A Walk to Tricket Brook and the Enchanted Wood


I decided to go to the outskirts of my village this morning for my early morning walk. In fact, I cheated as I drove the car part of the way. After parking up, I crossed over the road to the footpath leading down the side of a farm.

The two red and white blossom trees were entwined with each other. Blossom looks lovely this time of year.

I carried on up the track to a footbridge over Tricket Brook. This is where dogs and horses will stop to have a drink.

It's a popular dog walking route, and unfortunately some people don't pick up after their dogs.

In a couple of weeks, the hawthorn hedges will be white with blossom. I perhaps should have delayed my walk until then.

It got quite muddy in parts and I'd forgotten there was a long incline to the top.

Even though it was overcast, it was quite warm. I got a bit overheated, but I managed to get to the top, where I had a little breather and looked over the fields.

I made my way into what is known locally as the Enchanted Wood. I was pleasantly surprised that the bluebells were out.

There were some lovely little wood anemones as well. Their presence usually means it is a very old wood.

At this point, I decided to double back down the track. The yellow dandelions were springing up in the field. The dandelion is very undervalued as everyone thinks it is a weed, when it fact it is a member of the daisy family. They are food for bees and butterflies, yet people want to get rid of them.

It was a nice two hour walk and yes, I was glad my car was waiting for me back at the farm!


I miss blue bell flowers a lot, one of my favorite spring flowers. In Kharkiv, we had a lot of them and every spring I used to take photos of them. I wish I could walk with you in this enchanted forest...


When I was young, many, many years ago we were allowed to pick them. They're protected now but back then I used to pick them for my mum. By the time I got home they were half dead! She always said they were lovely though. I hope some day you will get to see the bluebells back home.
