Stress Management: Techniques for Staying Grounded in Difficult Situations


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How do you deal with stress? Is it the passing of a loved one, heartbreak from your romantic partner, your boss giving you work on holidays, the expectations people project on you, or not being able to pay the bills?

What are your methods for dealing with these hard situations?

Part of the goal of mental health and behavioral science is to find helpful ways for people to deal with these problems without making life worse for them.

You could be having this problem while lashing out at your children or significant other. When these problems go away, you end up being left with children who are mad at you, a wife who doesn’t want to speak with you, or friends who are tired of your behavior.

Nobody is perfect, but at least we should try to maintain important relationships we have even while stressful situations come. It is like mental hygiene for you and the people you have around you.

But how do you do this?

Have you ever heard of grounding? I know it sounds like one of those weird psychological terms, but if you've ever been through a stressful life event without blowing it up in everyone’s face, odds are you are already practicing it. It’s one of those key mental health devices you cannot do without.

But how much better would your life be if you knew how to apply this technique in your life?

Life is stressful, and it has its ups and downs. One moment you are promoted at work, or you get married, the next moment you hear that someone in your family is sick, or you are sick, or someone dies, or your life is at stake.

It is a common fact of life that we all get sick and we all will eventually die, then there are other factors that can send us stumbling into the abyss further than we have ever gone.

Carrying stress is not only bad for you short-term, but it also has its long-term problems associated with it. Our body is not supposed to be exposed to the stress hormone for that long. It can cause headaches, joint pains, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and fatigue.

Your Values

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What are the most important things to you? What matters? Who do you want in relation to these people and things that matter?

For me, it's love. Love matters much more than many people estimate it to. This is my worldview, and I can’t force it on anyone. It is something I believe, and I want it to play out in my life.

What are your values? It could be love, care, attentiveness, benevolence…something that you can offer to others. What do they lean on you for?

Part of dealing with stress has to do with falling back on these values when times get rough.

When these stressful events happen, it is hard to focus. We are easily triggered, cannot manage our thoughts, have insomnia, become depressed or anxious, and get tired of everyone and everything.


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What is the matter? How do you feel about it? What problems are taking you away from the task at hand?

These problems are like a gas that fills up every part of our existence. But you need to remember that if you do not snap out of the problem thinking of the past and the future, you can make the present worse.

It is easy to let these emotions and thoughts take control over our life. Our brain conjures up many of these thoughts, and we immediately start living in that reality. Don’t chase those thoughts down the rabbit hole; let them go. The issues of life are right in front of you.


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Get back to the ground, what you love, what you care about, what you are giving yourself to…

Sometimes, this is the hardest thing to accomplish because of the nature of the problem. But there are techniques that make this process easier, and you can practice as time goes on, and you will become better at it.

If these stressful events take your feet off the ground and take you to a new place where you are trapped, you can get back to the present moment by focusing on the present moment.

What would be a better way to get back to the present than to focus on your 5 senses?

  • Count some objects around you, listen to all the sounds that are presenting themselves to you, take a deep breath, what does the air smell like? Clench your fist, what do you have literally at hand?

Get back into the moment, what does the food or drink you are having taste like?

For others

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When times become tough for others, it is possible that they may not know about these techniques. During such a time, you are in the best position to help yourself and help others.

It’s also a responsibility. When people don’t know where to go, they usually gravitate to those who have an idea.

Do you struggle with staying grounded in difficult situations?

You can send me a message on WhatsApp at +2348134530293, and we can have a conversation, or you can speak with a licensed therapist.



In conclusion, stress is an inevitable part of life that affects everyone at some point. However, it is crucial to learn healthy ways to manage stress in order to maintain important relationships and prevent long-term negative effects on our health and wellbeing.

Grounding is a powerful technique that can help bring us back to the present moment and focus on what is truly important to us, such as our values and what we care about. By practicing grounding and being mindful of our thoughts and emotions, we can better navigate difficult situations and support others who may be struggling with stress. Remember, we all have the power to take care of ourselves and help those around us.



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