Standing by my principle


Have come to realize that no matter how a person is tagged as been bad, he or she has that one principle which they stick too no matter what. Have come across a few number of people from different backgrounds and cultures and it just so amazing how we tend to act differently, with each and everyone with his or her belief system.

I once came across a guy who with all honesty says the truth and won't lie even for anything. An incident occurred and since he was present as at the time it happened everyone pleaded with him to keep quiet and let it slide. After so much persuasion he finally agreed to keep shut not until the question was raised as to what happened and when everyone taught they were save this guy came and exposed all. This for sure made a lot of people not to like him because the truth itself is bitter that to it was not the first time he was betraying them like they say but still at that he was not ready to break his moral for anything. Even with his honesty he has a lot of weaknesses that he defaults countless times.

Now back to myself 😊 growing up as a child and then to adulthood one trait that is more effective in me among others is showing compassion. It's something I've tried to fathom yet can't comprehend. Even when people tends to say am emotionally week which I stand to correct them knowing it's not weakness because have watched myself stand to take certain decisions that an emotionally week person can't.

I remember how during my highschool days, I noticed a few of my class girls hardly brought money nor food for lunch and sometimes you asked and even find out they had nothing to eat even before coming to school. This deeply hurt me as I find it uncomfortable eating while my next neighbor isn't. Since am not closed to so many people, I called a few girls and we discussed about it which yielded to something positive. We all agreed to contribute our lunch money and selected two other girls we know their situation was worst than the others and this was what we did. With the money contributed during break time we used it to buy snacks at the canteen and shared among ourselves equally by so doing we get to feed extra two souls. I wished I could help everyone but then it wasn't possible since I still depend on my parents for survival.

One will easily say it was all childish stuff but it wasn't. As I grew older, I find myself doing more for people not because i have enough but my moral code won't just let me. I know how many times I promised not to help anyone because of how my kindness was repayed back with evil but within few minutes of saying such I find myself going back to my old nature. Not that I can't keep to my words but because I believe everyone cannot be bad at same time so let the good continue with me and when am out of cash I made it clear that am cashless as simple as it is.

Photos are mine.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-123e1 Your Moral Code. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts.😍

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️


Sticking to a principle is good, especially when it's a good one, just like yours of showing compassion, everyone needs help and you did well on trying to get people to help your friends during your high school days.


Glad I was able to help cause it made me even more fulfilled knowing I was the reason behind someone's cute smile.


Wow your generosity is amazing, contributing to help those girls back in high school was amazing sometimes we never know how the one or two lives we affect around us can cause a positive change


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