[Diemonshark] Share your Battle challenge (1)


First attempt at the Diemonshark share your battle challenge, Diemonshark one of my most used tanks for the water element due to its high base stats and decent abilities.

Link to the Battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_1e19d522c3f5a9289527e1135ea79e6b&ref=dotz132

Card Background Information

EditionChaos Legion
AbilitiesTrample/ Enrage (Level 4)/ Retaliate (Level 7)

Card level & stats

Bronze max | LV2 - +1 Health Sliver max | LV4 - +1 Damage & Gain Enrage Gold max | LV6 - +2 Health Diamond and above | LV MAX - +1 Damage & Gain Retaliate

Pros & Cons


  • High Armor Value
  • High HP
  • High Speed


  • High cost of 8 mana
  • Damage is on the low end for cost

Battle rules

SymbolRule Effect
Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
All Monsters have the Blast ability.

Total Mana : 36
Usable elements : Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death and Dragon

No armor and there is blast plus all elements are available but the mana value is quite low which does make it harder but trample would work wonders since there is blast or anything that hits multiple times

Team Composition

SummonerQuix the Devious to use the dragon element units as well to maximize units available plus the speed debuff is nice
Main tank, Trample, Enrage, Star of the challengeDiemonshark with enrage and with the ruleset's blast buff it will hit quite hard once its hurt plus there is a high chance it will get a second attack once its kills a unit with its trample
Reach, Reflection shieldTide Biter with its reflection shield it will prevent blast damage from hurting the back row for a while
Opportunist, PoisonDeeplurker with its opportunist it has a good chance to hit multiple units with the blast effect and with no armor it get to hit hp directly
Magic damage, ResurrectionOshuur Constantia the new promo card from the rift watcher set great since it can revive a unit plus it does magic damage
SwiftnessSupply Runner is the speed buffer on the team to hopefully get the first attack in
Backfirehope that its high speed will allow it to dodge thus triggering the back fire

Now on to the Battle

Round 1

They went with a water team however they only gained the speed portion of the buff since there is no armor with the ruleset, they did use a taunt tank and have the same reflection shield unit behind which negates the blast damage dealt which might be a problem.

With the resurrection my tide biter came back to life to protect protect the backline but their snipe unit ignored the front units and went to hit my magic damage unit causing quite a bit of blast damage luckily my summoner reduced the range damage

The round ends with my opponent losing their main tank while my team lost quite a bit of hp

Last Round

The Diemonshark trample is showing its worth by taking out 2 units and with the blast damage hurting the unit behind the 2nd attack quickly bring the battle to an end since the remaining 2 unit on the opponent's team were a range unit and a unit with no attack

Strategy Talk

The strategy was revolves Trample, Reflection shield and resurrection, reflection shield is a must have in blast matches since it can greatly protect the hp of units on the team to prevent fast wipes, resurrection help in giving an extra chance to fight back and trample with blast is quite strong since it equal to doing more damage when it triggers.

Diemonshark is a great water tank and when it becomes level 4 it enrage which makes it even better since it base damage and speed is quite high enrage just makes it hit harder and faster resulting in a higher chance to trigger trample but it does make it do 1 damage when it hits a unit with forcefield

Good ruleset to use in:

Holy Protectiondouble edged sword it a free negate for damage but the shield prevents it from hurting others as well
Even StevensSince its an Even Mana card it works in this ruleset
Explosive WeaponryDouble edged sword since it allows it to hit for more damage at the same time but will damage the unit behind it as well
StampedeGreat when combined with no armor to quickly trample the whole team

Thanks for the battle challenge curation team

If you are interested in the game, here's my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=dotz132

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