[ESP-ENG] Decora hermosa pinza para niñas /Decorate beautiful clip for girls
Feliz y bendecido día tengan todos, el día de hoy les traigo una delicada y hermosa idea para elaborar y decorar hermosas punzar para el cabello para las más pequeñas de la casa, les confieso que no compre absolutamente nada para esta elaboración pues utilice retazos de materiales que tenía en casa. Acá les comparto mi proceso de elaboración tipo tutorial para que se animen a crear estos lindos niños para tu pequeña.
Have a happy and blessed day everyone, today I bring you a delicate and beautiful idea to make and decorate beautiful hair clips for the little ones in the house, I confess that I did not buy anything for this preparation because I used scraps of materials I had at home.
Here I share my tutorial-type elaboration process so that you are encouraged to create these cute children for your little girl.
- Retazos de Foami escarchado.
- pedacito de cartulina.
- retazos de tela.
- piedritas perladas pequeñas.
- pinza de cabello.
- pegamento
- Pieces of Frosted Foami.
- little piece of cardboard
- Pieces of cloth.
- small pearly stones.
- Hair clip.
- glue
✴️ Paso 1: para iniciar la elaboración de este bello diseño lo primero que debemos hacer sacar un pequeño círculo en el retazo de cartulina. Seguidamente tomaremos la tela y recortamos tiras largas tanto de la tela de color como de la escarchada, y tomando primero la de color la iremos pegando poco a poco en el centro del circulo en forma corrugada o dejando pequeños plices, hasta cubrir la forma circular y lo mismo realizaremos con la tela escarchada por encima de la anterior.
✴️ Step 1: to start making this beautiful design, the first thing we must do is draw a small circle on the piece of cardboard.
Next we will take the fabric and cut long strips of both the colored and the frosted fabric, and taking the colored fabric first we will glue it little by little in the center of the circle in a corrugated shape or leaving small pleats, until we cover the circular shape and We will do the same with the frosted fabric above the previous one.
✴️ Step 2: to continue we take the little piece of frosted foami and we will take a straight strip on one side and with spikes on the other, we will take it and join the ends making a cute little crown.
Which we will paste in the central part of the piece that we made in the previous part and in the tips of each peak of the crown we will paste a beautiful pearl stone.
✴️ Paso 3: Seguidamente tomaremos está linda elaboración y la pegaremos en el gancho o pinza para el cabello y listo.
✴️ Step 3: Next we will take this beautiful elaboration and we will stick it on the hook or hair clip and that's it.
Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9And so we finished our preparation, this is an idea that we can make at home with recycled materials or scraps of fabric, they are very cute and flirty for the princesses of the house, my little girl was delighted and excited about her new clamp.
Dear friends, I hope that this beautiful elaboration is to the liking of all of you and that this tutorial is useful to you, I say goodbye for this opportunity, grateful for your visit.
All Photos are my authorship and were taken with my Redmi 9 Cellphone
Hola amiga te felicito te quedo demasiado cuchis la pinza te felicito @emmaris
Gracias amiga, me alegra que te haya gustado.