Unconditional love ❤️


It is my desire and the desire of a lot of us here to see our parents live to a certain age where their bones have become weak, hairs grey and then they have to kiss the morning rush good bye trying to meet up with hold ups and all that.

Old age I will say is a blessing that's why it's our prayer to get their too and then I will count it a thing of joy when my parents get to that stage that they will just rest and allow me and my siblings take good care of them. It has never crossed my mind for once with all the plans I have been doing to take my parents to a retirement home when they come of age and I do know my other siblings will never agree to such kind of decisions. We love our parents so much and now that they are still struggling for us what better way is to repay them if not to take care of them in return.

At that stage of their lives, all they need is genuine love from their loved ones that would help them make their remaining years on earth memorable which they can't possibly get from a total stranger. You know at that stage too, they tend to forget things easily and even the children they birthed but then constantly seeing them around helps to keep their memory intact which a retirement home won't do justice to that.

I honestly won't condemn the old people home because it is all about a matter of choice made by the children of these grandparents due to different circumstances. Some persons might see it as a burden which one way or the other can while some due to their busy schedule don't have enough time to take care of them seeing that they need attention and special care always. But best for me I will live with my parents and if Paraventure I become too busy to be present always with them I prefer to hire a nanny under my watch for them that would permit me to still see them even if they are fast a sleep by the time I walk into the house.

Lastly, taking care of my parent when they become fragile like an infant, would be a thing of joy seeing how much love they pour wholeheartedly on myself and siblings, they made love the standard of our home, makes communication looks so easy that they never allow any of us go to bed with grudges in hearts that's why through thick and thin, I** would be there by their side just the little i can do. 😊

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-144e2 Retirement homes or with family? Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

All photos are mine.

Thank you for your time, peace

11.307 NEOXAG


Seeing my parents grow old and at their retirement stages is a joy. Love is what would be necessary at that particular stage. old people's home is important

0.000 NEOXAG

It is always an honour to have aged parents, and more importantly be able to care for them rightly, showering them with love and care. I would also love to be the one, alongside my siblings giving all that care.

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