Milestones, Challenges, and Perseverance

Next month I approach somewhat of a milestone-ish birthday. I'm at the stage in life where I know who I am and love the person I've become. I live a fulfilling life and look forward to many more years spinning around the sun. However, this upcoming milestone has given me pause to look back on these years with an appreciation for my past self.

Was it all sunshine and roses? Nope.


Which I think can be said for anyone's life. Yet, I know the most challenging times in life have also given me the grit and understanding that I am grateful for today. I live a life of gratitude with an abundance mindset, and a determination to overcome challenges.

These days when I encounter challenges, I know it usually means I'm close to something amazing. In the midst of challenges or distractions I can't see that something amazing because it is around the corner. But if I give up and turn back I'll never see it. So I must press forward. Go around. Go under. Go over and do whatever it takes to get to that amazing thing around the corner.


I am grateful to past Jennifer for persevering. I also wonder in what ways future Jennifer will be grateful to current me. What will I give myself a high five for many years from now? What will I shake my head at with disappointment in that same future?

Only time will tell what actions or inactions taken today will yield results in the future. Most of what I know to be true is that I must get out of my own way in order to see the kind of success that will make future me look at past me with gratitude.

What are you doing today that will make your future self appreciate the you of today? I think it's a question well worth asking again and again and again.



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