

hello fellow Hiverians, it was the glory of God that kept us this far and looking not unto our frailty but strengthening our feeble knees and helping us get back to our feet Everytime we fall....

Small is mostly underrated forgetting that it is the pieces that comes together to make a BIG....

Permit me to say there won't be BIG if first there is no small....Every big thing you see today it has it very small beginning.....

The big you are looking for will never come and you won't see it except you start somewhere, grow it, manage it until it mature.....

Many tend to forget and be ashame of anything small....even the bible said he that is faithful in little then he will be faithful in much.....


You can see from this that little comes before much.....SO WHAT IS SMALL....


the English dictionary defines it as Not large or big; insignificant; few in numbers or size.

SMALL in my own definition is a starting point where persistence, endurance, hard work, perseverance, discipline is needed to archive a great success.....

Starting small doesn't mean you are ending small... Untill you learn to have your own definition of terms, life will continuously give you there own definition.....

Don't get me wrong it might not be bad entirely but it might slow you down and also reduce your speed and make you archive even less to what you have set out to do.....

Don't be ashame of your beginning, everyone big today started somewhere and he/she is still heading somewhere...


A little spark of fire can turn the whole forest on fire all it needs is time and consistency.....

For a drum of water to fill to the brim it has to be done little by little, bit by bit and surely it will and even pass....

Don't look down on your days of little beginning....stay strong with all enthusiasm to chase, to learn, to improve fall and rise, make mistakes and correct them and surely you will definitely reach that height you set out to.......

It not easy to start that's why many are wandering around doing nothing....and it not not easy to maintain when you start that's why many quit along the road.....

But you belove are different you are unique, start Small, little by little, bit by bit don't quit and don't stop until that Ray of light comes out to an outbreak....

Starting small is not a license to mediocre not a guarantee to end that way.....for you are permitted to start small but it is a disappointment to end that way.....

starting small does not guarantee laziness and idleness....but hard work and perseverance....

Don't ever mock a started....and never look down on small might be the reason you are the way you are.....

That long lasting dream of tomorrow start it today with as little as you have nurture it, groom it until it becomes that which you picture from the very beginning....

My dear council to you today
Start Small, just do it....
I hope this blesses you and pushes you into loving your beginning, looking forward to your bigger ending.....

peace and love

0.000 NEOXAG


Well said, brother. This is really impactful. Like people commonly say, "Rome wasn't built in a day." We need to learn how to manage things little by little because until then can we be able to manage the big one when it eventually comes.

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Most times I usually talk and make emphasis about this. In fact, it's even wiser to start from the smallest beginning while you aspire to achieve great things ahead. Starting small doesn't mean you're a failure or you can't get to your desired destination. Move with the capacity you can, just make sure you're moving..
Thank you for sharing this with us @donvic

0.000 NEOXAG