What Can You Buy For $10.00 in Your Market Friday?


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It is no secret that I love Markets! Amy and all. I am always looking at different cultures to see how they are different and then again how much they are the same. I thought it would be interesting to make a comparison this week. Let's find out what we can buy with a fixed amount of money, and I made it $10.00 US. Whatever that calculates in your local currency, so we can compare the cost in the world markets. I think it would be fun and more than interesting. It could be a movie or the entrance to a place of interest, but, most likely, it will be food. I actually wanted to see how many dinners I could put together for 4 people without breaking the budget. Were you able to do it?


How I spent $10.00 in the market! This idea was not my own but dreamed up by my friend @bluemoon. He always has good ideas. Perhaps you have one too? If you do, leave a suggestion in the comment section. I will be sure to give it consideration. Thank you! Any questions? You can reach me on discord: dswigle3637

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.


When I went to the market this week, I had in mind that I would put meals together for less than ten dollars to feed a family of four. Seems easy, doesn't it? I will say that it was challenging, but, definitely doable. I came up with several meals. It actually was quite fun and I am happy that I did it. It opened up some new possibilities for me.


So, I am curious! How did you do this week? Were you able to make progress, spend all of your $10.00, or did you have money left over? Haha! I wa being funny! I am pretty sure that nobody has a lot of money left over if any! Otherwise, you would be starving!

I could have gone to the movies, but the average price for a movie and popcorn, because who goes to the movie and doesn't get popcorn. Raise you hand. Anyway, it is out of my price range.


I hope you had fun with this one! I look forward to seeing how well you do on this one this week! I found that big meal pots of food really lasted so much better! Did you just go in and find three or four things you knew were on sale?


Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤


And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

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As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower





Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
  3. Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
    PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
  5. Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
  6. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

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You are right ma. Every woman needs to love the market, because we visit the market more often.
Thanks for sharing.
This is my entry for this Friday.



Thank you for the words and for dropping the link.

In most families, there is generally one person that does the shopping. I have found that the world over, there are many men that do the marketing.

Thank you for joining #MarketFriday!


I can never spend less than $10 at Walmart. I have been able to do that at Aldi's; but at Walmart , I turned into a compulsive buyer. Ha , ha, ha . And do you know why? it is because I always find Venezuelan products at Walmart, and get them. The last thing I found was a non-alcoholic beverage called " Malta ". I did not hesitate to buy it , and the list goes on. SO, I end up paying more than expected.


Here's my post:https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@francisaponte25/marketfriday-what-to-buy-for-dollar10-lo-que-puedo-comprar-con-10-dolares


I realize that. The whole concept is to see what you can buy for $10.00, not can you do shopping for only $10.00 - Nobody would have anything to show. It is interesting most Indonesians thought it was too much money and the rest of the world is struggling to find things, so it is pretty interesting. I didn't even get to put mine in, my purchase anyway. I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (serious! bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.) So I had the mitigating people out there for hours and hours... well into the dark of night, so I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought. Pfft. Do you know how I complained about doing it earlier than the night of posting? I think I finally learned my lesson. After 5 years!

So, basically, I didn't even finish writing my own challenge which is shameful but, I am going to do my Market Post earlier in the week for sure! I understand about buying when you see home products. I did that in Europe too as you would think the products are similar, but, silly things like little girls' socks and undergarments were not at all the same! I had to have my mother send them to me. Then, comfort food was not the same, but eventually, I migrated over to their comfort foods and had the same issues when I came back to the States! 🤣

Thanks so much for the words and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thanks so much for the


I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (serious! bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.)

Sorry to hear that . Hope you had it fixed.

I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought.

😂 It takes what it has to take. No worries. I have stayed till late writing , but it is because, I cant sleep if I dont get things done. Greetings 😍


That was exactly it. Last time I looked, it was 4am, but there was work the next day, so there is my limiting factor.

I hope you are having a nice day! The weekend is upon us!


$10 does not go far these days, I think if you could do a meal for 4 with $10 your doing very well, I think I would struggle, off to the supermarket after this comment, and will think about that as I look around

Here is my post for this week and I did forget the $10 question :(



It's fine, JJ! @tattoodjay It was a little fun, just to see what in the world one could buy for $10.00. No harm, no foul.

It is interesting most Indonesians thought it was too much money and the rest of the world is struggling to find things, so it is pretty interesting. I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (serious! bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.) So I had the mitigating people out there for hours and hours... well into the dark of night, so I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought. Pfft. Do you know how I complained about doing it earlier than the night of posting? I think I finally learned my lesson. After 5 years!

