Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Fog of War
RULESET: Fog of War
Description: All units lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
Scattershot still works in this ruleset.
One of my favorite rules because sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities are disabled. The less variables we have to consider, the better.

The Strategy

For this battle, we have the Wands Out and Fog of War ruleset. The Wands Out rule limits both parties to choose only monsters with Magic attack.
We have a mid-mana battle at 34, and we have all elements active except for earth. Some of the high-damage magic monsters are in dragon, however since this is a mid-mana battle, we won't be using high-mana dragon monsters, instead use reasonable mana-cost Water element Summoner and monsters.
The Summoner

For magic-only battles, it's usually best to take the offensive stance compared to debuffed or reduced damage stance. For this battle, we'll choose the former and use Alric Stormbringer to add +1 to our magic offense.
1st Slot - Legendary Void Djinn Oshannus

For our tank, we'll choose Djinn Oshannus because of its Void and Phase abilities. We will combine this with Silence to reduce our opponent's magic damages.
2nd Slot - Legendary Blast Ruler of the Seas

Chosen because of its blast ability. I only discovered just now that this monster has the Swiftness ability at level 2. Interesting.
3rd Slot - Magic Silencer Elven Mystic

As mentioned earlier, we will combine Djinn Oshannus's Void ability with Silence. Elven Mystic has this ability at level 4.
4th Slot - Quick Mischievous Mermaid

Since we're choosing buffed magic offense, we're choosing quick, high-damage monsters. Mischievous Mermaid is one. At level 3, this epic monster has the Dodge ability which for now is something we won't be needing.
5th Slot - Stun Monster Medusa

One of the lessons we learned from our battles is that no matter how strong your monster is, it's useless when its stunned.
6th Slot - Dispel Monster Venari Spellsmit

One of the monsters I've searched that has the Amplify ability. Although we won't be needing or using it in this battle, let's just use it to see the difference it does.
This completes our lineup.
The Battle
Afer buffs and debuffs applied:
Our opponent chose a debuff approach by choosing Bortus to reduce all magic damages. Bortus basically just cancelled Alric Stormbringer's +1 to magic.
Let's see how the battle pans out.
End of Round 1
Based on the lineup, I think we can already see what the outcome of this battle will be.
Two legendary tanks monsters with void face each other at tank. And until one of these monsters are taken down, only monsters with 2 magic damage matter. In our opponent's side, only 1 monster meets this criteria - Nerissa Tridawn.
On our side however, we have three monsters - Djinn Oshannus at tank, Ruler of the Seas at 2nd, and Mischievous Mermaid at 4th.
Let's see how Round 2 goes.
End of Round 2
We were able to reduce the opponent's tank's health to 4. Since the opponent doesn't have any tank healer, it will only be a matter of time until it's taken down.
Ruler of the Seas was also doing damage our opponent's River Hellondale at 2nd, however is being healed by Spirit Hoarder's triage.
Let's see how Round 3 goes.
End of Round 3
We were able to reduce the opponent's tank to 1. In the next round, the opponent's tank will be taken down.
Let's see how Round 4 goes.
End of Round 4
We were able to take down our opponent's tank in the previous and triggerred River Hellondale's revive. It was used to revive Djinn Oshannus. However, since it only has 1 health after being revived, we were still able to take it down in the same round.
At this point, our opponent now only has 3 monsters. Due to monsters being taken down, our opponent's Musa Saline's health, due to its Scavenger ability, increased to 6.
Let's see how Round 5 goes.
End of Round 5
Our opponent now only has 2 monsters remaining - Nerissa Tridawn and Musa Saline. Since we've already taken down Djinn Oshannus, the succeeding monsters no longer had void ability as such the magic damages of our monsters are now taking effect and are taking down our opponent's monsters one by one.
Let's see how Round 6 goes.
End of Round 6
Our lineup's magic damage attacks was sufficient to take down the remaining two monsters.
Djinn Oshannus dealt 2 magic damage to Nerissa Tridawn to take it down which added one health to Musa Saline which increased to 7.
Since Nerissa Tridawn got taken down, the next monster in line was Musa Saline. Next attack came from Mischievous Mermaid with 2 magic damage, then Ruler of the Seas with 2 damage, then Elven Mystic's 1 damage, Medusa 1 damage, and Venari Spelsmith's 1 damage, which totalled to 7.
This took down the last monster and won us the battle. Although I believe Fog of War really didn't come much into play to this battle, we somehow planned our lineup well to help us get the win.
Battle Result
We get a nice +22 boost to ranking and 0.71 SPS to our SPS HODL stash!
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