Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to this day! I always find it interesting to see the different markets and cultures from where you live.
Tell the truth! You thought I bought the beach, right? Seriously? I would if I could. the only thing I bought was the right to walk, sun, swim and shoot pictures. I'll take it! I know, you probably expected food or a grocery store, but for the new people out there, this counts as a #MarketFriday post. I took a four-day cruise to Bermuda, a British island territory in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. I would have to say that it is a nice mix of British and slight American culture, although definitely leaning on the British side. We were there for less than 30 minutes and as soon as they cleared us to leave the ship, off we went, jumped into a taxi right there at the port and he took us the few miles to Horseshoe Beach, which is carpeted with pink sand.
It is important to tell about the pictures you post. It doesn't count if I say, "this is a beach." I am pretty sure we know that, but, what about this beach? What is special about it? Why did you select it? I can see something I missed up there. Can you? I tell you they have pink beaches, but, I didn't take the time to tell you why they are pink. Pink sand is unusual so it makes sense (to me anyway) that you tell your readers why this is. The sand turns pink when thousands of pink coral pieces wash up onto the shore, giving the crashing waves the opportunity to break them down further, becoming part of the sand. In places, most notoriously islands have coral reefs, their beaches are mainly made up of beach sand.
I could give you another ten pictures of the beach and sand, or I could give you a different view. These signposts are mostly for amusement and are in many different vacation locations, just so you will know how far you are from some well-known places. Bermuda is 3,459 miles ( 5566.7 km ) just so you know you are far, far away. It is not exciting information, but, it still ties the post in with it. A slight detour or a back alley. Also, the picture is oriented in portrait, no the typical landscape, giving it a little bit of interest in the difference. To be fair, some of these things are subtle, but, I try hard to be a little interesting.
Please, please, please stop using blurry pictures. #MarketFriday is worth a decent picture. If it is blurry, leave it out. I have to say that I would rather have less pictures than have ones that are unrecognizable. I realize some places don't like pictures. It happens here too. Still, keep the blur out of the post. It absolutely ruins a good post. I am not trying to offend anyone, but, most challenges will absolutely refuse most of these things.
Let's pretend that I have three more different pictures and then come back to the beach again. It is okay to have more than one or two, but you should show more than the same picture over and over. Mix it up a little. It makes your post interesting! I have had posts that use the same picture two and three times. One person used it five times. In the same post. Five times. I would rather see fewer photos than the same picture over and over. In case you didn't realize it, I read every post very carefully. Not because I am looking for mistakes, but because I am interested in what you have submitted. I also like to see you grow and flourish on Hive. The way to do it? Do your best to create quality. People outside of the #MarketFriday community recognize quality.
The last thing I want to address is this. #MarketFriday enjoys a big crowd on Fridays. It is my pleasure to host this challenge, but, I am one person. I make sure that I read every post and leave a comment on your post. I have missed one now and then, but, no purposely. I would like to say that there are posts that get only my comment. This should not be happening in a community with this many joining the challenge. If you do nothing else, could you please look around a read a few posts? I know I take time and effort to put mine together and I know all of you do too. It is a small effort and I think everyone deserves it. You want your post read, yes? Otherwise, why would you post? Show the same courtesy to your fellow #MarketFriday people. This helps us all grow. You grow, they grow. It is all about helping one another. Thank you in advance. I truly appreciate it. We can achieve greatness working together.
This is a secret cave. I like little hidden away places like this. When the tide comes in, it changes the path, flooding part of it with water. You can make your way to the other side without a problem. Just interesting the way these rocks have been shaped over time. Here is where you could tell what kind of rocks they are. So many little things. I still have so much to learn.
I have been fortunate to have so many of you posting different markets from all over the world! It is fascinating to be sitting here, watching the world parade by. So, yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery. It can be a bowling alley, changing a tire, or even a vacation you paid for. Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! Don't forget to use the hashtags #MarketFriday and @dswigle.
For next week, I think it would be interesting to make a comparison. Let's find out what we can buy with a fixed amount of money, let us make it $10.00 US. Whatever that calculates in your local currency, so we can compare the cost in the world markets. I think it would be fun and more than interesting.
How I spent $10.00 in the market! This idea was not my own but dreamed up by my friend @bluemoon. He always has pretty good ideas and is a wonderful writer and photographer. You can check out the format of his post here That explains it best and you can see an example.Check him out! I wanted to try this out next week, so I hope you can humor me and we will see how it goes.Thank you! Any questions? You can reach me on discord.
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

If you ever need to get in touch with me over any issue pertaining to #MarketFriday, you can reach me on discord. @dswigle3637
As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something more than a lot of pictures and no words.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
- Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

Wow I sure could use a little getaway like this. I feel as if I am running a severe sun and fun deficit. Well I always tell myself little lies like "maybe someday". I guess it helps take the sting or regret away at least for a moment or three.
I will try to remember the 10 dollar challenge next week. Will be interesting to see what people come up with. The way prices are out of control, it might just buy a coffee anymore!
Here is my link. Yep always behind.
@old-guy-photos Haha! I know you better, you don't tell yourself little lies! Honest as the day is long. Bermuda has long been a quick and easy little getaway for me from here. Even in the winter, despite being in the Atlantic and not the Caribbean, it has nice weather and the people are warm and welcoming. It is a small island, so I can literally walk across the main island which is only 14 miles long and about a mile wide. The entire archipelago is only 24 miles long. By the way, this is how people get to own their own island, there are tons of little ones that are almost affordable.