Anyway. I am truly grateful for all the support you send my way!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Ohh no what a nightmare, glad you could get the team in to do mitigation fairly quickly

I always like to have a few posts prepared in advance as you know just incase anything happens, but with
the kids last weekend and Lulu having a few appointments this week, I have used up al I had prepared in advance and tomorrow is another busy day, hopefully Sunday I can make some time for editing photos and preparing posts

always a pleasure visiting your posts my friend :)


I am so busy all the time like that so I am never ahead, sadly.

It was a nightmare and the mitigation team ripped out part of a bedroom, kitchen, and garage ceiling and pulled out all the wet insulation. Plus the floor to the bathroom, is a ceramic tile that matches the tub tiles. All in less than ten minutes of water, but, plenty of it.

The mitigation team will be back tomorrow to check the giant dehumidifiers in each of those rooms, plus giant fans. It may be all dried out by then, but, so many more contractors to come.


Hope you get time to do some editing!


Our simple fruits and vegetable are getting expensive too.
For this #marketfriday, 10 bucks can only contribute half my last week dinner.


Like many other people! So I ask, what did you get for your $10? :)) Indonesians are the only ones that said they got plenty for that much! Perhaps we need to adjust our location?

Hehe! Thanks for taking part in the challenge, Ace! @ace108

#MarketFriday loves you!


You' welcome. Indonesia is probably the lower cost of living country around south east asia but I'm sure gas prices are affect them too.


feed a family of four for $10?????? 🙄 I would not be able to feed the two of us with this amount of money 😁 if we talk about a product with a discount, then maybe I could find 1 kg of cherries on the market for 10 dollars. but it's too expensive for us. we will wait: maybe the price will drop a little. I'm very curious what kind of dishes you cooked for this amount? 😀


I didn't buy the cherries for dinner but did buy them. I took a picture of them, showing off what I saw at the store! It is interesting most Indonesians thought it was too much money and the rest of the world is struggling to find things, so it is pretty interesting. I didn't even get to put mine in, my purchase anyway. I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (seriously bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.) So I had the mitigating people out there for hours and hours... well into the dark of night, so I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought. Pfft. Do you know how I complained about doing it earlier than the night of posting? I think I finally learned my lesson. After 5 years!)

I did make chili with a package of ground meat for $4.99, red kidney beans and pinto beans, tomatoes, and spices, which I had. That is it. A hearty meal for four.

Another is 4 large peppers, stuffed with rice and spices which was $6.50, and watermelon for dessert.

Two cans of tomatoes, seasoning, spaghetti, and hot sausage for right at $10.00 Then used the other half of the leftover watermelon.

I have become the queen of $10.00 meals!

Thank you for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


oh oh oh my dear!!!! what a nuisance!!!!! 😮 I hope your rooms haven't been badly damaged by the water. will you have to do repairs to this part of the house? we had something similar. but we were very lucky that it was during the day and at that moment we were at home. the husband managed to quickly turn off the water and call a friend who was able to help with the repair. it's very hard not to sleep at night. I hope you had the opportunity to rest later in the afternoon. wow! you cooked cool menu!!! in the first option, my meat would not fit into the indicated amount, and in the second, I would hardly be able to cram watermelon into 10 dollars either 😁😀


It was a nightmare and the mitigation team ripped out part of a bedroom, kitchen, and garage ceiling and pulled out all the wet insulation. Plus the floor to the bathroom, is a ceramic tile that matches the tub tiles. All in less than ten minutes of water, but, plenty of it.

The mitigation team will be back tomorrow to check the giant dehumidifiers in each of those rooms, plus giant fans. It may be all dried out by then, but, so many more contractors to come.


Your food is very high there, as is everything. I don't know why that surprised me. I guess I had no idea it was so expensive.

What is your best priced meal that you like to prepare?


hummus! 😀 oh oh oh my dear! I wish you much strength to overcome this trouble 😮😞


Hi Denise,
I’m so late today with everything… been away. But just posted my post:
“Market Friday” ~ Today in MÁLAGA, Spain 🇪🇸 And how I spend $10,-

Now I will go through the other posts of #marketfriday… looking forward to reading them and comparing $10 dollars spend.

So great you tried to make dinners for 4 with 10 dollars, that’s quite a challenge hahaha well done you 🤩
Have a great day 👋🏻😁


It worked out well. I just got home, so I am just starting to do my comments on the post here, so I will be lagging behind you in the comments on the posts.

