the power of mindfulness and meditation


I wanted to talk about the power of mindfulness and meditation with you all. It is something that I look into and suggest to people almost everyday of my life.

It was the second year of my medical entrance when I came across these two terms. A senior told me how effective meditation and being mindful can be in terms of mental and physical wellbeing of an individual. It is since then I have believed in this phenomenon.

Let me tell you about mindfulness. It is being fully present and aware in the present moment. I have seen people being zoned out in the worry of future. I have seen people losing the fun of the current moments. This is why we have to cherish the lasting beauty of present.

Meditation includes different activities and practices which help us in attaining mindfulness.

I myself resort to meditation whenever I feel anxious and stressed. The end result is a lot of focus. It has also helped me with the expansion of my attention span.

Have you ever had any problems with the regulation of your emotions? I went through a break up which is a very personal thing, but to share a relevant experience with you all, I got myself out of the chronic stress by being actively involved in meditation. Thanks to that I could regulate my emotions.

I personally sit in silence, close my eyes and try to focus on any one point of my body and most of the time it is my breathing pattern. After a few minutes, I can feel the air going into my body with this focus.

You should try it once and within a few days you will notice changes visibly.

Remember, consistency is the key in this case. If you are consistent with this, so many problems that you are currently facing will be resolved.

Thank you. Pictures are my own.


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I tried doing meditation before for several months but it's just kinda fleeting. You may feel blissed out afterwards and that's it. After meditating there's nothing much, I don't even strive to improve myself or anything like that. It probably helped out to release some extreme stress at the time but I realize it never brought me closer to God at all.

There is much difference with praying to God and meditation. Can't explain it well but I feel better with praying now that I've been renewed in the faith. 😁 Anyway it's good if meditation helps you but I hope you'd also spend an equal or more amount of time in prayer to praise the Lord and thank Him and all that. Especially since you are a doctor, it will definitely help you and your patients for sure.
