There are times holding on becomes so difficult, especially when you are doing everything humanily possible to keep faith alive, its like been in a staduim shouting you name out loud and all you get is the echo of your voice hauling back at you, its hard been your only fan, urging, pushing, believing, sustaining effort at all cost to keep hope alive.

Its different when you have some sort of footings, some source you can rely on, some backs you can turn on, a shoulder to rely on, there are moments were all we need is just a soul telling, you can do this, that external source of motivation to fuel your energy, to reawake your passion, that zeal to do so much more, to stretch beyond the norms, its different when you have some one believe in you, that's faith, that's hope, handing to you that tiny rope of hope to hold on to, when you are falling off the cliff, your energy is draining and your hands are slippery wet from straining swet, and the only thing sustaining you at that point is those eyes, that gives you hope, something to live for, fight for, that tiny little rope of hope is what you are hanging on.

Most of us can actually do so much can actually go the extra mile, do so much, become all we can ever be, deep down we feel the energy, that inner voice at the back of our head that as got us this far, running with that childhood dreams amd aspiration inspired by our icon, role model we secretly held at high esteem, we are very aware of their stories of how they overcame, most of them resembles ours and for this sake we definitely knew it that if this person can make it thus far so will we.

Its really hard on us, living in an environment and existing in a space were nothing seems to come together, a three fold cord can not be easily broken the synergy is strong, the motivation, the ease and flow of inspiration is seamless, that's because

I strongly believe in the coming together of the right time and chance, cause basically that's like the only intangible most substantial thing commonly and evenly distributed to all of us, so that means every body has the same measure of every 24 hours in a day, so what that also implies is that if we hold on to our inner calling and keep on believing in ourselves, in our abilities, holding on to that rope to never give up, back down or turn down we will definitely definitely reach for the stars and shine bright like diamonds in the sky.