Le sigh. 😃

Thank you for the support of the challenge. It is interesting most Indonesians thought it was too much money and the rest of the world is struggling to find things, so it is pretty interesting. I didn't even get to put mine in, my purchase anyway. I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (serious! bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.) So I had the mitigating people out there for hours and hours... well into the dark of night, so I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought. Pfft. Do you know how I complained about doing it earlier than the night of posting? I think I finally learned my lesson. After 5 years! Because life is always exciting here. :))

Enjoy the rest of your day! Thank you for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Haven’t started yet hahaha replying to notifications first. Almost… I will have a look 😁

You are so welcome 😁
Yes, it’s funny to see such a difference. Between countries.

O nooooo 😱😱😱😱😳😳😳😳 so sorry to hear. That’s terrible!
It keeps you for sure in your toes. 🧐 hope it is fixed and resolved soon and it didn’t damage to much.
Biggg hugggg 🤗🤗

Life is indeed exciting, here too hahaha 🤣
Late evening before I could post mine… now 22:31 and just finished some dinner hahaha I’m truly late with everything.

Enjoy your day/ evening further as much as you can!


It was a nightmare and the mitigation team ripped out part of a bedroom, kitchen, and garage ceiling and pulled out all the wet insulation. Plus the floor to the bathroom, is a ceramic tile that matches the tub tiles. All in less than ten minutes of water, but, plenty of it.

The mitigation team will be back tomorrow to check the giant dehumidifiers in each of those rooms, plus giant fans. It may be all dried out by then, but, so many more contractors to come.


This too shall pass. :)


Luckily they were there quickly and did all they could.
Think it will be dry and the repair works can start soon. Yes, lots of contractors to follow.

Oi indeed…

It will Denise, soon it’s all in order again. Look at your beautiful garden and flowers 🌸 they brighten up the day. 🌹
Good morning to you 👋🏻☀️💃🏻



Good day Denise, I blew IT with my visit to the French bakery, there was no way I could get of the place at $10, but it was a wonderful morning enjoying the great weather, a fresh brewed coffee and a buttery almond croissant.
Here's my market Friday.



Haha@ We all blew it! I don't care how much you spent, but, what that $10.00 will buy. Maybe a croissant? Perhaps two?

At any rate, it has been a fun exercise!

I hope you are doing well and I just love that you and the hubby join the challenge! I look forward to the post! Thank you for your support!

#MarketFriday loves you!

French Bakeries rock!!!❤️


Dear Denise, what a great topic with fresh fruits picture! Yes, our money is getting small value due to inflation, the simple material and stuffs price up this year.
Here my post for #marketfriday
Thank you ☺️


Thank you! Our money is getting smaller in value! Yes! I cannot believe how much it has gone up, even the fuel! I have never seen it this high.

Thank you for stopping by with your words and for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes it is scary..
Whole world is facing the same problem this year!


Good Gracious, is there anything left at the market for #10 ??? LOL

I kind of stopped looking at prices. I just pick out what I want and add it to my shopping cart...LOL... no sense in shopping and being mad about it and since I still have mine delivered, it's not like I am going to be shopping around a lot. I'm trying to close my eyes and hope things get better.... one day.

Those oranges made for a bright happy photo.

Actually, there is! !! Of course, we may be looking at different items.


I can actually make a few things, and although it is a challenge, one of the things that made it fun. Because #MarketFriday is worldwide, Indonesia is in its element, they could feed the neighborhood, or close to it. :))

I can see your point, though. I agree that it is easier to do it that way. I know you have yours delivered, but I have never stopped doing my own shopping. I am not sure, but I felt better about selecting my own plus the fact that I was the only one shopping (or so it seemed) in the stores. I know it is not true, but, the aisles were empty and I think it might have had an echo!

Things appear better (although the numbers must be lying!) and now the stores have more people plus they aren't wearing masks...

Wait. This is the #MarketFriday and here I am whining about no masks!



If I could go to a store where there was nearly no one there, I would reconsider. I totally understand about choosing your own, especially when it comes to produce. I have been lucky though, that I have not had too many issues and the few things that have not been right, I just go back online and say I need a refund and I get it with no hassle. I knew you were in a good place shopping, because you have a wide open purse in your shopping cart. That would not be too safe in the average grocery store unfortunately, even if it were not in a questionable neighborhood.

Things are not better except that now it seems not so many people are dying with covid with the new strains. Thing is, you never know which strain you may get. I see that the news isn't telling the truth about how many folks are still getting covid. They are ducking their heads and let people fall where they may. Too many people whined, wah, wah, wah,.... don't tell me what to do, so now nobody wants to tell the truth about things. Oh yeah... right, it is nearly over ! ha ha.... sheep.....

