Shouldn't their be a post for markdown styling?
In my days in other blogging platform, their is always a post are a link that will teach or guide one on how to style their write up. Well i was one of those is steemit and for the beginners they were post of different kind on how to style one's asking because i had that issue when i came to this platform i couldn't align my text or centralize it or even make my headings bigger well i of a recent figure out it is the same thing with that of steemit .....the little i know of is
<-Center>word -in this the c's in the center are actually supposed to be in lowercase for it to work and this is for centralizing text.make sure u remove the dash after the first center.
#-for making words bigger for headings...there are different like adding another # to make it into another type of heading
You see how i divided the work that is done with 3 of these "_"
Then listing is done with the + sign
Well these are the ones are know of and i think there should be a post for that if there is let me know ....i need to know more.