THE DOUBLE 2024 My Opinion REVIEW (Esp-Eng)

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Saludos a toda mi Comunidad Hive, en especial a los amantes de los doramas. Reciban en este día infinitas Bendiciones. Hoy les he traído una Maravillosa Serie China de 40.5 capítulos cargados de fantasía, venganza, odio, amor y traiciones, dirigida por Lu Hao Ji Ji, Bai Yun Mo, Ma Shi Ge, se trata de THE DOUBLE AÑO 2024, protagonizada por Wang Xingyue, Wu Jinyan, Li Meng, Liang Yong Qi, Ai Mi entre otros.


¿De qué trata?

Trata de una mujer llamada Xue Fang Fei, ella era feliz porque amaba profundamente a su esposo, hasta que este por avaricioso se vendió por un puesto en la Corte del Emperador en complicidad con su madre, hermana y la cabeza del Complot la Princesa Mayor Wan Ning, quien se enamoro del el, trazo un plan a fin de desacreditar a su esposa, y luego matarla, este le da un golpe en la cabeza con una pala y la entierra aun viva, logrando escapar, luego conocer a Jiang Li y a Tong Er, quienes pertenecían a un convento en la montaña, Jiang Li tratando de llevarle alimentos a Xue es castigada hasta morir y Xue toma la identidad de Jiang para poder salir de la Montaña y hacer justicia tanto para Jiang Li como para ella.


Opinión Personal

Al comenzar mi reseña les dire, que es mi primera serie china, por casualidad vi el trailer y me llamo la atencion, les dire que el primer capitulo es muy bueno y te atrapa, iniciando con la trampa que le tejieron a Xue Fang Fei (Wu Jinyan), por parte de su suegra, cuñada y su mismo esposo, quien la entierra viva pensando que la habia matado. De alli en adelante se desencadenara una serie de eventos que haran que no te muevas de donde estes.

Xue Fang Fei es una mujer astuta, fuerte e inteligente y poco a poco va desenmascarando a cada uno con ayuda del Duke Su (Wang Xingyue) la mano derecha del Emperador Hong Xiao (Zeng Ke Lang), quien se convierte en su aliado en la búsqueda de las personas involucradas en las actividades de contrabando de sal y oro, primeramente hace justicia a Jing Ji quien fue enviada a un convento en una montaña por culpa de su madrastra, quien la acuso de haberla golpeado y haber perdido su embarazo y luego seguirá con la venganza contra su esposo.


Quisiera hablar un poco sobre la excelente actuación de varios actores primeramente Li Meng como la Princesa Mayor Wan Ning, con una mentalidad retorcida, perversa, malévola, locamente enamorada de Shen Yu Rong, la otra actuación la del actor Liang Yong Qi como el Erudito Shen Yu Rong, quien cegado por la codicia y el deseo de poder ofrecido por la princesa Wan Ning da muerte a su esposa, o al menos eso creyó el, y por supuesto la actuación de los protagonista Wang Xingyue y Wu Jinyan también es aceptable, así como la química entre ellos.

Hubieron muchas escenas realmente triste, cuando el entierra a su esposa viva, amándola aun, se sentía que tenia el alma desgarrada, la muerte de Tong Er (Ai Mi) una excelente actriz de apenas 15 años, la del padre de Jing Ji al enterarse de la muerte de su hija , cuando la Princesa Mayor se da cuenta que Shen Yu Rong nunca tenias intenciones de casarse con ella, me dio tristeza, y otras que no recuerdo.


Una serie cargada de muchas historias, me encanto su Banda Sonora en especial la melodia Watching Snow interpretada magistrarmente por la cantante Cyndi Wang y la interpretada por Huang Shifu llamada Withered, hacen que el alma se derrita. En unas de las escenas Xue Fang Fei interpreta Withered en un instrumento chino llamado Guqin, fue una escena realmente espectacular.

Bueno amigos es una magnifica serie, con un final de puro suspenso, me hubiese gustado un poquito mas de romance, pero así son las series asiáticas, la recomiendo, me despido, sin mas, coméntame que te pareció, Besos y Abrazos.


Hasta la próxima publicación, Dios los bendiga.


Greetings to all my Hive Community, especially to dorama lovers. Receive on this day infinite Blessings. Today I have brought you a Wonderful Chinese Series of 40.5 chapters full of fantasy, revenge, hate, love and betrayals, directed by Lu Hao Ji Ji, Bai Yun Mo, Ma Shi Ge, it is THE DOUBLE YEAR 2024, starring Wang Xingyue, Wu Jinyan, Li Meng, Liang Yong Qi, Ai Mi among others.


What is it about?

It is about a woman named Xue Fang Fei, she was happy because she loved her husband deeply, until he sold himself for a position in the Emperor's Court in complicity with his mother, sister and the head of the plot, Princess Wan Ning, who fell in love with him, drew up a plan to discredit his wife, and then kill her, He hits her on the head with a shovel and buries her alive, managing to escape, then he meets Jiang Li and Tong Er, who belonged to a convent in the mountain, Jiang Li trying to bring food to Xue is punished to death and Xue takes Jiang's identity in order to leave the Mountain and do justice for both Jiang Li and herself.


Personal Opinion

At the beginning of my review I will tell you that it is my first Chinese series, by chance I saw the trailer and it caught my attention, I will tell you that the first chapter is very good and catches you, starting with the trap that was set for Xue Fang Fei (Wu Jinyan), by her mother-in-law, sister-in-law and her husband, who buries her alive thinking that he had killed her. From then on, a series of events will trigger a series of events that will make you stay where you are.

Xue Fang Fei is a cunning, strong and intelligent woman and little by little she unmasks everyone with the help of Duke Su (Wang Xingyue) the right hand of Emperor Hong Xiao (Zeng Ke Lang), who becomes her ally in the search for the people involved in the salt and gold smuggling activities, He first brings justice to Jing Ji who was sent to a mountain nunnery because of her stepmother, who accused her of beating her and losing her pregnancy, and then follows up with revenge against her husband.


I would like to talk a little about the excellent performance of several actors first Li Meng as the Major Princess Wan Ning, with a twisted mentality, perverse, malevolent, madly in love with Shen Yu Rong, the other performance of the actor Liang Yong Qi as the Scholar Shen Yu Rong, who blinded by greed and the desire for power offered by Princess Wan Ning kills his wife, or so he thought, and of course the acting of the main characters Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan is also acceptable, as well as the chemistry between them.

There were many really sad scenes, when he buries his wife alive, still loving her, it felt like his soul was torn apart, the death of Tong Er (Ai Mi) an excellent actress of only 15 years old, Jing Ji's father when he learns of the death of his daughter, when the Eldest Princess realizes that Shen Yu Rong never had intentions of marrying her, it made me sad, and others that I don't remember.


A series loaded with many stories, I loved its soundtrack especially the melody Watching Snow masterfully interpreted by singer Cyndi Wang and the one interpreted by Huang Shifu called Withered, make the soul melt. In one of the scenes Xue Fang Fei plays Withered on a Chinese instrument called Guqin, it was a really spectacular scene.

Well friends it is a magnificent series, with a final of pure suspense, I would have liked a little more romance, but that's how Asian series are, I recommend it, I say goodbye, without further ado, let me know what you thought, Kisses and Hugs.


Until the next publication, God bless you.

Diseño elaborado en / Design elaborated in Canva
Texto traducido por / Text translated by DeepL
Fuente de las Imagenes / Images Source IMDb
