RE: A Drug is a Drug. Whichever it is.....


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He had gone to Kuwait for some time, ...

That begs the question what had happened to him over there. Was he in war? Was it difficult circumstances?
Since if it was, this may be a cause for his addiction. Sad story. I am of the notion that banning products never acquires what it wants to achieve. It's when people lose faith in life and become depressed what destroys them, the substances used is 'just" what occasion/opportunity one comes across. Oftentimes this is linked to a victims mind and is difficult to cure. Addiction is tough and it drags people down who are related to the addict.

I hope for the wife and her children that they will get over this difficult times.




That begs the question what had happened to him over there.

I am not sure what had happened to him there.
He and his cousin cum friend became the victim of addiction together. So I assume it to be the effect of bad gathering.

Whatsoever, I really felt sorry to see the wife. She was like the man is better in prison than being free. His presence become a greater trouble for her.

the substances used is 'just" what occasion/opportunity one comes across.

I agree. However, the unavailability of the substance may save certain difficulties.

My son was in grade 4 the previous academic year. He told me that two boys in his class were caught having vape. It is quite alarming how a 9 or 10 years old got access to the product, surely via some adult. While I had no idea what a vape is, my son already knew because of the exposure through his peers. If the product was unavailable, the exposure wouldn't happen at the first place and so there will not be any consumption.
