瞎逛2024年漫畫博覽會 (三) / Wandering Around the 2024 Comic Expo (Part 3)





聽說,隨著疫情興起的 VTuber,已成為近幾年來,動漫產業難以忽視的新勢力,現場闢有一個 VTuber 專區,有遊戲產商宇峻奧汀自行推出的VTuber,橘子集團邀請來的 VTuber 也參與及協作攤位,連電商平台露天市集都找來 VTuber,舉辦見面會,這次也有不少 VTuber經紀公司在現場,舉辦活動來與粉絲互動,但是,我並未接觸過 VTuber,其實也搞不懂為何會這麼歡迎,所以,我只是在現場瞎看罷了。

其實,可能是異業同盟或合作,漫畫博覽會是越辦越盛大了,裝扮參與的 Coser 也是越來越多了,對於生活在網路上的年輕世代而言,這就是一場盛大的次文化嘉年華會,讓同好們有個交流的機會,唯一的缺點就是人太多了,太擠了。

As far as I know, a lot of people come to the Comic Expo each year mainly for the manga and novels. There are new books, limited-edition merchandise, and packed-to-the-brim lucky bags that you can only get at the event. Many book lovers are eager to grab exclusive goodies like transparent posters, travel organizers, phone stands, coin purses, and keychains at discounted prices. That’s why the lines at the publishers' booths are always super long—you often have to wait over an hour just to get in. Popular publishers like Tong Li, Kadokawa, Ching Win, and Sharp Point Press all have several well-known series, so fans are willing to spend hours in line to buy their stuff. Luckily, I’m not that into it anymore, so I only check out the booths where you don’t have to wait in line.

There was a special section called the "Taiwan Manga Pavilion" dedicated to original Taiwanese content. Twenty-four manga and twenty novels were nominated for this year’s Original IP Awards. They teamed up with Eslite Bookstore to showcase and sell these works, along with hosting various activities and games to set the mood. Unfortunately, there weren’t many people hanging around, and the works didn’t really stand out. The rest and salon areas had plenty of seats, and most people were just sitting down to take a break. While wandering around, I spotted a graffiti wall in a corner where passersby could leave their drawings. Most of the doodles were of anime characters, and some were actually pretty good. I saw a lot of young girls taking pictures with their drawings and their friends after they finished, which was kind of sweet.

Beast Kingdom, a well-known distributor of American toys and movie merchandise, was there as usual, showcasing American toys like Iron Man and Doctor Strange. This year was no different. While wandering around, I stumbled upon the Ultraman Card Game experience area. The staff were guiding players on how to play the card battle game, which reminded me of scenes from tabletop game conventions. I couldn’t help but wonder if young people still know who Ultraman is, since I barely know him myself! In another corner, I came across a Yu-Gi-Oh! booth with card battle tutorials and various merchandise for sale. The small booth was packed with enthusiastic players, so it seems like card battle games still have a strong following.

I’ve heard that VTubers, who became popular during the pandemic, have become a force to be reckoned with in the anime industry in recent years. There was a dedicated VTuber area at the expo, featuring VTubers launched by game company UserJoy Technology and ones invited by Gamania. Even online marketplace Ruten invited VTubers for meet-and-greet events. Several VTuber agencies were also on-site, hosting activities to interact with fans. But since I’ve never really gotten into VTubers and don’t quite understand why they’re so popular, I was just aimlessly looking around.

It seems that through various partnerships and collaborations, the Comic Expo has become bigger and bigger each year. The number of cosplayers has also increased. For the younger generation who live their lives online, this is like a grand subculture carnival, giving fans a chance to connect with each other. The only downside is that it’s way too crowded.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
