Bought some packs and got some good stuffs on it.

So here in the Philippines P2P bns (buy and sell) is a trend. You could just easily buy packs from anyone as long as you have the same payment method. It is very convenient for people who's internet doesn't always give the best connectivity.

I bought 3 packs for 115 Php each or 2.02 USD each (total 6.06 USD).

I opened them 1-by-1 (hoping to get good stuff from the different clusters)


Here's my first pack opened


I'm kind of disappointed because I got a basic pack (where there are 4 common and 1 rare). But then as I check I've pulled 2 neutrals which is very good. I've once read that they are profitable for rentals.

Second pack


Alright, that was a nice pull. Got a summoner (next time this will be gold eventually) and a gold common. Well, I can say it's a good pack more than average pull.

Third Pack


I think comparing those 3packs the last one is very basic lol. But anyway will open some packs again soon and earlier I also bought some cards (P2P) with 10% off so that's already a good deal.
