Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 61 ~ My Positives Learning Online



Hello everyone, welcome to my blog once again, so today I will be answering the second question of the Hive-Naija prompt that says

The positives of learning things online. Share recipes, hacks, lessons, or any knowledge you learned for the first from social media or someone online. You can recommend social media accounts that are worth checking out too.

If I am not mistaken, six years ago or about seven, I decided to start my natural hair journey, like rock my natural God given kinky, without the use of a relaxer, I mean, all my life I have been using relaxers, so I felt it wouldn't be a bad idea to start afresh. Good for me, I didn't have to go through the transition process like I hear people do now, I was already on low-cut hair, so it was just for me to stop bathing and start the journey.

The first two years, I can say weren't the best years of mine, did not know how to start the natural hair journey, and we didn't have as we have now, many people far and wide doing videos of how they started their natural hair care journey, so you can imagine the struggle.


It is real and a hard one, I remember a far distant friend after one year, came visiting and was surprised at the state of my hair, more like it wasn't growing and appealing to the eyes, and the worst part was, I didn't have a good phone that could help me do the job better.

I got discouragement from hair saloons and friends about giving up the natural hair journey because it seemed it wasn't working for me at a point, I considered that option but after much deliberation, I decided that I wasn't going to relax my hair no matter what people said.

A year later, I was lucky to have internet, and so my sourcing for the right knowledge started, It took me sleepless nights and days to be able to come up with the right information I needed to be able to manage my hair, so I began the journey of taking care of my natural hair as it was meant to be and stopped going to those saloons who were always giving bad comments about my hair and about me keeping my natural hair.

I took care and washed the right way, I was taught on the Internet, did a few DIYs I could lay my hands on, treated my hair with the amount Of care and attention I was taught to, gave my hair its right supplement to help boost it and it has been years down the road and I am glad it started the journey. I learned everything that I needed to learn to be able to care for my hair through YouTube channels.

I learned the different types of herbs that can be used in my hair, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and how I can use them for effective long and healthy hair growth, learned that I should concentrate more on having healthy hair instead of having a long hair as a healthy hair can produce a long hair without stress and one needs a healthy hair to be able to say their hair is long.

I learned the types of hair types we have and how each can be taken care of and also the types of hair products this hair needs to stay healthy, I also learned that quantities of herbs matter in making our DIYs at home, so it doesn't harm our hair instead of helping our hair and with my hair length today, I am proud I made that choice.

This is my entry to Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 61

Thank you for reading!!!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I was already on low-cut hair, so it was just for me to stop bathing and start the journey

What do you mean it was just for you to stop bathing? Is it a typo or am I not understanding 😂😂

Anyways, it's good to see your hair grow from the hair treatments you learnt online. Your hair looks very healthy actually


Your hair looked beautiful in the second picture😍. I've never been a fan of natural hair and am not sure if i will later because it takes too much to maintain.. I would rather settle for cut if i needed a change of look.


Thank you 😊

Yeah, that's why people run away from it, it needs maintenance and attention.

Whichever one we choose, is fine.


A partner in the natural hair business. I can understand the frustration that comes with your hair not growing as well as you'd like. I even think that's the stage I'm at right now. But I'm beginning to do better so let's see how it goes.


Wish you the best in the journey.

It wasn't easy, but I am glad I am over that and I am sure you will come out of this phase soon.

Thank you


It's not easy to grow a natural hair, I'm sure you'll find a lot of help on the internet for your use. Your hair looks black and beautiful 😊


Yeah, that has always been my run too and I am glad I am doing better now.

Thank you 😊
