AI and educational courses
Indeed technology has made some of the once precious courses and skills of less value in this era. No one ever thought it would get to this point but nonetheless it is not yet time to give up.
About three years back, my bro was working for a particular blog as a writer before AI affected the system so badly. It got to the point he was the one rejecting offers cause requests were much and he hardly catch enough rest but unfortunately its a different ball game now cause in less than few minutes chatgpt and others are there to do the job. This honestly has affected a lot of writers as people no longer place value on them.
Other courses I think is not needed now yet people still study is philosophy. Like the saying goes, one mans food is another man's poison else I see no reason why you use your hard earned money or that of your parents to study this course cause to me the only thing interesting about it is the big name like I am a philosopher. I don't know how true it is but I was told they can work in any organization yet I hardly see them in an organization and if Paraventure they are employed it's another work entirely they find their selves doing.
Second course am to pick is the study of history science in the university. Honestly I just think most of these guys are moved by names and because I will rather drop the admission than go for what will eventually be a waste of time to me my family and loved ones. In my last post I made mention how a family friend rather went to study history than waiting another for another year. She was just too desperate to go to school and today no one regrets more than her. Whenever we start talking about school, it's from one regrets to the other and in as much she was in a haste back then, I still feel pity for her cause my girl is refusing to teach in a school like she doesn't know where to even start from but glad she's currently learning a skill and would soon be through with it.
There are a lot of courses like the ones have mentioned yet many will still fall victim to it. Education is far beyond going to school and becoming a graduate with a certificate with no or little impact felt. Although Nigeria schools are found of giving students what they never applied for but it is in our power to either decline or accept the admission.
Anyone that finds his or herself in these affected field of study, I will say it is best he or she pay the price of learning a skill in Vogue and learning it well cause it will surely pay off.
Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-139e2 Not Needed .Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍
Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️
Lol, come to think of it, what is the importance of these philosophers?