The Last 24 Hours: The Final Countdown


What would you do if you had 24 hours to live?


When I saw this question. It took me time to reason about it because, frankly speaking, this is one of the toughest and most confusing questions someone can ever ask you, especially when you have never thought about something like it before in your life.


If I had 24 hours left to live my life, I would try to make every moment count by spending time with my loved ones.

Staying close to those who love you and those you love will have a great impact on your life. 24 hours is not too short to leave a footprint in someone's life that will remain evergreen in their memory.

The important thing is to note the right time to do that, which will make people remember you even after your existence. Family is life, and family is the starting point of every man's success.



If my clock has only 24 hours left for me. I will make sure that I'm at peace with my family and beloved ones. I would forgive those that may have offended me, and I would ask those that I offended to forgive me as well.

I always tell myself that life is too short to waste time holding grudges against my brothers. Malice is a force that will never let one grow, especially when it comes to family members.

I would make sure that my family is in unity and that peace and harmony are restored before my time elapses.

I would always reflect on my life and be grateful to my Maker for the experiences I have had.


Living my remaining hours by reflecting on the experiences life has taught me is one of the best ways to live if I had 24 hours left.

I will check myself to see if I actualize all the things I dreamed about. Even if I had not achieved everything, I would still be grateful because at least I have created a good name for myself.

Thanks for reading through.


