work force alone may not be sustainable for them.

I myself try to repair my former mistakes and finding my place in the world, also to give my son orientation with the help of my now husband.

Rachel Wilsons book title is 'Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation'.

0.115 NEOXAG


Greetings to you @erh.germany . Hope you are doing well.

I was watching a Turkish season in which the last era of Ottomon empire was demonstrated. The political influencers behind the scenes discuss sbout the world to come. Their agenda is to spread atheism after world war too.

If we look back in the history, it is exactly what has happened. Science and religion are being presented as rivals (while in reality, they are not) and in order to be a factual and wise person people take pride on relying on scientific knowledge. It is a mindset that's been built over time.

While in the Western world aethism is spread to get people away from Divine principles, in Islamic society another route is taken. Enormous amount of confusion and strictness is created through sects that people have either become rigid and intolerant or they have deviated from the basic teachings and principles.

I agree that the atmosphere of schools and peers has a huge impact on the perceptions of an individual.

With time, people have started taking pride in going against the tradition as by doing this they consider themselves more wise and modern and open-minded.

So far as German's dark history is concerned, every nation's history has some darkness in it. Wasn't it was inhumane that was done to the American's original habitants? Didn’t Britishers do injustice and exploitation by colonisation? However, they are not regretful of what they did. They prove themselves justified.

Nevertheless, they have inflicted regretfulness and embarrassment in other nations, so that their victory retains.

0.000 NEOXAG