Visiting a Historic Building From the 19th Century: "Edificio del Pacífico." [ENG/ESP]


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Hi everybody!

Today I want to share with you some photos of one of the historical monuments of the Argentine nation, an emblematic building that is still standing over the years and is an icon of the city. I have also decided to immerse myself in another type of content other than photography that is of interest both for those who appreciate it here and for me, since in this way there is a cultural, architectural and historical feedback. A learning from both sides and that's great.

I have decided to visit specific places that are very relevant in this city and share something a little more extensive in relation to the information and the amount of photographs.

Hola a todos!

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas fotos sobre uno de los monumentos históricos de la nación argentina, un emblemático edificio que sigue de pie con el pasar de los años y que es un ícono de la ciudad. He decidido además sumergirme en otro tipo de contenido aparte del fotográfico que es de interés tanto para quienes lo aprecian acá como pará mi, ya que de esta forma existe una retroalimentación cultural, arquitectonica e historia. Un aprendizaje de ambas partes y eso está buenísimo.

He decidido visitar lugares puntuales que son muy relevantes en esta ciudad y compartir algo un poco más extenso en relación a la información y a la cantidad de fotografías.


A building that was built in 1888 and inaugurated in 1894, it is located in the microcenter of the city and covers an entire block with access from different streets in the area.

Un edificio que fué construído en el año 1888 e inaugurado en el año 1894, se encuentra en el microcentro de la ciudad y abarca toda una manzana con acceso en diferentes calles de la zona.


Although there is something very particular in this photo that I took of one of its upper lateral parts, the writing that says 1891-1991, we know that it is a century but I do not know what it refers to since it is not the date of the beginning of its construction nor the date of its inauguration.

Aunque hay algo muy particular puntualmente en esta foto que tomé a una de sus partes laterales superiores, ese escrito que dice 1891-1991, sabemos que es un siglo pero no conozco a qué hace referencia ya que no es la fecha de inicio de su contrucción ni tampoco la fecha de su inauguración.


Leaving that aside, let's appreciate one of the entrances of this wonderful neo-Renaissance style building and its interior design, starting with this perspective and the translucent glass roof.

Dejando eso a un lado, apreciemos una de las entradas de este maravilloso edificio de estilo neorrenacentista y su diseño interior, empezando por esta perspectiva y el techo con vidrios translúcidos.



To enter here is to immerse yourself in a world of art and it is impossible not to appreciate every detail of this building. The main idea was to install a branch of the Paris store: Au Bon Marché and there was also built the Phoenix Hotel that operated until 2005 and where now operates the Hotel Esplendor.

The whole building is imposing in its exterior and facades as well as in the interior and when you set foot inside it is more than enough to know that it is a luxurious building, luxurious stores and restaurants.

Entrar acá es sumergirte en mundo de arte y es imposible no apreciar cada detalle que tiene este edificio. La idea principal fue instalar una sucursal de la tienda de París: Au Bon Marché y allí se construyó también el Hotel Phoenix que funcionó hasta el año 2005 y dónde ahora funciona el Hotel Esplendor.

Todo el edificio es imponente tanto en su exterior y fachadas como en el interior y al poner un pie dentro es más que suficiente para saber que se trata de un edificio lujoso, tiendas lujosas y restaurantes.




It's so amazing what could be done in this sense more than a century ago, we had less technology, much less capacity than today and the architecture and construction of these buildings were impressive, only a structure of only 3 floors like the ones that constitute this building, just over 50,000m² and classical artistic thought was enough to carry out this work.

Today we have much more possibilities and we have flat, bland and luxurious buildings without much to really appreciate.

En tan sorprendente lo que se pudo hacer en este sentido hace más de un siglo, teníamos menos tecnología, mucha menos capacidad que hoy en día y la arquitectura y construcciones de estos edificios eran impresionante, solo bastaba una estructura de solo 3 pisos como los que constituyen este edificio, poco más de 50.000m² y el pensamiento artístico clásico para llevar a cabo esta obra.

Hoy en día tenemos mucha más posibilidades y tenemos edificios lujosos planos, insípidos y sin mucho realmente que apreciar.




Personally I don't like the idea of visiting shopping malls, I don't find anything attractive there nor is it interesting to see stores and fast food places but this is different in many ways, the aesthetics and design catches you and as it is common in this type of places the objective is to generate the need to buy and consume, if this is so why not do it while enjoying an excellent view and works of art?

