Stumbling twice over the same stone| Tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra
The sayings of my people
Man is the only animal that stumbles twice over the same stone.
Howdy Hive, happy Sunday. I like proverbs and in this opportunity I want to analyze this proverb that I particularly feel speaks of man's mistakes.
By nature animals never repeat the same mistakes in a certain place, since they manage to remember previous events that made them stumble or fall into a hole, by nature they remember, and if they pass by that place again they instinctively take precautions.
However, human beings with all their reasoning can stumble and make the same mistakes twice in the same place.
That is what I think this saying means. It is usually said to people who have to make the same mistake over and over again, then it means that "you stumble over the same stone again."
What do you think? Do you think it is necessary these mistakes to grow in life? How many times do you need to stumble over the same stone to understand? Do you learn from mistakes?
Each person is free to make mistakes and to live the processes and learning from those mistakes. In fact, everyone in life is capable of making mistakes because....
"To err is human and to rectify is wise."
So the most important thing in making a mistake is to learn the lesson, and analyze where we have made a mistake to avoid making the same mistake again.
We cannot get different results if we keep doing the same thing. It is the same as any mathematical procedure. If you look for the solution and the result is simply wrong, you must look for another way to solve the problem.
Mistakes also define our path, our present and our future. Making mistakes is part of life, of the path.
Enjoying the journey is what really makes us happy. With all the mistakes and the successes that is life!
Maybe my perspective is linked to the positive side of life, so I'd like to read them too.
Happy Sunday! ♥️
Thank you very much.
Los refranes de mi pueblo
El hombre es el único animal que tropieza dos veces con la misma piedra.
Que tal Hive, feliz domingo. Me gustan los refranes y en esta oportunidad quiero analizar este refrán que particularmente siento que habla de los errores del hombre.
Por naturaleza los animales nunca repiten los mismos errores en un determinado lugar, ya que ellos logran recordar sucesos o eventos anteriores que los hicieron tropezar o caer en un hoyo, por naturaleza estos recuerdan, y si vuelven a pasar por ese lugar instintivamente toman las precauciones.
Sin embargo, el ser humano con todo su razonamiento puede tropezar y cometer los errores dos veces en el mismo lugar.
Es lo que a mi parecer significa este refrán. Generalmente se le dice a las personas que tienen a cometer el mismo error una y otra vez, entonces significa que "vuelves a tropezar con la misma piedra"
Que opinan ustedes? Creen que es necesario estos errores para crecer en la vida? Cuantas veces se necesita tropezar con la misma piedra para entender? De los errores se aprende?
Cada persona es libre de equivocarse y de vivir los procesos y los aprendizajes de esos errores. De hecho todos en la vida somos capaces de errar porque...
"Errar es de humanos y rectificar es de sabio"
Así que lo más importante en errar es aprender la lección, y analizar en qué nos hemos equivocado para evitar seguir cometiendo el mismo error.
No podemos obtener resultados diferentes si seguimos haciendo lo mismo. Es igual que cualquier procedimiento matemático. Si buscas la solución y simplemente el resultado es errado se debe buscar otra forma de resolver el problema.
Los errores también definen nuestro camino, nuestro presente y nuestro futuro. Equivocarnos es parte de la vida, del camino.
Disfrutar el camino es lo que realmente nos hace felices. Con todos los errores y los aciertos eso es la vida!
Tal vez mi perspectiva esté ligada al lado positivo de la vida, así que también me gustaría leerlos.
Feliz domingo! ♥️
Muchas gracias.
- Las imágenes me pertenecen
- Traductor: Deelp traslator
- Edicion: Canva
- Images belong to me
- Translator: Deepl Traslator
- Editing: Canva
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mistakes are a part of life, so we have to make them so that we have a situation where we learn . But there are also some mistakes where one part of the party has been aware for years that this is the wrong attitude and that he or she not changing itself to help others, it is not learning and rather harming others.
I liked your way of looking at mistakes too. It is that we are free to make mistakes but when our freedom to make the mistakes affects the lives of others. It's a big problem.
It's a topic worth discussing, thanks for giving me your very interesting point of view.
Learning in such a manner to avoid falling again is wisdom.
That's right, my friend.
Thank you
Lastimosamente el ser humano puede llegar a tropezarse con la misma piedra un par de veces. Excelente contenido. 🤗💜