The ten-dollar challenge should be fun and I expect that some will do it and some won't, so if you forget, you won't be the only one. It should be interesting I think although I am beginning to see that even in the countries that were so much cheaper than us? Their prices have increased to where Nigeria markets are sometimes higher than ours. No kidding. Anyway. globally, I beet we are getting closer, minus the Asian countries.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, commenting, and dropping the link! Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Memorial Day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
A beach is always a place that leads one to think of paradise. I speak for myself and I think, a little, for you. I said a little because every man has his paradise which can be made up of many pieces...
I recently saw a movie, and I can't remember the name of it, that said that paradise is actually here, is the world we live in now. An interesting idea!
It's been almost five years since I read your posts and many of your comments were not only made on my posts but also made on other posts by our colleagues. I have to say that your comments are better and more interesting than a lot of posts here, but what am I saying? I mean this is the first time I've seen you more incisive, out of your mindfulness not to upset anyone.
The comments you make about the photos in the #marketfriday posts are welcome and I hope those who read them will take note. I hope they will acknowledge and correct themselves. I'll be more careful too because we are obliged to treat both Hive and the community in which we operate with seriousness and respect.
What you say about reading and leaving feedback on fellow community posts or challenges I agree with, and this has been my opinion for a long time, although I don't do it to the extent I should either. In fact, this is a problem with all communities in Hive, there is no interaction. Only in Leofinance does it happen. Hopefully, our colleagues will read your recommendations and take action. I promise I will try to be more careful with this.
Thanks for your kind opinion of me, nothing could be more flattering than what you have said here. The $10 shopping idea came to me precisely because I had no idea what to write about at the time, so it might help many running out of ideas at some point. I would be glad if our colleagues would try to do such posts, it would also be proof that they read your #marketfriday posts, which is a must in my opinion.
I haven't done the posting yet, I'm running out of ideas again, I think spring fatigue has hit me late... Your post, your comments, and your recommendations now force me to be very careful about what and how I write.
Thank you, Denise, for all the effort you put into this community! I hope the whole community will understand that.
Dear Dan, @bluemoon This was aimed at nobody in particular, especially you. I hold you and your idea up to the high side, I always find joy in reading almost everything you write. I say almost as, but only because I don't read every single thing you write. You do comment, but, in general, a lot of people don't. feeling very one-sided on making sure everyone gets a comment. You and I came at the same time. Do you remember not getting any comments? I do! It is a pretty harsh feeling, even if you get upvotes.
Your pictures? They are always taken with care and have an explanation of what you are doing, where you are going to - all the things that make a good post wonderful. Another reason I linked your post. Even when you don't know what to post, you come out with a rewarding post to read. There is nothing different you should do, except to continue as you do.
The beach was all I used to post about when not doing flowers. I was born and raised on the water, bought a house near the water, and sail on the water. I would say flowers are right up there, but, I think I can have both. :) I truly understand your love for it and if you posted about it every day, it would not be enough for me. You make it like another whole adventure, every time. It is a gift that you have.
I wasn't trying to make anyone, least of all you guilty about anything, just giving some advice to people that need help in turning out good posts that will garner attention. Posts with a bunch of blurry pictures and a couple of words will surely be ignored by most. Don't worry, you have never been guilty of that! :)
As for posting, you know how I feel about that. Posting should be fun, especially in a niche community like this. If it is not, you know the answer to that. Next week, it will still be here. I am never offended and need a break myself some days. So, thank you for what you said, and I want to thank you for sticking with me for all these years!
#MarketFriday loves you!
@dswigle(1/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | discord | community | <>< daily
This is my first entry to #marketfriday
Welcome to #MarketFriday! We are so happy to see you join!
I will say that it is always a good idea to read the post here as it may contain information like it did today. It has information on posting and on what we are doing next week.
Thank you for joining and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you so much for having me 🥰
Such a beautiful area, of course i love the beaches, but also the rugged rocks, and I always check out those signs showing where around the world they show
Some always seem to be there, the south of North pole, the most well known cities such a London NYC etc, but each one of these also adds soms that came to their mind when they made it, like Cork on this one
I will try and remember the $10 challenge for next week
Here is my post for this week Davoll's General store, such a cool place to explore
Hi, @tattoodjay, I do this quite often. I mean I forgot to put the link!
Dont worry if you do forget, I generally find them all :)
I saw that. Unfortunately, this week I didn't manage to post the walk, I wrote half of it but didn't manage to finish it.
I meant that you forgot to put the link for #marketfriday too!
Duh I made that really confusing didnt I lol
I have updated my comment and added the link to my post, thanks for pointing that out
With pleasure!
I do love Bermuda, a little island packed with all that beauty! I was enamored the first time I saw those rocks, the formations of little caves and hidden coves.
I always like those silly signs and they are everywhere you visit! :) Yes, I saw that Cork was involved there.
If you don't remember, don't worry, it is just something to help some people that are struggling and it is a little fun. I realize you are going to be busy this week and there will be a lot of people that don't read the post and won't realize it anyway. So, no stress.
Thank you for being so kind all the way around, but, let's just keep that between us. I appreciate your support! Hehe... I like the way your friends give you a heads up to drop the link!😃
#MarketFriday loves you!
