Unconscious learning



One of the things I have come to realize is that unconscious learning is real and it can easily kill anybody even though there are some things we learn unconsciously that we don’t know. The environment is a great teacher in this field and so many times people will always deny the fact their environment had so impact on them. When you the way a certain region dresses it always looks so similar and if you have a visitor in your environment you can simply tell they are not from around that place simply by their dressing even though some regions dress in a particular way because of their climate but when they leave that environment and go to a new location with the different climate they still can’t change their dressing code

Another good example is music most times I learned so many songs unconsciously in the gym and the thing is I have already memorized those songs and to me, I was not paying attention to those songs but because they played those songs all over again while I was working out I learned it without knowing. This also happens to us in our environment we just developed a dress code, the type of deodorant we like, and the kind of people we believe to be good person unconsciously. Everybody sees this as a normal thing but they determine how we live our lives and the kind of result we will get at the end of the day.

Don’t expect something different

Some of the things we learn unconsciously have the most effects on our lives and become involuntary actions. Some people end up changing their beliefs and doing what they thought they could never do but don’t know how it all happened and most times it is always because of what they let into their life. One thing about unconscious learning is that it won’t happen instantly and you will not even know you are learning new things your brain is already using all the information gathered and you are most likely to base all your upcoming decisions on the new things you are learning which can be good or bad.

So many people have learned so many things unconsciously and they are getting the result of what they are learning now if it is good, you will get good results and if it is bad you will get a bad result which is why we must protest ourselves from ear. You will always know when you put something in your mouth but it takes extra attention to know you are unconsciously learning something we should also guide our eyes because they work perfectly with our brain to learn things that can destroy us and remember we will always get the result according to what we put in.

Always guides yourself

We must always guide ourselves because I’m gonna show learning is powerful and they have decided much faith in life. This can also go as far as determining successful we will become and it takes extra work to guide our mind and we must have power over everything we let in into our body. Unconscious learning is a real issue the world we find ourselves today because internet and the new technology.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's an interesting topic. It could be good or bad but I guess habit just adds up over time. It doesn't hurt to reflect on what you have been doing to make sure there aren't any harmful habits.


If the environment is not ideal for individual growth, then the person may end up developing a victim mentality, unconsciously believing that life only happens to him or her. Somehow, social media algorithms have a major influence our subconsciously learning process, we doom scroll without any conscious awareness.


I thought you'd actually bought a car, I wanted to actually say congrats.
