A Blinded Ambition



"Stay away from me and my business, you can't stop me from achieving what i want to do" Patrick warned Jacob

"Am only trying to stop you from doing what you might regret " Jacob his brother said trying to make him understand why he made such a decision.

"I have told you, stay away from my business plan ideas " Patrick replied him still furious at what Jacob did.

Patrick was a driven and highly ambitious man, always drawn to the attraction of wealth and wanted more, he was hardworking and was fully convinced that success and money was the key to happiness and he was willing to do anything to achieve that.

"Patrick, what happened upstairs I heard shouting" his mom asked.

Patrick out of anger replied "is it not your son Jacob, a plan I have already devise to boost the company name he has tarnished it"

Immediately his mother heard this she understood what he was talking about as she was the one who encouraged Jacob to do so.

"Patrick my son, the company u wanted to make partners with us are thieves and were caught selling bad products to people, and besides i was the one that encouraged Jacob to do so when u were not around" his mother Sahara replied advising him

"So both of you conspired to close the deal I have made" he asked with a rage in his voice.

"We did not conspire my son, I am only advising you" in a calm and gentle tone his mother replied.

Still with a look of anger and despise in his face he answered "mother, I don't need your advice, you people should stay away from me and my business. And he walked out.

As Patrick ambitions grew to achieve success and more wealth so did his obsession continue with the mindset that money is the key to happiness, little did he know that there was more to life than just having money and wealth. He spent most of his time in the office and every waking moment thinking of ideas to increase his fortune and add more wealth, he didn't care if he lied, cheated or caused problem with other just to achieve what he wanted, never stopping to consider the consequences of his actions. one day Patrick met a stranger, a stranger who made him realize life without family and friends.

"Who are you" Patrick asked as he stood in front of the office door waiting for the stranger to answer him so as to allow him in.

"Am here to see you" the stranger replied.

The stranger looked like those rich men who was prominent in the society and those where the kind of people Patrick loved to associate with , so without much thought on it Patrick opened the door and he entered.

"Your office looks nice" the stranger said while observing how the office was

"What are you here for and how do you know this place" Patrick curious at what the stranger wanted asked .

" Like I said earlier, I am here to see you" the stranger replied once more.

"So what do you want to see me for" Patrick asked the stranger

" I know you are a man looking for wealth and power, just give me your number and all will be solved" the stranger said.

Patrick Driven by material things and wealth couldn't resist the offer the stranger proposed to him and so he tore out a piece of paper and wrote down his number and gave it to the stranger. At first Patrick thought that giving someone his number could do him no harm but he didn't know he was trading his soul for Unimaginable wealth and power.

Weeks later after the stranger met him, Patrick found his business flourishing, he was having money like never before and when he realized it was because of the deal with the stranger, he thought he made a deal of a lifetime. As he continued to flourish and be successful, Patrick became greedy. Unwilling to give other and gradually he lost touch with his friends and family who grew tired of his selfish ways. His mom and brother has left him alone, he became lonely and alone filled with success but void of happiness.

As time passes and months gone, Patrick's world began to crumble, he was wealthy and rich but his wealth and power could not fill the void within. He was left alone, and a sad feeling of unhappiness crept into his heart and was left with the bitter taste of regret. He realized that his blind ambition has consumed him and lead him to regret, he lost sight of what matter in life - family, love and friendship and kindness, until one day his redemption came knocking.

"Who's there" Patrick shouted trying to know who it was. As he opened the door it was the stranger, the person he has been looking for to undo what he has done.

"hello once again,". The mysterious stranger said

"please take back the wealth and power, I don't want it anymore" Patrick pleaded.

" But you said you wanted more wealth and power" the stranger replied

"That was my blind ambition to have wealth , but now I have it what good is it to me if my family and friends are not here to enjoy it with me," he said stating out the reasons why he didn't want the wealth.

" Ok you have spoken like a true man" the stranger replied and left.

Patrick began to reach out to his family again, slowly rebuilding his life back and never underestimating the love of family. He learned that true success comes from within and that blind ambitions can lead to severe consequences. Though his path to redemption was full with many challenges but Patrick persevered. He went ahead to meet the people who were affected by his past actions and try to make amends, some where forgiving while some were not but Patrick never gave up to earn back their trust.

Years passed by and Patrick was now a transformed person, he because a force for good and helping the poor and needy, he reconnected with his loved ones and formed a new meaningful relationship with them. Patrick now a old man looked back at his life and past achievements, and was satisfied. He knew he has made mistakes but he has also learned from them, he realized that power and wealth is not all that matters and that the love of family and friends should be cherished greatly.



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Patrick is lucky to have had a second chance to make things right. Imagine the man didn't return, he would have lived with regret all his life.


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All those who are driven by blind ambition end up with unpleasant results in the long run. Patrick learned his lesson and understood that money and riches are not everything in life.

Great story 👍👍👍👍


Nice story 👍👍👍 money and wealth cannot take ov the relevance of family no matter how important the former may seem.


He is indeed lucky to have a second chance at redemption. There is nothing greater than the love of family and friends and he learnt that the hard way. Had it been the stranger didn't return, he would have loved his life in regret.


He was given the chance to trace where he missed it. Nice