LOL I was so slow on the uptake this morning took a few back and forth before I realized I was being reminded I had forgot to add the link LOL
I had a colleague from Bermuda, and it was always a plan for us to plan a trip there at the same time as him, unfortunately, he got Malaria and didnt make it so that never came to be
Maybe one day it is such a beautiful place from what I have seen and what you have said
Haha! It happens!
That is too bad about your friend from Bermuda, malaria is no joke. We just don't experience it here so people don't really concern themselves with it.
Maybe one day. I never say never anymore. :)
Ohh yeah he wasn’t doing well he had been overweight and had got himself into healthy habits but malaria hit him so hard and so quick a battle he couldn’t win
I think that’s why I never visited there it was a plan for a group of us to meet him there after he passed I think none of us ever visited there
Luckily when I got malaria It was pretty mild
Hi Denise! I have never been to Bermuda, but the beach looks so gorgeous.
What to say, you are so right with the recommendations for the posts. Sometimes the amount of photos in a post is overwhelming and not to mention the blurry photos. I love the idea of Market Friday. And I admire your dedication to it. Sometimes the amount of posts is so big.
Well, here is my participation this week.
Have a lovely weekend 🤗🌸
Hi, Eli! @coquicoin I don't mind a lot of photos, although if they are just a string of 35-30 pictures, and believe me I have gotten that many! with a phrase for the entire post?? Then blurry in between?
No Bueno!
I must be pretty slow or I take to long on the comments. I take a while to get to all the posts and most never dropped them here, so I would have to search out the mistagged, or some of the front ends don't show up when I try to call them up. So I asked for people to drop them here. It makes life easier.
Most times the post are a lot. What people don't see is that many don't drop them here and so many post them all week long! So I am chasing them down all week. I even get #MarketFriday on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... You get the picture! :) My kids call it #MarketWeekend or #MarketAnyday! LOL
Le sigh.
Anyway, I hope you read about the idea for next week's #MarketFriday towards the end of the post. I think it will be fun! It doesn't have to be about food and this is not to box you in for next week. I appreciate you coming this week! Thank you for reading, commenting, and leaving your link!
Have a great evening!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi Denise
I believe you. I've seen a few posts like that, but I guess you get lots of them.
#MarketAnyday 🤣🤣 I've seen MarketFriday posts any day of the week a bit like with Wednesday walks.
Yes, I've seen the call for next week about what we can buy with 10 dollars. I'll remember that and do my best to join in. I love the idea and find it fun.
Good evening 🤗🌷
No stress, we are always here, every week. Yes!! JJ has the same problem, but we take it in stride.
Thanks so much and have a great night!
Thanks for the invite here.
Well, you know I do it so that you can read the post and I can upvote you again. :) Plus, people scan the #MarketFriday post to find posts to look at. Next week, I wanted to do it a little differently, maybe even a little more fun. It is in my post! Feel free to take a peek when you have the time.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh. That will be great for Next week. Thanks so much ❤️😊😘
Hello Denise, I liked your beach :)
I have done a post this week, hope you enjoy it and there are no blurry pictures 😍. Actually, I took no pictures at all, I was too busy, but the experience was all mine 😎.
Hi @shanibeer ! So glad to see you this week! :) No blurry pictures? I certainly hope nobody is offended by that, but, I get far too many! My aim was to make some of the new people rise above and do well.
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading the post, leaving your words and dropping your link! Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I understand. I'm not curating these days, but when I was sometimes it could be a little wearing. Glad you are able to maintain this initiative, I appreciate the work involved.
Hope you have a lovely weekend 😍
So you do understand! I forgot you used to curate! So you really do understand as I do #MarketFriday all by myself, with no help. So it really is a lot of work, but, it has a lot of fun too.
Oh, I am so jelly that you will be going to the meetup at @coff33a's !! It sounds like fun!
Thank you so much and yes! To the weekend! May we both have a great one!
#MarketFriday loves you!
no market friday from me , but spider Thursday maybe :)

have a great weekend :)
You know how I love spiders, yes? 😮 No worries, it is fun when you do, and we will see you the very next time. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your spider.
Have a great weekend!
@MarketFriday loves you!
I am fascinated by this secret cave! The mysterious passage in the rocks looks so romantic!
About the ten dollars - it's not today, it's next week?
Have a great #MarketFriday:)
PS. Here is my entry:
I agree! It really was pretty cool and I didn't take pictures inside it because of the chance of more water than I had planned. It is such a romantic beach, in so many different aspects. I only put a few pictures in today.
You are right, the ten dollars was for next week. I think it may be fun, don't you? I probably should have used $20.00 but it will be interesting to see what we can buy for so little. Have fun with it! 💜
Thank you for dropping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
The Beach looks great.
Here is my contribution to: #MarketFriday

I hope you all have a great weekend!!
@rynow Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and taking the time to look over the post. It is a holiday weekend here (Memorial Day) so I hope this cloudy sky clears up!
I am not sure if you caught that next week I am trying a little something different that people can do or not, but, it was in the lower body of the post. I want to thank you for dropping your link! Look at all those books!!!
Have a fabulous weekend.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good morning and Happy market Friday Denise.
Blurry pictures, what a great point that you make! Quality over quantity any day of the week.
Another great point is engagement, too many people just post and run. If you do post in a community or a tag, at least have the decent to stop read and engage with some fellow posters either before or after posting!
