Dare to think


My favorite book of the bible is the preacher's message. The wise king Solomon who explored everything his heart sought for. On several occasions he called everything a vanity, and for one singular fact,- we never gain true satisfaction. Nothing is new under the sun is one striking comment, so whatever seems new was once done, and anything that makes you boastful has once been done. Sit calm, listen and ponder, there's more that is, that the eyes can see, but only if you dare to think. I'll be writing about the phases of life, one I have experienced, and a few things I have learned. Maybe, just maybe, there's a missing puzzle I may uncover.

The Entirety of Life

No one knows how he was born except for the scientific description of how an embryo is formed within a woman's womb. But more than that, a life was introduced into the world. To the family, they had a child, to a religion, someone was born who was expected to fulfill a certain purpose for his conception. A purpose that was never revealed to him, but then it was his duty to dig deep to find out what it is.

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We then grow up with a zeal for certain things, some don't, and it feels like, what you love to do, should be related to your purpose. But along the path to uncover this purpose comes life challenges that try to stop you. One battles with resources and his well-being and it becomes a struggle after another.

Who am I?

This is a question that troubles the heart of people who dare to think, the start of every quest is the desire to know who we are. If that can be answered correctly, then our existence is sure to find meaning. It's not enough to just live, it's not enough to have everything we desire, it's not enough to struggle daily under the sun, what really matters is what counts to our existence. Peradventure our purpose is still lost, do one good everyday, who knows, it might be all that was ever required of you.
