The Voice Of God VS Intrusive Thoughts.

How do we differentiate between intrusive thoughts and God's voice?

Ask yourself:

  1. Would I have been able to come up with that on my own?

When it is something that you cannot come up on your own, it is either strange or coming out of nowhere or just something that you would not have done on your own, or something that you don't want to hear, them it might be coming from God.

  1. Is it within God's character? Does it align with scriptures?

Keep in mind God's character, keep on mind scriptures. God will not tell you to do something that contradicts scriptures. For example, it probably not from God if you a voice that says you should not forgive this person, because this clearly goes against scripture.

  1. Look out for confirmation elsewhere.

When you just neglect the voice, and you find out that throughout the day or week, or when you are listening to a message and you hear that same theme or a stranger at the church comes and talks to you and says "I just see this thing happening in your life. Then you will know this from God because you have seen it coming up in different way but thesame theme still comes up.

  1. Give yourself grace. Continue seeking him and you will learn his voice and how he speaks to you. You have to keep seeking God, even if you feel like you are not hearing from him or you are still unsure that his voice is still not clear to you. Keep seeking God, keep spending time in his presence and you will learn to recognize and be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The more time you spend with God, the deeper that you will know him and recognize his voice when he calls.

