We have always been a people of love, faith, strength and vigor, if i would be born again into any country i'd choose my motherland time and again i know it sounds sarcastic but no, its the truth, in here there's a common bond that holds us together and that is called the #Nijaspirit, its not found anyway in the world, we are bounded to gether, we as a people as one great Nation, united in a common front as Nigeria, despite ethnicity, despite Religion, despite trybe, tongue, language, class, we love one another so dearly, i have seen situation in this country were the commonest person is raised to multimillionare in less than a day, despite the economic chaos, despite all that is going on we still come up strong for anyone who is down, even he who has the very least can still pull out and say here have a cup of water.

I understand the situation of things isn't pleasant at the moment, and i feel it too beneath my skin, the heightened cost of living now caused by the ongoing fuel scarcity is one that had affected every living soul in this country, no matter how much you have now, it literally can't get enough to go buy, the purchasing power of the naira is down and its really causing the economy to blead.

I was just on the phone with my Brother who stays at calaber and its so sad to hear the prices of fuel in some part of the state, i felt like crying, since most filling station have closed down due to lack of product to sale, leaving the masses to fight for the little amount found on the streets sold in the black market at an unbelievable price upto #2,000.00 in some part of the country, its so sad, how did we get here.

I love us you know why?, we've got thick skin, we have been through a lot and guess what we always come out through it all and strong yah, some how we fight through all of these as a people, we adapts, We adjust to the new norms, ways of live we grow, we stand strong, i know a lot of people will talk down at this point but believe me getting your mind off the current stack of things now helps you see the possibility ahead, yah!...thats were a lot of people get it all wrong, complaining, complaining and complaining but have you thought of the possible opportunities that lies here, i tell you what, its at this times that creative genius will harness the situation of things to their advantage, create a system around this times and live off the economy, its in this time that you look out for opportunities, #rantcomplaintalk won't resolve anything cause the government are not listening so at the end of the day you are left with whatever decision and choices you have on the table.

I believe in a mantra which says everything in life is just a phase, like a chapter it will pass, so telling you nothing last forever, it will come and will pass but however hold on to yourself, be there, utilise all you have within and around you to your advantage, things are tough now, the economy is harsh on everyone, the prices of things are doubling, it has never been like this before, we are not use to this new norm of things its so overwhelming, its mind-blowing ...Remember this !...this times will pass, don't get stuck in this time capsule, think outside the box, see amd create opportunities out of all these rubble, whatever you do now will determine how your next phase will be.
