[WEEK 246] Building my own destiny 🔨🌈
However, time passed very quickly and in the blink of an eye I realized that this person had their own ambitions and that they were concentrating a lot on them in order to achieve them and that I could not sit back with my arms crossed waiting for them to solve my life for me.
It is somewhat silly to leave your future in the hands of other people and although it has not been that long since I thought this way, I believe that the experience and the blows that life has given me have totally changed my perspective on this subject.
We have to learn to take responsibility for our lives and that our actions have their own consequences. No one in the world is going to worry about your life as much as you do, since others are focused on building their own lives and obviously the only ones who are affected by our decisions are ourselves.
It is important to note that personal responsibility is fundamental because it empowers us and allows us to take control of our destiny. When we take responsibility for our lives, we are in a better position to make positive changes and achieve our goals. It helps us grow and learn from our experiences, both good and bad.
And that's all for today, friends. Thank you for reading. See you in the next initiative. Bye bye.
Me encantó tu blusa de estilo de recortes de periódico. Esta genial. Feliz domingo
Sii es mi favoritaa gracias Walter igual para ti