My Afang Leaf (wild Spinach) Garden

Good morning from this side of the globe, its an amazing day and i love to let you know that you've got to be the very best, there is no one who will or can make your world a better place. today i will be sharing about my Afang garden.
I had shared about this garden over nine months back, when we were doing the second harvest last year. i will be telling you about this leaf and how useful it is to us in this side of the globe.

Afang leaf is an all family leaf, it is used to prepare one of our best and most demanded delicacies, you may have heard about afang soup, the igbo's call it ogazy soup, but the soup is an akwacros delicacies, people who will really connect with this will be those within the south south region of Nigeria.

the pictures above, are showing you the preparation process for the new season, there are two ways to harvest either it is done, completely at one by cutting away the old robes and harvesting the leafs or you harvest the leafs and allow it grow again.

the leafs are due for harvest within the sixth to eight months of effective growth, as you can see, this is about 3 months so far, it will be due far harvest in the next four to five months.

the leaf are so fresh and green, the amazing thing about this leaf for me is that i did not buy the seedlings to plant them, we discovered it growing in a plot of land that we bought some years back, it was about three stands so we began to intentionally give attention to them, today you can see that it has multiplied the stands.
within our locality many families are living by it, now we have people all around my nation making demands for the leaf, I tell you this for free, if you have not eaten afang soup before, you are missing something.

The afang leaf that we have here is worth over $200 when harvested, this will go along way to support the family financially, there is no traditional occasion within our region that this soup will not be cooked, and except you something is wrong with your thirst board, even the aroma alone with cause some effect in your life.

when harvested, this is how we tie them and take to the market for sells, i know that an average Nigerian can connect with the information, please if you are within my locality, you can grow this leaf in your farm space.

you don't need to allow the leaf cowl on the ground, it will be infected so you stake the leaf, by using a plastic rope, tensioned to a bamboo stick, which will not be easily affected by the rain and sun, as it begins to spring up, it will stick itself to the rope and the bamboo stick.

you can make this happen, all you need is to start from somewhere, the journey of a thousand miles begins in a day. you can consult me, i will be at your service, anytime anywere, distance is never a barrier. thanks for journeying this far with me, we are yet to cover the various areas of our full farm, this is your friend @emylight, see you again.


Wow, I must really be missing out.
I have heard about the soup and hope that someday I can taste it too. Those are really some healthy and good looking veggies


you are really missing, but i hope you have this encounter as soon as possible


I heard soup prepared by this leaf is usually delicious 😋. I also heard Akwa Ibom is best in the lead use.


you can say that again, anytime you find yourself around a calabar or an Akwa ibom kitchen, please ask for it, you will be glad you did,