I still wear a mask the few places I go in, but I still try to keep my distance and it is true that nearly nobody else wears one. I dash in and out again. Sounds paranoid and that is ok with me, I am just use to it now and it doesn't seem like a big deal to protect myself as best I can see fit. I have nobody to take care of me if I go down, so I need to stay safe. Yes... I have family, but I would not want them here if I had covid.


Of course, I wasn't meaning it all snobby-like, it is just that I had to work in it every single day, so going to the grocery store wasn't too much of a stretch. I didn't mix with family for the longest time. I went to see my sister when they told her she might have cancer. (She did) I take a basket grocery shopping and carry little with me, but, you are right. I am pretty sure I could go to the ladies' room and come back and nothing would be touched, but, of course, I am not about to test it.

I was being snarky when I said that everything is all better because that is what they act like. It's all over! Let's open up 100%

Le sigh

Of course, it is. I have had more people I know get covid and some get really sick and others not so much, but, that doesn't mean I need to try it out. I'm good. I still wear a mask. I don't even feel weird about it. Even if, I wouldn't care. For you, I know you worry about giving anything to your mom and I would too. I feel like a prisoner without the ability to jump on a plane or hop on a cruise ship. Of course, one can jump on either, but, no thanks. Not today.

Stay safe, you know I am trying hard to, even if I go grocery shopping. :)


You made me laugh Sis !

I never think you are being snobby, well, unless you are obviously being snarky for a good and fun reason.

I can see how you would be safer at a non-crowded grocery store than work. My niece graduated and is an RN in an emergency room in Greensboro. What a brave soul... right ? Well... maybe not, she is so young she is probably still invincible..... in her head. LOL....


Well with the rampant inflation here in the Czech Republic, we definitely cannot buy as much for 10 bucks as we could just a couple of years ago when we were here last time but luckily, the supermarkets still offer quite generous discounts so if you go for discounted items only, you can still get a decent amount of food even here ;)

Happy Market Friday Denise! Greetings from Prague :)


That is true! The discounts are really pretty good and the place I go to offers up $20.00 off of $100.00 (these are sent to your house, so you have to be a loyal customer) But, if I am doing a major shopping, on top of the regular discounts, it adds up when you stack your savings.

The prices have gone up ridiculously and I do find myself leaning into the saving discounts more and more. It is a good habit anyway!

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your support!

MarketFriday loves you!


I can't take part in the challange, because today to provide information through your post on friday afternon indonesian time, so I din't have to go the market. Nex time I can join the challange , the best is on saturday indonesian is it possible? Thank you very much, greetings.


You always post on Saturday, so it is fine. I have to say Friday as it is #MarketFriday ! :)

If you can't do the $10 one, a regular market is ok.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Thank @dswigle, that's also if you give a challenge. Thank you for information.greetings.


You are welcome! Greetings!


hmm $10 only get's me 1 gallon of fuel for the car :) but i did get some nice solar powerd garden lights for € 10,- this morning thats $ 10.75 so that should be close enough :)

have a great weekend Denise


That sounds close enough! It was a huge challenge! I am happy to see you made it!

#MarketFriday loves you!


they even seem to work for € 10.- :)


Winner!Winner! Chicken dinner!

That is not a bad deal! :))


Woo, that's great! A ten dollars gives you the chance a lots of things from the market. Thus keep it continue every friday wtih market friday.



It will be interesting to see what we can see for this week's ten-dollar haul! Thanks so much for being part of the #MarketFriday community! :)

I appreciate you dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow, those cherries had to be a good portion of your bill I would bet. They aren't cheap. Those are some nice looking roma's though. I might hit the meat market on my way home, but I guarantee I will be spending much more than $10!


Actually, the cherries were just at the market and not part of my $10.00 haul. You are right, but, I cannot figure out why cherries have always been expensive!

Well, you can do the meat market and I am sure you can show what part of your purchase was $10.00! :) It is interesting most Indonesians thought it was too much money and the rest of the world is struggling to find things, so it is pretty interesting. I didn't even get to put mine in, my purchase anyway. I was actually up most of the night as one of the pipes in one of the bathrooms burst (serious! bust and was spraying everywhere and flooded a bedroom, walking closet, and the ceiling in the walkway out to the laundry room area of the kitchen and garage; all in less than five minutes.) So I had the mitigating people out there for hours and hours... well into the dark of night, so I was doing MarketFriday until 4 am... and never got my items up that I bought. Pfft. Do you know how I complained about doing it earlier than the night of posting? I think I finally learned my lesson. After 5 years!

