很會行銷的 CASETiFY / A Brand That Knows How to Market: CASETiFY

可能有些人知道 CASETiFY 這個品牌,但是可能有很多人不知道它是甚麼,就讓我簡單介紹一下吧,它是一個來自香港的品牌,主要的商品是手機殼及手機配件,它在 2011 年成立,一開始提供用戶將自己喜歡的照片印在手機殼上的服務,迅速引起廣泛關注及年輕人的喜愛,之後,它也跨足開發與設計更多樣的商品,來滿足消費者對於手機的需求。
無論消費者使用的是iPhone、三星或其他品牌的手機,無論消費者使用的是新機型還是較舊的款式,它們都可以客製化設計感十足的手機殼,以滿足不同消費者的需求,CASETiFY 成立至今已和上百位藝術家合作,推出超過3萬餘款手機殼,此外,CASETiFY 也先後和哆啦A夢、迪士尼公主和芭比電影等知名 IP 品牌聯名,引起粉絲們的搶購潮。
說實話,我對於手機殼的要求,只要防摔就夠了,不會要求一個花俏的手機殼,但是 Casetify 不但能做到終極防摔,還有防水、防塵和防撞的外殼設計,不過,價錢會稍貴一些,有可能會到上千元台幣,就像我標題寫的,Casetify 是個很會行銷的品牌,前陣子,它除了和泡泡瑪特 DIMOO 聯名合作,並在信義區開了一家實體店,也是吸引了很多年輕人過來朝聖,我也趁興進去逛了一圈,聽我身邊的年輕人提到,他們就是特地過來實體店收集喜歡的聯名品牌手機殼。
我事後回想起來,現今社會,一個品牌要能成功,不但品質要好,還需要懂得行銷,成功吸引了年輕消費者目光,因為和年輕人一起成長,企業較能永續經營,CASETiFY 的每一步都展現其強大的行銷力。雖然商品價格偏高,仍讓許多年輕人為之瘋狂。
Some people might have heard of CASETiFY, but many might not know what it actually is. Let me give you a quick introduction. It’s a brand from Hong Kong that mainly sells phone cases and accessories. Founded in 2011, it initially offered a service where users could print their favorite photos onto phone cases, which quickly gained attention and became popular with young people. Over time, they expanded into designing and developing a wider variety of products to meet consumer needs.
No matter if you’re using an iPhone, Samsung, or another phone brand, or whether you have a new model or an older one, you can customize a stylish phone case that fits your preferences. Since its founding, CASETiFY has collaborated with hundreds of artists and released over 30,000 phone case designs. They’ve also teamed up with well-known IP brands like Doraemon, Disney Princesses, and Barbie movies, sparking waves of fans rushing to buy their products.
Honestly, my only requirement for a phone case is that it’s drop-proof—I don’t really care for flashy designs. But CASETiFY offers not only ultimate drop protection but also waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof features. The only downside is that the price can be a bit steep, sometimes over NT$1,000. Like I said in my title, CASETiFY is a brand that knows how to market itself. Recently, they collaborated with POP MART’s DIMOO series and opened a physical store in Taipei’s Xinyi District, which attracted a lot of young people to check it out. I went for a quick visit myself and overheard some young customers saying they came specifically to collect their favorite collab phone cases.
Looking back, in today’s world, for a brand to succeed, it needs not only great quality but also smart marketing to grab the attention of young consumers. Growing alongside younger generations helps a brand achieve sustainable success. CASETiFY has shown its strong marketing power every step of the way. Even though the products are pricey, they still manage to drive young people crazy for them.
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