Do you complain about everything?




Although most people say that they don't complain in their life, in reality when they stop to think about this question they realize that they fall into this category.

I tell them that when I complain about things that I have to do or things that happen to me, I immediately detect that my mind is weak and lacking motivation or occupation of tasks with nutritional value for my mind.

I always tell everyone that by complaining we gain nothing, use that wasted energy to look for real solutions to put an end to so many complaints.

I don't like to complain, and I don't like to listen to anyone complain either, one complaint leads to another, and without realizing it we live in a sea of regrets all day long.

Only a weak mind complains about everything, don't be one of them, strengthen your mind with positive energy and you will realize how your mind guides you to get the solutions you need.

When you complain is for the simple reason of not wanting to look for a solution to a certain problem, a strong mind allows you to accept mistakes and move on, a weak mind makes you complain all the time, which style of mind do you want to have? I hope the first option.