Well said and I love the idea of the ten bucks haul!
Thank you, Ed! @tengolotodo Good morning to you from here! We have a blanket of clouds covering our absolutely splendid day! What is up with that?
Happy #MarketFriday to you! It is always good to see your smiling face. I usually get plenty of comments on my post, it was the other people that I worry most about. Learning how to be a good Hiver takes time and for someone never having been on a site like this, the learning curve can be real. I try to give everyone plenty of time to get their feet wet, but, rather than having them remain stagnant, I like to see them grow. Less than good posts will never do that.
The ten-buck haul should be fun! I'm in! :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your wit and charm. Have an amazing day and I hope you stopped to see the swan today.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good morning Denise, well our blue sky is mostly covered with white clouds, but better than a grey cloud, that is for sure!
Yes @dswigle I am sure that you get inundated with comments, and indeed they are plenty of people who have not part of a site like Hive, and they will do what do elsewhere. Educating is key, if people don't listen, oh well it is their loss and they won't grow.
The ten dollars looks like fun and I shall see what I can come up with during the week. Now that I do moderate a couple of communities it is frustrating seeing either nonsense posts or posts with awful pictures, there is nothing worse than a fist full of blurry pics, so I can relate with that!
Well the swans that are further away will have to be next week or perhaps Sunday, but after dinner am hoping to see the ones in my local park, I am curious to see if I can spot their nest on the larger island, I doubt it, but you never know:)
Enjoy #marketfriday and have a fantastic fun filled Friday:)
I just want everyone to be a success. If you are going to spend your time here, you might as well make the most of it. Learning how to use what you have in terms of ability is a good way to start.
I actually did not realize you moderate. I moderate one of the discords and #MarketFriday. That is all that I have time for. My other real-life responsibilities take up the rest of my week.
I look forward to the $10.00 posts. I hope people have fun with it.
I look forward to those swan pictures. I wonder if the older signet is still hanging? I found the same with the Canadian Geese, two sets of family hanging around occasionally. For a short while.
It is your evening now... Have a peaceful night!
So well said Denise 😎 I agree with all the point.
Blurry pictures just don’t work, and people not following the rules. I saw what you meant last week with they do not comment with a link.
It would be nice to see more engagement. I for sure will be checking out all the posts I can.
Writing my post at the moment and will publish shortly. Be right back after 😉
Yes, I’m up for the extra challenge of buying something for $10,- here, for next weeks post. Would be great to see the entries and to be able to compare. Will go out tomorrow and make it fun 😊🤓
Happy reading today and have a wonderful day 👋🏻☀️
One of the reasons you see so many links is I chase down the posts and ask them to drop a link. I try to create habits. I see your comments on almost every post on #MarketFriday. I wanted to thank you for such diligence! I know I enjoy getting good comments on my posts, I am sure everyone does. So, it only makes sense to engage with others on their posts.
I'm excited to see what the $10.00 will buy. I am going out tomorrow to check out the possibilities. I do love comparing the world market!
Oh, yes! A day of reading! :) I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, creating habits in a community is good. It works for everybody. 😎 it is still a lot of work and takes a while. I will help a little when I notice, already did today 😉 as there was a conversation so could easily jump that part in 🤓
I love to engage and especially if I like a community… I will do my part to help. So you are welcome 😁
I know how great comments are to get, why not share a little love further around 🥰 people will eventually “get” it. One day at a time. 🌸🌼🌺
I’m happy to be here Denise.
Yes, our plan too for tomorrow. Let’s see what I can get. It won’t be much though… but will make it fun 🤩 looking forward to next week.
Thank you kindly, so far the day has been good. Enjoy yours too 👋🏻☀️💃🏻
I will! As a note, because of the people moving on and off the platform, we always have new people here. #MarketFriday has been around for five years. :) Of course, we all started with tags, so it was less stress altogether, then they had tribes, then moved over to communities. It has evolved, and the platform has.
@bluemoon @tattodjay @stresskiller and a few others have been there since I started. It has been fun and a learning experience.
Tomorrow! Good luck! I hope I can buy a little something with my $10.00! Lastly, I want to thank you for your kindess and loving nature.
That’s a long time Denise and it’s great to hear it all evolved further and it still is.
Yes, I understand the new people and others will come and go. It will always be like that. 🤓 Noticed it myself already.
All wonderful people to have around. Hi all 👋🏻 The FUN part is sooo important, always.
To bad I only found hive now… hehehe 🤭 but I’m here now.
Thank you so much ☺️ For all!
Biggg huggg 🤗🤗
Crossing my fingers you do find something great 🤞🏻🤞🏻
The best part is that you found it! You were too busy living life before that! I was too. I didn't join until it was a year old, even though one of my good friends kept begging me to join.
Yes! The fun is the best part. Who doesn't love a little fun?
What I find may not be great, but, it will be so much fun.
Have a great night!
Yep, exactly that… too busy living 😁
Yes, haven’t met a person who doesn’t love a little fun 😁 it’s healthy to have fun and laugh 🥰
Looking forward to it. Thanks Denise, you too. Good night 👋🏻😴
Don't lie, Little Bee! You never sleep. Just saying.
Ok ok hahaha not yet… still wide awake. It’s only 00:39 am here, early for me.
Hubby just went to bed. So I have some more time for hive 😁
OMG! Bad girl. Shhhhh! Meditate and go to sleep.
