Personal growth looks like this ~ one day up, one day down✒️



Personal growth from my point of view is a roller coaster, because I have been on top of it for all these years. But looking back I see that I have left behind behaviors and experiences that I do not want to have in my present and have made me mature a lot.


The pain will always be present, the memories, that version of me that I have created to defend myself or the one that my survival mechanisms created by experiences must be discarded for a better one. And that's what I work on every day, because I still don't feel like I'm giving my full potential.


It still hurts me to see my body struggling with anxiety and I get a little annoyed by people who come up to me and say, "stop moving your leg, you look like an earthquake" or "you just have to stop biting your nails so they grow back", as if it's so easy, it's annoying, that some people just want to tell you what to do or how to act because they think they can control everything.


Every human being goes at their own pace of life and you have to accept it and go with it, or just let it go, but not criticize it, because the truth is not absolute. There are times when I sleep without dinner or work without breakfast, and it is because my body simply does not ask me to eat, and that's okay, I go at my own pace and it is something that will improve little by little.


I have very good days, and quite dull days, and I'm learning to live with everything. I'm living, feeling, and I know that's okay, because it's part of personal growth and life.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Eres una mujer muy fuerte. Los cambios y los procesos llevan su tiempo, ser alguien mejor conlleva a muchas cosas la cuestión es aprender a manejarlo.
Ignora a todos aquellos que no te beneficie para tu crecimiento personal. Saludos 💖


En eso trabajo, mantenerme aislada de lo negativo y seguir firme en mis objetivos o misión de vida.🤗