Personalmente no me agrada mucho la idea de visitar centros comerciales, no encuentro nada atractivo allí ni es interesante ver tiendas y locales de comida rápida pero esto es diferente en muchos sentidos, la estética y el diseño te atrapa y como es común en este tipo de lugares el objetivo es generar necesidad de comprar y consumir, si esto es así por qué no hacerlo mientras disfrutas de una excelente vista y obras de arte?


In a mezzanine there is a fountain as a kind of food fair, there are several gastronomic establishments for different tastes and if that were not enough when you look up to the dome you can appreciate artistic works.

En un entrepiso de encuentra una fuente como una especie de feria de comida, hay diversos locales gastronómicos para diferente gustos y por si fuera poco cuando miras hacia la cúpula puedes apreciar obras artísticas.



I tried to take the best pictures possible since I could not position myself exactly in the center, and I did not have an angle lens on my camera, so I took some pictures with zoom and others with the angle camera of my phone.

Intenté tomar las mejores fotos posibles ya que no podía ubicarme exactamente en el centro, además no tenía un lente angular en mi cámara por lo que algunas fotos las tomé con zoom y otras con la cámara angular de mi teléfono.



Apart from this, in some corridors and other floors you can also find murals that were made by artists in about 1945.

Aparte de esto, en algunos pasillos y otros pisos también puedes encontrar murales que fueron hechos por artistas en 1945 aproximadamente.



An interesting fact is that the building not only functioned as a gallery or a branch of that Paris store I mentioned at the beginning. It was the headquarters of the National Museum of Fine Arts and at the beginning of the 20th century the company Ferrocarril Buenos Aires al Pacífico bought it partially and then completely to establish its offices there. After that, the term Pacífico remained, and today it is called Galerías Pacífico.

I took pictures of every detail I could, walls, columns, walked around the block to try to capture different views of the building and share them with all of you.

Un dato interesante es que el edificio no solamente funcionó como una galería o una sucursal de aquella tienda de París que mencioné al principio. Fué sede del museo nacional de Bellas Artes y a principios del siglo XX la empresa Ferrocarril Buenos Aires al Pacífico lo compró parcialmente y luego por completo para establecer sus oficinas allí. Posterior a eso quedó el término Pacífico, pasándose a llama Galerías Pacífico hoy en día.

Tomé fotos de cada detalle que pude, paredes, columnas, caminé por toda la manzana para intentar capturar diferentes vistas del edificio y compartilas con todos ustedes.

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Previously, I do not remember when exactly I had shared a post about this building but in relation to the architecture, yesterday I decided to visit it again and expand a little more about its history and other aspects.

Anteriormente, no recuerdo cuando exactamente había compartido un post sobre este edificio pero en relación a la arquitectura puntualmente, ayer decidí visitarlo nuevamente y expandir un poco más sobre su historia y otros aspectos.





Two very interesting facts that I can also mention is that the building was not built in its entirety in a scheduled period, there were many difficulties and political and economic problems, so it could be built over the years, some governments demolished part of the structure to install hotels and at the time there were plans to remove it, fortunately it survived. In 1990 it underwent a last general remodeling.

The second interesting but a bit disturbing fact is that during the last military dictatorship, spaces were set up in the building, specifically in the basements that functioned as clandestine torture centers, small prisons for dissidents or anyone who was against the regime.

Every corner has its dark side, right?

Dos datos bastante interesantes que puedo mencionar también es que el edificio no fué construído en su totalidad en un lapso programado, hubo muchas dificultades y problemas políticos y económicos, por lo que pudo ser construido con el pasar de los años, algunos gobiernos demolieron parte de la estructura para instalar hoteles y en su momento había planes de eliminarlo, afortunadamente éste sobrevivió. En 1990 se hizo una última remodelación general.

El segundo dato interesante pero un poco perturbador es que durante la última dictadura militar habilitaron espacios en el edificio, específicamente en los sótanos que funcionaron como centros clandestinos de tortura, pequeñas prisiones para personas disidentes o cualquiera que estuviese en contra del régimen.

Cada rincón tiene su lado oscuro, no?



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I am going to end this post sharing some other images of the interior space in general, without the need to describe anything one of them because they are stores, aisles, food stores. So it's an overview of the tour I did yesterday.

I hope you enjoyed this virtual tour and that the information provided has been of interest to many. I send you a big hug and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Voy a finalizar este post compartiendo algunas otras imágenes del espacio interior en general, sin necesidad de describir nada una de ellas porque son tiendas, pasillos, locales de comida. Así que es una visión general del recorrido que hice el día de ayer.

Espero que hayan disfrutado de este recorrido virtual y que la información proporcionada haya sido del interés de muchos. Les mando un gran abrazo y les deseo un maravilloso fin de semana.

