

I might likely talk about my country a lot here in this post, not necessarily down grading my country but picturing it as a country seating on a goldmine for years and decades but failed to realise the huge potential lying solo beneath it soil, altho to some extend this is so true but then we are still battling with this myth.

Nigeria i can truly say to the best of my knowledge with fact and figures is, if not the wealthiest country or one of the top wealthiest country on the shores of the AFRICAN CONTINENT but is highly unproductive with vaste natural resources lying shallow underneath, a country that equally runs on a mix economy system allows room for both private individuals and governement to trade, that's like and open economy system that grants you ability to freelance with little restriction on operations.

43% of the population thats like 89 million of its citizen lives below the poverty line, while the other 25% 53million people are vulnerable, but however the aboundance of wealth lies in the hands of few elite who were able to kick start something early enough while the economy was still above waters at the time, and were able to sustained their stream of wealth with a tight hands.


The Real fact and the beauty of all these is that Nigeria's economy is an emerging markets that is an economy that is transitioning into a developed market economy, characterise by rapid GDP growth, growing per capita income, increasing debt and equity market liquidity, and an established financial system infrastructure...

Recall that the country runs on a mixed economy which allows room for both private individuals to do business, so with all of the down side lies massive opportunities to create wealth, create streams of income easily, no restriction, no bias, as far as it is legal and legit you can own means of production just as the government do, which is why many Nigerians who are very wealthy becomes so out of their own personal efforts and commitment, engineered, triggered, pushed by the system of things, living below the poverty line, being vulnerable, been helpless, IS A MOTIVATION TO CREATE WEALTH cause one thing poverty will do is to make you uncomfortable, tired, so you will want to do anything to get out of that zone, pushed to hustle more, do more, to earn more to break out so you can be free to live the life you wished, all these comes with ideas, thoughts that breaks you into limelight, creativity utilizing the power of the media space to your advantage

These is also true to all country of the world no matter where you are, whatever level,

Poverty is a strong force to wealth


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I have always thought that there are "great figures" who dictate the destiny of the world; They say which country will grow, who won't; How they do it, at what speed, etc.

Africa and Latin America are those segregated from those "great figures" that have always marginalized us.

It's my point.


thats for sure...Africas is worst in the sense that there are vaste resources laying waste but our greatest challenges as been corrupt selfish leaders who just want to take everything for themselves and their entire generation