Hahaha 🧘🏻♀️ Trying… I will in a bit. Normally I try to aim for 2 am. So I would sleep at 3am
from memory you also did something similar on TSU in the old days
Do you remember that? That was my favorite place, ever. There were people I met there that I still know to this day. Of course, people like Keith Boone, Bev Brown and so many others. I was pretty sad at the way that disappeared into the morning light one day.
Is going to the barber for a haircut and for a beardcut counts? Haha.
If yes, then this is my entry for today: My Actifit Report Card: May 27 2022.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
A receding hare line.
Credit: marshmellowman
@dswigle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @xplosive
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
That was so funny @xplosive!!
Yes!!! The barber is a great #MarketFriday!! I can hardly wait to see it! :) Did you get to read how next week everyone is going to do a post on What you can buy for $10.00 in your country. I think It should be fairly easy to accomplish and I look forward to seeing what people bring to the table.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link! Have a great weekend ahead!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Someone mentioned it a few weeks ago, telling me that it would be interesting to see what x dollars can or cannot do in Hungary.
Probably I will write a few words about it with photos. I am still thinking about it.
That is fine. Go to a market and take pictures of a few things you might eat and write down the prices. Boom. Should be easy. Of course, that is only if you want to do a market. If not, you know for a fact that we will be here another week. :)
Have a great weekend!
Another exciting day to connect with the world....I can't wait to bring my entry on board
My entry for this week
Did you get a chance to read my #MarketFriday post? If not, you missed an important message on next week's post. @awuahbenjamin
It is good to read the post to make sure you miss nothing. Thank you.
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are absolutely right about that…I think I skipped that..having gone through the post again,, I’ve realized what was expected from me…pardon please …hopefully next week I will do what will be expected of me …thanks
@awuahbenjamin It was for next week, not this week and it is just for fun. It will be interesting to see what people can buy in their country for $10.00, don't you?
Absolutely 😀😀🔥🔥I will surely buy you something for sure
Hello, I loved everything you exposed here! this is the way to grow with quality, I will do my best to make the difference,
my link:
Thank you! I hope it will be helpful to some of the smaller people looking to grow. A good post will garner more eyes than a meaningless one. You can make anything look good, it just takes time and effort.
Thanks so much for stopping by, leaving your words, and dropping your link! I hope you caught the last part of the post, suggesting a $10.00 post for next week @ileart It should be fun!
Have a great day!
@MarketFriday loves you!
Very beautiful places. I liked the rocks.
Thank you for dropping your link! The post has an idea for next week. You will find it in the middle of the post. It is something fun to do for next week's #MarketFriday. I hope you get a chance to look at it.
Actually, I pulled the important information out for you:
Attention! Next week on #MarketFriday!
For next week, I think it would be interesting to make a comparison. Let's find out what we can buy with a fixed amount of money, let us make it $10.00 US. Whatever that calculates in your local currency, so we can compare the cost in the world markets. I think it would be fun and more than interesting.
How I spent $10.00 in the market! This idea was not my own but dreamed up by my friend @bluemoon. He always has pretty good ideas and is a wonderful writer and photographer. You can check out the format of his post here That explains it best and you can see an example. Check him out! I wanted to try this out next week, so I hope you can humor me and we will see how it goes. Thank you! Any questions? You can reach me on discord.
Thanks so much for dropping your link @maestroali
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi @dswigle,
I've known about the community for a bit, but never got around to making a post so here's my first entry.

Welcome to #MarketFriday! I'm so glad to see you here, and I am not even a game! 🙂 There is a Costco in Japan? How did I not know that? I guess it makes sense as there is one in Korea. I looked up all the stores. Impressive, although I am sure Walmart beats them out.
558 in the US
103 in Canada
39 in Mexico
29 in the United Kingdom
27 in Japan
16 in South Korea
14 in Taiwan
13 in Australia
3 in Spain
1 in Iceland
1 in France
1 in the People’s Republic of China
1 in New Zealand (opening in 2022)
1 in Sweden (opening in 2022)
You may want to read the post today as it contains information about next week's post! It should be a fun one for everyone to do. @rt395 ! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks @dswigle for the guideliness and initiative for next week. I share with you today my market experience on the street:
Excellent! Thank you. I can't tell you how few people actually read the post or drops their link without my prompting. It takes me twice as long to do the posts.
I appreciate your presence here on Hive and think you are doing well. One of my main objectives is to help all the new people in getting to where they would like to be, building and growing. Posting just for the money may make you richer, but, getting real value out of being here will get you more.
Thanks again and I hope you have a great day! Appreciate you dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my entry for this week.
Thank you for putting your post in @jmis101
I put information in my post above about next week's#MarketFriday post. Be sure and take a look.
Thanks for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I love the idea of how I spent $10 in the market for next week #marketfriday.
I look forward to seeing the turnout! Good luck! :)
Nice post both for beautiful Bermuda and the instructional comments. Great capture of the wave in the first shot and the secret place is the kind of place I always look for... a place away from the crowds that can feel like your own.
"the only thing I bought was the right to walk, sun, swim and shoot pictures" this is what the younger generation is all about - buying experiences not material things
Here's my #marketfriday post from Friday in

You should pin your post each week like Shadowhunters or like Featheredfriends communities do. it will make it easier for everyone to add their link. I know...easy for us that don't put the time into curating to offer advice 🙂
You are right, of course, I never even thought of that, but I will make a habit of it. This is much smaller than either one of those, but, it draws a decent amount of people. I do get a lot of new people, so I like to take my time with their posts and offer up advice to help them do well, which gives a person more incentive.
