4 ways to get money| Pick one or pick all



Making money can be very hard for some people and they may believe it is impossible to find money out there, but if you take a close look at life and where the money goes, you start to see that it is possible to make money every day and in different ways.

4 ways

  • Time for money
  • Information for money
  • Provide a product or service for money
  • Put something or someone else to work for money

Time for money

This is where your job falls in. Now in my life, I have done many jobs and keep looking for ways to scale up. I have been a bricklayer, a doctor, and a freelance illustrator and now I write and do video editing here on Hive.

I work 18 hours some days just so that I can take advantage of the hours I am awake.

This is the first level in money making. You have to use your job to build capital. Work as many hours as possible and build a sizable capital that you can use to take advantage of opportunities and that you can use to soften the stressors of life.

The issue with this way of making money is that life only affords you 24 hours every day and that time you use to build capital and money for survival is time that you could use to do so much more.

Information for money

The beauty of making money this way is that information is no longer linked to time in this technology age. You could teach a person over a video, make a recording and sell it to as many people that need it.

It could be through a webinar or a consultancy that gives reliable information about anything. This is how house agents make money too. They simply know many houses and landlords around a specific area and they leverage that to make money.

because we live in the information age, if you can give out information today you are bound to get rich. In addition, if you can get people's attention it also works for you.

There is always something you know that others simply do not.

Provide a product or service for money

This is where most businesses fall into. They have something that people need and are willing to pay for.

The big tech companies and mega businesses all make money this way but it is hard to start this way these days because of the monopoly on sales.

There is always a cheaper option somewhere and people onnmy need to do a little research to find them on amazone or any of the e-commerse sites.

Also services are also linked to the time you spend working and this is why it is typically hard to sell it everytime.

Put something or someone else to work for money

This is how mega companies and the very rich make money. They only need to adverise and show that they are worth the time and people will come work for them.

Depending on what they sell and how they sell it, they stand to gain from the interaction. They also may fall into losses too.

The person who invests in this company does not even need to manage the company, the company basically manges itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I may have to find a mega company to start ni yen o


Lol...Chief...Nothing much for you na!!


Good reflecting about money out there. Everyone finally it’s the one who find the best way to themselves


Yeah. I am glad you liked it. I hope to give more insight on topics like that.

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I like the finance education in an easily readable way you presented it. Thank you for writing


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