Anywho! Good luck with your meat purchase and thanks always for your support!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh gosh, that is horrible! I am sorry you have to deal with that. I don't wish flooded rooms on anyone! It was probably one of the worst experiences my wife and I have had in the past five years.


It was a nightmare and the mitigation team ripped out part of a bedroom, kitchen, and garage ceiling and pulled out all the wet insulation. Plus the floor to the bathroom, is a ceramic tile that matches the tub tiles. All in less than ten minutes of water, but, plenty of it.

The mitigation team will be back tomorrow to check the giant dehumidifiers in each of those rooms, plus giant fans. It may be all dried out by then, but, so many more contractors to come.


Oh, yeah! Pretty darn miserable. But, this too shall pass.


Did they have to bring an electrician in to patch directly to your breaker panel for the dehumidifiers? My buddy owns a handyman company and when I showed him the total bill and what the mitigation team charged for the subs to come in he said "man, I need to start doing insurance work". We got lucky that our insurance covered about $10k of the total cost.


Ours will most likely be covering the entire thing with a $500 deductible. There is 220 in the garage which the kitchen is off there and the dehumidifiers upstairs are 110. Seem to be working well and they will be back tomorrow to check the progress. The insurance company is paying that portion of the electric bill, with the approximation from regular service.

The subs the insurance company sends are always awesome. I had hurricane damage in one of the houses down south and they were amazing in their coverage and their quick hustle to make everything right.

We will see how it goes.


Ah, I had an $10 idea and was all set to implement it yesterday, but I forgot that we have national holidays yesterday and today for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and many of the shops are closed 😅. Never mind, I can do it another time.

On the other hand, I have been invited to a pop-up Jubilee Cream tea this afternoon at one of my neighbours so that was a nice surprise.

Have a lovely weekend 😍


How cool is that!! Save your idea for next week, seems many people are wanting to do it next week too.

I am much more enamored with the Jubilee Cream Tea than a market post! A girl has gotta have fun! :) There is always next week or the week after. I hope you have a splendid time!

#MarketFriday loves you!😍


Sorry I have missed the $10 Market but I wish I was in El Salvador for that because you could buy so many fresh veggies and fruits for $10.

But here is my entry:


You were in El Salvatore? How nice! I hope you had a wonderful trip. Hot and humid down there and yes! I am surprised you didn't take pictures, but, I am sure you went to visit people and have some fun. Welcome back and thank you for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I was in El Salvador 3 years ago but I wish I just came back from there.
We actually lived there for about 3 years on and off but we want to move back there. My husband is from there.


I feel better now. I remember when you said you go back and forth. I reread it and it says you wish you were there.

I thought you were from Venezuela? I guess when times get better, you will go there. Back and forth is nice for a change but keeping up with two houses is taxing after a while. I remember your kids liked it there.


$10, eh?



Gotta give this one some thought.


It is actually not too bad if you have eaters that are not fussy. $20.00 says you have texture issues. Just guessing. For some reason, young people today have issues with texture. I cannot tell if their palates are more discerning or if they have more of a voice and my parenting skills are different from my parents.

Okay, they definitely were.

Anyway, I would be interested to see what you come up with, Victor! @wwwiebe No pressure, it is far too short a weekend to worry about it!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Hey, I know, it's a Sturday, but I just posted my Market Friday post:


Thanks for taking the time to post in #MarketFriday. I read your post already and found it interesting. :) To answer you comment on another post, it is not all about markets and food you bought, although a lot of them will be this week as the prompt was: What can you buy for $10.00 - but, we consider anything that you spend money on, for goods or an experience or even an entry fee... they are all considered markets. Once I went to an auction, I used a cruise... we just get a little creative.

#MarketFriday loves you!


I realised this week was going to be exciting when I read your post last week. What we can buy with $10 in our markets will spice up this week's episode, making it very interesting. Denise, this will give us a great learning experience from different market. Budgeting well can save us big time especially in these times when prices of products keep rising everyday. Here is my submission for today:



I agree with you! There are lessons to be learned when you force yourself to think outside the box also. I made meals within the $10.00 this week for a family of 4. If I bought in bulk, I saved even more. We can cheat the system if we are careful.

In these days where money is scarce but the needs are not, it pays to watch where your money goes. Also, some products go further than others. I buy the leftover tomatoes from one of the farmers markets, where they are a little bruise or not sold. I make my spaghetti sauce with it, they are less than half price, and then I can it or freeze some. I can usually get about 6-8 meals out of it, for less than $10.00 for the tomatoes. Of course, that is less the meat, but, still a great bargain!