Nice to see you posting in #MarketFriday! Thank you for reading the post and leaving your words, then dropping your post behind! Have a super Sunday!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I also like the $10 idea btw. forgot to add that in. But for us old folks the comparison of what $10 will buy isn't between different markets/countries but between now and the good old days when we were young 🤣
pink sand! it is amazing!!! I am glad that you had the opportunity to have a wonderful rest! what impressive black rocks on the beach! probably it is some kind of igneous rocks, although I understand it a little. I associate Bermuda with the Bermuda Triangle where everything disappears 😁🙈 I didn't quite understand your idea, my dear. Are you suggesting next week to write a post with photos on the topic: "What can I buy in my country for 10 dollars"?
Built up by volcanic action, but, on the surface, it is mostly limestone. caused by the coral activity. That is the beach. Of course, the big rocks are volcanic. It is the pink sand that drove my parents to go there. Even a few days is a break, isn't it?
I grew up with those legends and can remember being alarmed every time a boat disappeared or a plane. When I went there as an adult, I wasn't thinking about the legend until I got there as I was so excited about the trip... until I was sailing across those very waters. I wondered if I would know if I was disappearing! LOL
Needless to say, I did not, but, it is a very big legend there and they do capitalize on it! I found out when I was there that the legend was made up by Bermuda. :)
The topic is exactly as you describe it was just to find something different for some people. I thought it might be fun. I will go to the market tomorrow and see what I can find. :) It might be fun to find some things that are relatable to every country, but of course, whatever you post will be awesome. People may not read my post or forget, and I will not be worrying about that. It is all good! :) Here is a post from @bluemoon where he does it. I found it fun and different and that is why I used his example! Of course, with his knowledge and permission. See here
Thank you so much, @tali72!
@MarketFriday loves you!
it turns out that the people in Bermuda themselves came up with this legend about the Bermuda Triangle? Blimey! they have a good imagination! 😁 I thought it was some kind of mysterious natural phenomenon 😁 you made me laugh by thinking about your disappearance 😂😂😂 thanks for the link. I haven't read his post yet
It was from last week, which is what gave me the idea!
One of the local historians in Bermuda told me that. I actually believe him. :) I just checked out Encyclopedia Brittanica here
I swear to God that is exactly what I thought - for about three seconds. Then I wondered if the people missing knew that they were missing.
Thanks for the reminder dear. Every Friday is a whole celebration of market scenes. Thanks to everyone for participating and l wish all a happy weekend.
Happy weekend, Sam! @mcsamm! Did you read in the post that next week is a different agenda, one I hope many people will join? It should be fun. It is towards the end of the post.
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading the post, and leaving your words behind! Thanks for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Чудесный пляж и отличные снимки, дорогая Дениз!
Твои посты всегда полны позитива и радости, а сколько прекрасных фотографий!
Мне нравится, что ты написал мне по-русски. Это показывает мне, что вам комфортно со мной! Я нашел это таким милым. Спасибо за ваш теплый и замечательный комментарий, как всегда.
Не забудьте прочитать этот пост, так как у нас есть что-то интересное для рынка на следующей неделе. Вам может быть интересно. Надеюсь, у вас отличная неделя.
#MarketFriday любит вас!
Oh, I'm sorry dear Denise! I wrote a comment to my friend before and forgot to translate the text in the translator...
And I'm really very comfortable with you, despite the fact that I don't know English at all. Just reading with the help of a translator.
You are a very positive woman and it is a pleasure to read your posts!
It was funny. I knew it was a mistake and I guessed you were just talking with someone else. :)
It is fine. I don't know Russian at all and just put it in the translator also. Thank God for translators! They work pretty well now. Thank you for your words and I hope you are having a wonderful evening/night!
Such a beautiful flower!
I finally joined #MarketFriday! Thanks for explaining it so well in this post, it really helped me a lot.
Here's my entry:
By the way, seeing the beach really makes me miss the beach. I don't know how to swim but I really love to be on the beach. Hearing the waves just calms my nerves. 😅
Happy Friday!
Welcome to #MarketFriday!! I am glad to see you here and I am glad if you culled anything from the post. I consider that a win!
I do love the beach, there is something so refreshing and calming (all at the same time) with the water, especially saltwater. The mesmerizing sound of the ebb and flow of the tide. Can you tell I grew up on the ocean?
I have to agree with you. I love the water! Your post was fun and wonderful! I am so glad you put one in!
Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Your post inspired me to post an entry so thank you for that!
I didn’t know you grew up by the beach. That’s so nice! Kinda envious!
Thank you for this initiative! It really is so great to be able to tour around the world with this!
What a disappointment, you don't own the beach. hahaha. You click baited me!! 😁
In all seriousness, I concur that using the same pictures of the same thing just fills up the space and doesn't achieve desired quality. Hopefully, my post won't disappoint you. Even if it will don't tell me. hahaha.
Anyways, here is the link to my post. Hope you like it. You are doing a great job running this community!
I know, right? :) You know I would have everyone over to have a BBQ! I did clickbait you, well, sort of! I continued with the beach!
