(Es-En)Aventura en familia: Rutas de amor y vida/Family Adventures: Routes of love and life.


Hola amigos de #hive y de #lifestyle, hoy a pesar de la temperatura mi familia decidió ir a la playa. Todos emocionados cuando mi padre dijo "vamos" menos mi hermana pues tenia frio jajaj pero asi y todo nos fuimos.

Viajar en familia se ha convertido en una de nuestras tradiciones más queridas, estilo de vida que se ha cultivado en mi hogar a lo largo de los años. Cada viaje ofrece la oportunidad de desconectar de la rutina y de reconectar entre nosotros. Viajar en familia fomenta la comunicación y la empatia.

Al llegar, el sonido de las olas rompiendo suavemente sobre la orilla nos dio la bienvenida y sentir la brisa con el aroma del mar me envolvió en una sensación de bienestar tan grande que enseguida me sentí como en casa, la verdad me encanta visitar la playa.

Estaba casi vacia, muy pocos pobladores estaban alli, quizas por el tiempo. Fuimos a la famosa playa Siboney, los que la conocen saben que es muy visitada acá en Santiago.

Mi sobrina y yo jugamos casi todo el tiempo que estuvimos, ella se divirtio mucho, eso es importante para mi, mis padres felices, se notaba que estaban en paz, algo que indiscutiblemente debemos de añadir a nuestro estilo de vida. Momento gracioso pasamos cuando a mi tia se le volaba la ropa y hubo que correr para alcanzarla. Caminamos y recogimos unas cuantas piedras y conchas de mar, las que llevamos a casa como recuerdos.

Fue un viaje que fortaleció nuestros lazos familiares y sin duda dejo grabados en nuestros corazones recuerdos imborrables.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad

Hi friends of #hive and #lifestyle, today despite the temperature my family decided to go to the beach. We were all excited when my father said "let's go" except my sister because she was cold hahaha but we went anyway.

Traveling as a family has become one of our most beloved traditions, a lifestyle that has been cultivated in my home over the years. Each trip offers the opportunity to disconnect from the routine and reconnect with each other. Traveling as a family fosters communication and empathy.

When we arrived, the sound of the waves gently breaking on the shore welcomed us and feeling the breeze with the scent of the sea enveloped me in such a great feeling of well-being that I immediately felt at home. I really love visiting the beach.

It was almost empty, very few residents were there, perhaps because of the weather. We went to the famous Siboney beach, those who know it know that it is very visited here in Santiago.

My niece and I played almost the entire time we were there, she had a lot of fun, that is important to me, my parents were happy, it was clear that they were at peace, something that we must undoubtedly add to our lifestyle. We had a funny moment when my aunt's clothes flew away and we had to run to catch up with her. We walked and collected a few stones and seashells, which we took home as souvenirs.

It was a trip that strengthened our family ties and undoubtedly left indelible memories engraved in our hearts.

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Great job! Keep up the good work! 👏 !STRIDE (Comment !STOPSTRIDE to stop receiving upvotes & STR)

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