Thanks for stopping by and reading and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


This is the link to my entry - https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@debbie-ese/market-friday-with-dswigle-some-clarification-on-how-perishable-goods-stay-longer-in-possession-of-sellers-in-markets.

$10 is quite a lot when it is converted to my Nigerian Naira. It can get a movie ticket for two and there will still be some money available to take cab back home. LOL.

It can conveniently prepare a meal for four people as well but they may not eat up to their satisfaction.


Thank you for reading the post and leaving your comment and dropping your link behind.

Wow! I can barely buy one ticket for $10.00! That is pretty amazing that you can buy all of that! That is one of the things I like about #MarketFriday, jut learning things like this!

Thank you for participating!

#MarketFriday loves you!


$10.00 is about N6,000 and depending on the movie, the year of release most tickets (including popcorn 🍿 and drinks 🍾sell for at least N2,500. Two tickets is N5,000 and there will still be about a thousand naira remaining.

Even at this price most people still find it expensive to afford. N2,500 is a whole lot of money for most people to use to see a movie.

What is an average price of movie ticket in the USA?



I live in Washington, DC, so it is higher here an in all the cities. However, there are small independent theaters that have movies for half the normal price. If you take into consideration the highs and lows for the country, they average it to be $9.50 with under $7.00 on the cheap side and about $13.00 on the higher side. 3D movies cost more, as does popcorn and a drink.

In the long run, ours are higher than yours, but, the cost of living is higher, so I think we all have overpriced tickets! :) @debbie-ese


I dislike the average price though as I read somewhere that in Washington, DC, the average price for two movie tickets is $28.00 - so it depends on what kind of accommodations you have. Some have comfy chairs that tilt back and massage you. I don't want to fall asleep in the movies! ( I know of only a couple that has the amazing chairs and NO! I don't go to them. :)


$10 can buy 4 big tubers of yams at the Ghanaian market. In the villages, it can take care of a family's supper. Happy weekend dear.



That is pretty amazing, Sam! @mcsamm I can only imagine having those kinds of yams here in the US! There would be a huge swaying of eating those delicious yams for dinner. Some day, you will have to promise me that you will take a picture of one when it is cooked. I am curious what color they are inside and if they taste like the yams that I have here from my market.

Thanks so much for stopping by with your words and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


These days, going to the market around me is filled with uncertainty about the price increase.

Here's what $10 could get me


Oh, yes! I think everyone is experiencing the runaway prices! What a miserable way to shop!

Sounds like you made a buy! Thanks for joining in!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes, I did make a buy. Thanks for checking it out.


Wow $10! That will be quite a challenge with the crazy inflation going around us now. But yes, I would love to try this some time!

Here is me participating #marketfriday for this week but I am sorry I did not notice the $10 challenge:

Your little basket there on the trolley is so beautiful @dswigle! 😍


Thank you. No worries, many people didn't get to read the post last week, so about half did it, but, honestly, it's fine.

It was fun to do and amazing how different it is in the world with the prices and the things you can and can't buy with it.

I'm glad you like my basket! I love using baskets to keep extra masks etc in. Makes for easy access. You can use that $10 post anytime you want!

Thanks for stopping by with the comment and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I got myself a nice artisinal jar of marinara sauce the other day. When you're making a simple pasta and sauce you'll need some high quality ingredients. I wasn't disappointed at all.

The generics seem to put in so much sugar and salt these days it's very noticeable. Always strive for the best ingredients when possible, your senses will thank you each and every time.


That is awesome! I actually go to a farmers market where the tomato man will sell me for less than half price all his leftover tomatoes from the Friday and Saturdays market. He is not there on Sunday.

I make my marinara from that and some will get meat, some not, but will get my fresh clams that we get at the Shore. I love seafood pasta. I have to agree that the generics use too much sugar and salt and preservatives!! Holy Moly!!

I make batches of the marinara and jar some and freeze others. We are so spoiled though. We have never bought premade sauce ever, I have never even eaten it. Not that it is a bad thing, but my mom never bought it and so, I never thought of it as an option.


No premade sauce ever? You're a lucky one. You have all the great connections too, fresh made is the best type. I do it once in awhile if I get a great deal on a lot of tomatoes and the press gets a nice workout 🙂


Never, but just like anything else that is second nature, it didn't seem strange, it just was. We do make our own pasta, not always, but on special occasions. I wish it was always. But only so many hours in a day. My brothers even know how to make their own, so their wives have made it their job.:))

Check out your farmer's markets. They like to find a home for unsold/damaged produce. They don't travel well. Great for salsa too!


