Working Together Plays A Vital Role When It Comes to Achieving A Distinct Goal...


Wow... What a day
There is a popular saying that says that "Two heads are better than one" Also, you will agree with me that "Fours heads are more better than two" 🤣🤣🤣



In life today, many people have come across various opportunities of making it to the top and achieving great goals but they lost it... Most people cannot handle success, by this i mean that some persons, when they are almost becoming victorious most especially when money is involved and power is given, they lost themselves there. During this time, they cannot control themselves again, mostly thinking of how rich and how powerful they will become after that. Before they realize it, their weakness have settled in and consume them and they loose it. At this point, they are decreasing and not increasing...😢😢😢

He lost it because he felt he could do it alone, not seeking advice, and not even listening to any, how do you expect to win...

You see, every persons around you has a part to play around you, they are not just there for fun alone..



You see an engineer at a site with lots of workers, why?
Our people say that "no man is in island" As a single person, you cannot do the work, where a single person is in charge, deciding and effecting changes alone, there is bound to be problems and mistakes...

That is why a king does not rule alone, he has cabinets to help him in most cases. Some advice him, some help him carry out most actions, most representing him, allowing him to have some time for himself to think and to rest as well...
When there is an issue on ground, he first solicit from his cabinet for more ideas.. At the end of the day, they will all rejoice together if it was successful...


To people that say that they can do it without needing any person to assist, you lie (e shock you??) You need help bro.

Let me tell you, a king cannot function well without the kingsmen, likewise every man... You need the wisdom of another person, you need the advice, words even the experience of others to succeed..

To all of this, all am trying to portrait is that If you are set on achieving a set target, the need to consider the ideas of people is necessary and very very important. Our people say that "A tree cannot Become a Forest" meaning that you cannot succeed all alone, you need people.

Have a Wonderful weekend guys...
Love y'all..