I am glad some agree, there is just nothing redeeming about using the same ones. I sometimes wonder if they know they are doing it. Or that I don't read? I read every post, most twice as I usually cover the entire thing in a comment. Don't worry, I will tell you true. :))
Did you read the whole post? If you didn't, there is a part about what to post next week. It doesn't have to be food, but, it spells it out.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words, then dropping a link behind you. I hope you are having a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh yes! I did read that part and I am looking forward to that.
Enjoy your weekends. ✌
Wow! The beach look Beautiful, I love your post.
This is my post for this Friday:
Thank you! I am glad you like the beach. I hope you will go back and read the post as it has information on what we are posting next week. Just keep in mind it doesn't have to be food, although it can be.
I hope you are having a great day! Thanks for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi @ You know it "kills" me when you show those beautiful ocean photos. I don't mind if you show "five photos" of the same beach ( 😂just kidding) , but when it comes to beach photos I can't get enough of the number of photos you can show. Awesome beach , I just watched the video and imagined myself sitting on the shore looking at the horizon , and letting my body be swayed by the crashing waves. i would play with the sand. I would grab a handful and play with it. A beautiful place. A paradise I would say. I wonder how long you were on that beach, did you swim or was it just to walk around and take pictures.
GOOD POINT @dswigle. People should look around and read and comment some post, and people should have the courtesy of replying such comments. This is what a community is about.
I almost fell off my chair laughing! LOL I will show you forty photos of the beach, just not five of the same picture!I Not kidding! Ha! I can never take enough pictures of Bermuda, I hope you get to go there someday if you cannot get home. It is small and beautiful, much like many of the Caribbean Islands, except perhaps a bit more industry and business (that means jobs!)
It is so easy to imagine oneself here, playing in the sand... for me, I lay down at the waterline and let the water pass over me, cooling me down. I was on the beach for hours, probably 4 or 5? I walked the beach trails, swam, and took a few pictures, to keep the memory. To be honest, I don't need the pictures, I can remember every detail of it. Thank you so much. It delights me that you enjoyed the photos.
I am disheartened and didn't want to say anything about no comments on posts, as a matter of fact, most of the people that it pertains to didn't even read my post, but dropped the link. It is a bad habit I allowed to happen. I should have addressed it right away, and yet, I had hoped it was one of those things people would discover themselves. Do you want to have a friend here? You need to be a friend. (they don't get that!) I read every single one of their posts and I do it willingly. I work, I have a family, a house on the coast that needs to be taken care of and I sometimes volunteer, although not since covid. Some days, you just have to take the time and factor it all in.
I am not complaining, I am just wondering why that seems so hard?
You are hilarious! Everyone is in their element today! :) Just don't send me blurry pictures!
Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
@francisaponte25, @dswigle(1/5) sent you LUV.
wallet | market | tools | discord | community | daily
Yes, some people here have to told what to do. Some are just desperate for the vote, that they just don't have the patience to read and comments; but , well, there is when they have to receive a "notice".
4-5 hrs at that beach? Good time to enjoy it. And yes, sometimes it is better to keep the phone or the camera in your beach bag, and just enjoy the beauty of nature.
>You are such a wonderful admin.
There always needs to be a time when you just enjoy the moment. I do that often. Capturing the moment can be fun, but, honestly, some moments can never be repeated, so just enjoy it.
Haha! No, you have never done it. Not one time. 😁
I wish I could tell those people that are desperate for a vote, that they will get all the votes they need if they take their time and build slowly and gradually. Not try to break all the barriers. Relationships take time, so does building trust and comfort.
Nicest thing anyone has said to me all day. Thank you!❤️
My entry for last week's post . Just a little late
Fantastic pictures from Bermuda. Cannot wait for the teleport to be invented, I would teleport myself there right away :) Happy Market Friday!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 35/45) Liquid rewards.
Haha! I would go back too! Thanks so much for the tipu and the support for #MarketFriday! I truly appreciate it!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It looks alot nicer than the beach ⛱️⛱️ I'm at right now.
Bermuda, baby! Hop on a jet plane and head east! Next week there will be a little bit different post. Thanks for dropping the link, Shaun! @shaunf
Attention! Next week on #MarketFriday!
For next week, I think it would be interesting to make a comparison. Let's find out what we can buy with a fixed amount of money, let us make it $10.00 US. Whatever that calculates in your local currency, so we can compare the cost in the world markets. I think it would be fun and more than interesting.
How I spent $10.00 in the market! This idea was not my own but dreamed up by my friend @bluemoon. He always has pretty good ideas and is a wonderful writer and photographer. You can check out the format of his post here That explains it best and you can see an example. Check him out! I wanted to try this out next week, so I hope you can humor me and we will see how it goes. Thank you! Any questions? You can reach me on discord.
My post for todays #marketfriday :
“Market Friday” ~ Let me take you today to MARBELLA, Spain 🇪🇸
Enjoy reading! Happy Friday to all 👋🏻☀️😁
Thank you!! Thank you for dropping your link!
Much appreciation as you roll through the posts in #MarketFriday! Appreciate the kindness you show. 💙
Happy Friday!
You are so so welcome Denise 🥰💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🤗
Thank you! 🙏🏻
So beautiful! I agree about clear pictures. It’s so important. And thank you for the info about pink sand. I had no idea!