Greetings dear @dswigle
Here is my #MarketFriday blog and I hope you going to like it. Thank you 💐❤️💖



I am sure I will love it! Thank you so much for joining #MarketFriday and for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


So sweet of you dear, stay blessed and thank you once again 💐❤️💖


Thank you for your support of the community!


Hello dear friend @dswigle good afternoon
What a great idea our friend had with the slogan of the week
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend


Humble! You always put out a kick-butt post! For that, I want to thank you so much! It was a great post and I still want that awesome blue one@ ❤️

Thanks again for joining and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Looking 10 dollar bill, for other Countries such as Indonesia it is quite large, if it is exchange with rupiah it is around Rp 145.000,- (forty five thousand indonesian rupiah). Meaning if you buy orange , can get 5 kilograms. If you buy vegetables cucumbar, tomatoes, chili, is very cheap, to buy tomatoes can get 14 kilograms. Thank you.


That is awesome for you!! You can eat like a king there! Thanks so much for sharing that with us and thank you for reading and commenting, then dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


If at my place with $ 10 can buy a lot of fruit, because $ 10 = Rp 150,000


Sounds excellent! You are so lucky to have fresh fruit available at such a great price!

#Marketfriday loves you!


I love getting flowers!!!!


They are always beautiful, aren't they? Who doesn't love flowers!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Flowers are awesome.
I had a smiling gal give me an amazing flower today.

Today is amazing...


How sweet that is!


Well I started off the entire exchange by giving her some flowers so I'm just kind of on a different level out here in Oregon with all these cool people who are flower enthusiasts....


We should always look for savings...and establishing a budget is important.... thanks for sharing your shopping Friday.



I could not agree any more than I do! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


That is an interesting challenge especially with the way food prices are so high now. We learned how to stretch our money way this insane inflation. We survived a few layoffs and a foreclosure in a house. Never once starved. We bought a food saver vacuum sealer machine. So we were able to buy bulk packages of meat and portion them in meal size packages.


That is exactly what I do and have for years. The food saver allows me to do this and make my money stretch even further by having no waste.

I don't think it gets any better than that. Plus it keeps the food from getting freezer burn by taking all of the air out of them.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Here in my country, $10 can do a meal for 4 conveniently 😹


Well, I hope you show us how! :) That would be really nice!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I will be glad to, hopefully, in my next post


Here's the link to my post


Hopefully, I'd get to make a post on what meal $10 can do in few days


That is fine! Just remember to drop it on my post next Friday then! I appreciate you dropping this link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Definitely, I'll bear that in mind. Thank you ❤


You are welcome!


As promised, I made a post on the $10 shopping challenge.




You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.


I actually thought you already did that earlier on your bead post. Let me check it out.


This would be very interesting


I is going to be interesting to see what everyone has come up with! Did you do one this week?

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes of course and I will submit it very soon…was somehow busy today and couldn’t submit earlier


No problem. Take your time! Life is meant to be lived, the rest is incidental.


Hi, Denise, I greet you with the tardiness that unfortunately characterizes me lately. I'm sorry I couldn't benefit from you promoting me in your post. I had everything prepared (in my head) for this week's post but my habit of doing everything at the last minute has punished me this time too. Most of the time surprise problems intervene and prevent me from doing the right thing.

You did as you promised, you started this challenge which I see has had an unexpected effect that I didn't think of. It turned the theme a bit back to the classic and applied market, with reference to products and prices!
It seems to have some success and shows you that there are many who read your posts. That's what I gather from the very many comments you've received.

I saw what you went through with the water, terrible! I know these accidents and unpleasantness. I'm sorry this happened but at the same time, I saw once again how much you love and support this community. I, for sure, after such a disaster at home would not post in Hive anymore. Impressive your effort and willingness to dedicate yourself to more things at once.

Yes, the solution is to write in advance, to have a reserve in case of need. I've done that myself, I've done it a couple of times and it's been very good. Unfortunately, I haven't made a habit of it... yet!

I wish you to repair the damage as soon as possible and forget this ugly accident. I dare say I hope you have a most enjoyable weekend!


Hehe! Oh, Dan! @bluemoon I am sorry you couldn't benefit from the promotion, but, life happens. I also wait until the last moment, as is my habit and I rarely make a post early. I did it a few times and it was wonderful!! I keep saying I need to do it again, and yet, I don't!

It did have that effect and I knew it would. It is a standard fallback, although a couple of people used things they needed like shampoo and other personal items. Some people read the posts, others don't but, I guess that is where we differ. I always read the posts of contests. You might miss something if you don't.

