Medical Compatibility in Relationship.

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Medical Compatibility has to do with the potential health risk and consideration that can arise or involved with two different personalities or medical conditions to start a family. Many times, intending couples check other aspects of relationship before getting married for instance, compatibility in the aspect of finance, sexual compatibility, academic level or education compatibility, compatibility in terms of religion, etc but often neglected this important aspect that is crucial to marriage. It should be noted that health is an important aspect of one's life, because whatever one may aspire to be, one's health will put one in either advantage or disadvantage, so also is marriage. One might dream of having a happy marriage where love and trust is build, but because of one's spouse health condition such dream might be truncated.

It's worthy of note to educate people on aspects of Medical Compatibility to consider before walking down the aisle with that beauty or handsome. Genotype issue has caused tragic damage to many homes, for instance, it is not advisable for AS, AC, SS,SC carriers to marry in that same 'family' as they will likely give birth to children that will be sickle cell carriers, unless the marriage did not want to produce children or will rather went for adoption. but, taking the risk might result into having children with sickle cell which might drain their pockets, energy, love and might later results in blame game which will eventually make the marriage sore. In other words, carriers of the above genotype should go for AA in other to give birth to healthy children.

Also, Blood Compatibility is germane in marriage relationship. We see a lot of couple struggling to have a second child after the first one, or the wife is always have miscarriages after the first one. The issue is related to blood group compatibility. Rhesus incompatibility is an high risk decision. It can lead to complications during pregnancy if the father is Rh_positive and the mother is Rh_negative. It can also cause destructions of the fetus's red blood cells at a faster pace, jaundice, lethargy, low muscle tone, brain damage just to mention few.

Another worthy important factor to be considered in medical Compatibility is infectious diseases. Some disease are infectious because it can be transmitted from spouse to spouse especially during intercouse, for instance HIV/AIDS, it's therefore very important for intending couples to go for tests and if came out positive, they should deliberate on it if they can cope with such partner or break up. Both Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS can also be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy, birth or at breastfeeding stage.

Similarly, some diseases are hereditary, the question is are you planning to give birth to children that will inherit a particular sickness from your spouse, think of the coming generation that will come out of you?



As an intending couple, the best time to check for medical compatibility is before marriage. Yes, during dating period, at boyfriend_girlfriend zone. This period is the best time inorder to avoid stories that touch hearts. I could remember my husband, then just a friend asking me about my genotype before he even proposed marriage since he is AC and knows the best he can do is to marry an AA any other genotype will be disastrous. If I was to be of other genotype then, that could end the relationship for the sake of the future, unless we didn't want to give birth or opt for adoption. It will be disheartening to later realized incompatibility in marriage or after engagement. Breaking up in marriage due to incompatibility might tear the partners apart psychologically and as well it will be a great risk to still be together.

For lovers in relationship that are not yet married, but are shattered because of their genotype or blood test results, I might not have been in such conditions but I know it can be heart breaking to want to leave someone you've build your aspirations, dreams, empire together. The best thing to do is to BREAK UP! Yes, it might not be easy though, but it's best thing to do because of the future, no one pray to give birth to another human being that will be in and out of hospital, won't be able to do or eat what satisfy others... the reasons are endless. It might be difficult, but love might not be enough in the marriage, and it's just about time you will find another person. For couples in such situation, if they don't have children yet, they should adopt, that is if there religion do not allow divorce, but if their faith permit it, divorce is the best thing to go for.

Medical Compatibility should not just be taken with levity hand. Check your blood group, genotype, Rhesus of yourself and your partner's before you pop that questions or say I do, to save yourself an avoidable stress.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow! Quite detailed. And the first time anyone mentioned anything divorce. That is a subject people skate around. Lol. However, we can't deny that two incompatible people staying together medically spells disaster for either one or more of their children. So do it early or do it later and bear the pain.


That's the fact ma... you nailed it, divorce or face the pain!


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