My Market Friday post:
Thank you! Bermuda is beautiful and easy to get to from here, so it is always a win! I have to say that I read more posts that are completely ruined by a few blurry pictures that they really didn't need. But, the learning curve and all... I was fascinated when I read about the pink sand!
Thank you for reading, commenting, and dropping your link here! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you@
Interesting topic next week!
Count me in!!!
Lots of pictures in this one!
Different. Something to mix it up a bit. Plus, we get to see how the global markets are doing. We already know the highs and lows, but, I think we are leveling off, with the exception of Asia.
Great! I look forward to seeing your entry for #MarketFriday!
Lots of pictures in yours? Or mine?
Hehehe... for the first time, lot of photos in mine!
Take me there! Pink beach or not. It doesn't matter. I have been missing the beach. I think it was last year since the last visit to the sea.
I surely will join next week's challenge. Depending on what I will buy, $10.00 can buy a little or more.
This is my entry for this week:
Happy weekend!
Thank you so much! I think it might be interesting to see globally what $10 will buy us. I have found where so many countries were so much cheaper than the US, lately I have seen that many countries are almost equal, which was surprising. We only wild card would be Asia as if is notoriously cheaper than the rest of the world. I guess we will see. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment and dropping your link.
Have a great weekend!
#Marketfriday loves you!
Yup, let's see what I can come up with that amount. I'm excited lol!
Me too!! I'm actually going to start working on a few things and playing with it to see what I can come up with! Good luck to you!
The bermuda sea is only seen on tv and read books about history, in other Countries there maybe, it is the meeting of various strong ocean currents, the scenery is beautiful. It is a good creative direction guide. Thank you, greetings.
Thank you so much for your words. I encourage you to read the post as it has information about next week's #MarketFriday! I think it will be a fun time and it is a little bit different.
Thanks so much for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you are welcome.
I'm a kind of scared by the name "Bermuda".
Does the triangle exist?
Waw. I love the direction tree as it has names of popular places on it.
Happy Children's Day from Nigeria.
I think you missed the important part of the post. It was all about the challenge for next week. I am going to try something different. If you are going to be part of #MarketFriday next week, you may want to check out the post in its entirety.
The triangle is a myth.
Happy Children's Day!
Okay ma'am
Just doing that right now
It is best to the posts that you put comments on, otherwise, you may miss something.
What a gorgeous beach. Love it. Love the sand the rocks, the water.
Here is my entry fod the #marketfriday:
Have a beautiful weekend @dswigle.
You need to read the post if you want to participate next week. It will change a little bit for next week and I am hoping it will be fun. I appreciate you looking at the pictures and hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Those are lovely picture @dswigle
Here is my entry
I have information on the next #MarketFriday on the post! Next week it will be a little different and perhaps you may find it fun.
Thanks for dropping your link.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Look at that blue, wow!
I love beaches, I love jumping on rocks and entering caves.
My Indiana Jones spirit speaks louder.
I'm like a kid running, playing, surfing, swimming, even doing my own mind games.
love having fun in the ocean, in nature in general. An amazing post.
It was a beautiful day!
Don't you love that blue? Bermuda is considered an archipelago and unbelievably is only 24 miles (40 km) long and less than 1 mile (in some places) (1.6 km) wide. When you look at the main islands together it is in the shape of a fishhook and is connected by bridges. The largest island is Main Island, 14 miles (22.5 km) long and 1 mile wide. That is more info than you wanted to know. It's small! That is what I was getting at, and still it is covered in beauty.
There are many places where they do cliff diving there, one guy I met did it right outside his back door practically.
Nature rocks. For sure.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
amazing, simple as that. have places to surf there?
A few decent spots, mostly the South Shore beaches like Horseshoe Bay, and a few others.
thanks for the excellent info. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi everyone!
This is my very first entry for this #marketfriday event.
Hope you all like it and thank you to @dswigle.
Welcome to #MarketFriday! so glad to see you here! I would suggest you take a few moments and read the post. @kvinkyl ! It will help you learn things about the challenge and also let you know what the posing objective is next week.
I am sure I will, why wouldn't I? :)
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks you so much @dswigle for noticing my blog post. Ok i will take your suggestion and i will try to participate more on this event. Thanks again. ☺️
It helps drive more traffic to your if you get out and make thoughtful comments, even if you do a few. It is this interaction that will help you to grow.
Thanks @dswigle for the advise. 😉
The beach is very beautiful, if tourists who come there must be fun.
I agree that the beach is very beautiful and it can be fun. Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I'm sure it would be a soul satisfying experience😍
Indeed. Right to the very core.
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My pleasure to do so dear🤗
Thanks for sharing
You are welcome.
Wow! Yes, I would be in line to buy that beach if that was possible. I love the ocean. But as you say...
the right to walk, the sun, swim and shoot pictures is a treasure by itself!
I will have to start looking at the shopping side to spend that $10.00 next week. The "shopping" part is normally my wife's But let's go for it.
Here is my link for this week:
Hello @dswigle sorry, I forgot to share the link here. 🙂
Have a good day to you.
Here's my link
Thank you for the repost!
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@pravesh0(3/5) tipped @dswigle (x1)
xplosive tipped dswigle (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!
Thank you @xplosive!
Greetings dear @dswigle
Here is my #MarketFriday blog for this week. Hope you liked it.
Thank you 💗
Hi Friends. Here is My post
Reblog your posting dear sir
Thank you. BTW... I am a female, not a guy.