The water was terrible. On my daughter's birthday! :( So, I was in the middle of making a black forest chocolate cake, and lucky I was home! It burst and I heard the water running upstairs and I ran up there! Good thing too. Minutes had passed. Just minutes and all that damage. All the mess, moving everything out of the room, calling the insurance, The water mitigators coming, For hours! Anyway, there are ceilings downstairs torn out from the water, and The tiles on the bathroom floor. baseboard... Oh, the mess. But, I made a nice dinner, had cake and birthday songs, and presents helped move more furniture out of the room, played a board game, and gave the workers something to eat and drink. Eventually, they left and I started #MarketFriday and finished at 4 am, and trust me, I was exhausted.

But, I lived to tell.



Happy Birthday to your daughter! She will probably remember this event for a long time...
Really lucky you were home, otherwise, there would have been damaged I can't even imagine.
You behaved wonderfully. You had the strength not to let it affect your daughter's celebration. I don't know why such things happen at the most inopportune times.

Fortunately, such damage can be repaired and you can get over it.
Have a nice Sunday and a bit of relaxation!

P.S. I'll have a slice of that cake. I'll have a slice of that cake. Happy Birthday to your daughter and thanks to mom!


I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post here - or on your post for tomorrow! hahaha

so I'll do both??? and then you won't have to go chasing me LOLOL - and you just ignore the one that its not supposed to be on hahahahahahaha

this was SOOOOOOOOOOO fun this week!!!



@dreemsteem I actually tagged you the night that you Announced to your people that they should Go to this post.If you look at it you'll see what I mean because I told you that I post 12 0 1 AM Eastern standard time


hehehehe ok! so - i post here? or wait for tomorrow's?

and don't worry - this is our first week LOL

They will be putting all their posts into DreemPort AND hitting your tag.. LOL if they get lost in the shuffle for this week for a comment from you - I will just apologize on Sunday's post and make it clearer!

see this is what I get for surprising you! LOL but next week I'll be better planned hahaha

ok - so... is it THIS post that i'm on now?

or tomorrow's???


(see i'm still daft.) hahahahahaha


@dreemsteem. Give me until 12:01 Eastern Standard Time (that is 9pm for you!) Three hours from now, I post #MarketFriday for this week. The one you are posting on has about 150 comments already. That is last weeks. We begin all over again. :)


I have to do that because I get people posted in whole week long and I could never catch up with them that way. I post tonight tonight at 9 or 10 PM your time and that is the post that will be coming to dawn


I am so sorry for the mix up and The post that you tagged was last week which makes sense why a couple people were commenting on it


no worries at all
we are so super flexible! it's all about fun - and I guess your tag is still getting activity one way or the other

I will make sure it's right for this week hahaha

so - if they post for next Friday...
then, should we wait for NEXT Thursday's post to link to?

is that right?


Oh my God woman I haven't posted yet you are beating me to it . No don't forget to drop your link on the new post. Lol This will be fun!


ahahaha ok ok! i get it now!!!

ok - so I will drop that link on TONIGHT'S post.. and just ignore this one that's here on THIS post.

and I'll make sure to tell everyone to look for NEXT THURSDAY'S post from you - to drop then!

and if we still get mixed up - we will have tons to laugh at!

it's all good!!! hahahahahaa


Tell them Friday, they can prepare their post early, just wait to drop the link, so that they will get some comments on it, especially linking it. If you say Thursday, they will look for it Wednesday night! :)

Sorry for the confusion! I call it #MarketFriday because it is posted on Thursday! LOL :))


It is all good! LOL Are you sure you aren't blonde like me?


This is a really brilliant idea, I'd love to appreciate @bluemoon for this beautiful idea and also you @dswigle for accepting the idea.

It would be fun to see how the price of things varies in different parts of the world. Thank you for this amazing opportunity Ma'am.


You can click on any post that dropped the link here, it may give you a good idea!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yeah, I'm already doing that, thanks for the beautiful suggestion Ma'am.


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Those tomatoes looks so fresh.

Nobody goes to the movies without popcorn hehehehe.

Here is my entry.
I apologize for the late entry.



The tomatoes Add a wonderful taste and the We're perfect in their consistency when I made tomato sauce. I try not to go to the movies without popcorn as it is one of my favorites and you can never duplicate it at home!

Thank you for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Going to movies is not an option. I would be spending more than $10. I didn't plan on buying things that I could make something of but rather things that we need and yes, mostly are food lol! There were no items on sale though.

Here is my entry for this week:


I need more practice and mostly self-control for I failed the challenge lol! I went over the budget! It was fun doing it though :D

I wonder what challenge will you come up next or @bluemoon :D


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 108 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!
