"Document 13" A Dystopian Tale: Part 42


Welcome to Part 42 of "Document 13", a dystopian graphic novel I'm creating with my daughter. This week: "Temptation."

I know I'm way behind. But hey, it's something!

If you want to read the rest first, see the links below the post to catch up.


The year is 2074, the world has been plunged into darkness. One girl, Sarah Doe, will learn the secrets of the dark forces that run the ruined world. With the help of a few friends, her family, and her own powers she will fight to return the world to an order not known since well before her birth. Will she succeed? Read to find out!

Scene: Matthews is in Bureau’s lab, looking over her charts.

HM: Did it work?

Bureau: It appears that the genes have transferred to at least some of your organs. It’s going to be a few hours to affect your entire body.

HM: I underestimated you. How would you like to join me at the orphanage? I could get you out of this hellhole and into a much better lab.

B: Oh, that’s a kind offer, but you know I never leave this place. The world below is much too…

HM: Below you? Weren’t you a proponent of “As above, so below”? What happened to your Party spirit?

B:… savage… I am a scientist, I can save the world with science. But the world below rejected science. I don’t want the reminder. The Party was the last hope for humanity.

HM: The Party rejected us. The scientist and the humanitarian, we are the civilized ones. They are the

B: We could take this to them, this is the science they wanted. This is the key to “As above, so below.” A world of immortality, able to rebuild the wasteland wrought by a race fighting for scarce resources.

HM: They tried to kill you! Some lofty ideals! We could rule the world below and never face rejection again.

B: We aren’t going to rule the world with seven orphans. (I won’t mention that the mind control is slipping.)

HM: There are plenty of “volunteers” in these streets. Not to mention the rest of the orphans, the girls anyways…

B: Your goals are awfully lofty, I think you may still be experiencing side effects from the anesthesia. Let’s give you something to help you rest and speed along the process.

He injects a liquid into the iv and Matthews passes out.

B: Incorrigible hag…. She thinks she is powerful but I know how to take her down.


Love it? Hate it? I welcome any and all feedback!

Part 38

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36

Part 39
Part 40





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    i'll be very interested to seeing it with the artwork.

    the story is interesting, but missing the visuals to make it complete


    I am considering redoing the whole thing as a novel. My daughter is a great artist but we're both very distracted. She wants me to have an entire outline before even starting and I can't possibly sit down and get that done. I'm more fly by the seat of my pants, she's more of a planner.

    Maybe I'll try ai to get some illustrations 😂