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That's all folks! Thanks for stopping by and appreciating.

"Photography is a universal language that transcends the barriers of culture and time." Fan-Ho.


Copyright © by @dimascastillo90 All rights reserved, 2024.
Find out about my Street and Boudoir photography works.
Street Photographer | 🇻🇪 VEN based in ARG 🇦🇷

49.886 NEOXAG


Una verdadera joya arquitectónica!!!Gracias por transportarnos a ese maravilloso lugar ! excelente trabajo fotográfico!

0.000 NEOXAG

Let's delve into the Builda whale farm on the Hive, Gogreenbuddy, who is also colloquially known as the Marky mark USAINVOTE UPMYVOTE IPROMOTE and 100's more if not thousands this individual has asserted that his intentions behind this initiative are driven by a desire to contribute positively to the community. Now, let's explore what he is earning on a monthly basis from this venture. income is said to be generated through the use of multiple alternative accounts, which he utilizes to cast votes in favor of his own shit content. The community seems to have mixed feelings about this practice many are scared to speak up.

Are you ready to delve deeper into this topic and uncover more insights? If so, let's proceed. It's time to wake up and gain a clearer understanding of the situation at hand.


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: 25 days ago
Total HP: 15,283.568
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000

The Marky mark

Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: a month ago
Total HP: 13,913.812
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 20, 2024
Total HP: 7,026.082
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 22, 2024
Total HP: 28.306
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 15, 2024
Total HP: 1,960.063
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

There's been a notable increase in frustration and concern among many users

Reply 2 @crimsonclad You may consider yourself clever

Reply to @crimsonclad

Consider revising the value plan, as it's not providing significant benefits to HIVE

The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way

Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL

We consider it unwise to engage in harmful actions, even if you think you can escape the repercussions

The Hive Police aka Hivewatchers, are the real heroes of Hive LOL, aren't they?

Feast your eyes on Hive's trending page, what a load of trash

LoL it's the Hivewatchers Hive Police, dishing out orders like a bakery LOL! Folks, do what you want with your Hive power, just as you please. And you, Hivewatchers, downvote away, but remember, judgment day's coming

Harry fam We're just here, laughing at the shenanigans on Hive! Sure, our content's getting downvoted, but hey, it's all part of the game LOL

adm [-]
meesterboom [-]
steemcleaners [-]
jacobtothe [-]
logic [-]
chekohler [-]
b00m [-]
celestegray [-]
citizensmith [-]
sazbird [-]
technicalside [-]
bagpuss [-]
vxn666 [-]
spaminator [-]
meestemboom [-]
ihal0001 [-]
tillmea [-]
meesterleo [-]
meesterbrain [-]
unclefunker [-]
and 1 more

On Hive, there's a user who frequently burns a significant amount of Hive LOL with his own accounts

How To Fool An Entire Population

it's so, so concerning to see Blocktrades delegating 2+ million Hive power to Buildawhale, and Buildawhale is downvoting legitimate content

We began sharing factual information following unwarranted downvotes on Hive it's all in the transactions

Upon examining our posts, you will notice they have been downvoted, and we've been labeled as scammers and spammers, which we find amusing. We consistently share new content

Once again, we ask why is our legit content being downvoted on Hive and what is the reason behind it. Hivewatchers ADM spaminator steemcleaners guiltyparties logic

We have Hive witnesses farming Hive, self-voting, operating comment farms, and self-funding projects with community resources

Posted using Bilpcoin


0.000 NEOXAG

Son una maravilla tus fotos. Disfruté mucho el post y todos los datos interesantes que tiene el edificio. Comparto tu opinión, actualmente no se construye con el mismo gusto y belleza que antes.

0.000 NEOXAG

En ese sentido el pasado es mejor jeje que bueno que hayas disfrutado de las fotos y el post con los datos relevantes de este edificio. Un abrazo para ti, linda 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG

This is an absolutely extraordinary shoot! At first I started selecting the best, but then I realized, I have to link most of the photos here. 😍

I did a similar one at one of the local malls, but towards the end I was approached by security and asked to leave 😁

0.000 NEOXAG

What a joy to read you here my dear @erikah It is a beautiful place that I had to go and take endless photos 😅

I did a similar one at one of the local malls, but towards the end I was approached by security and asked to leave 😁

You probably already had a lot of photos after that 😁 The security guy chased me all over the mall and just watched everything I did, he didn't say anything to me and I felt protected 🤣

0.000 NEOXAG

🤣🤣🤣 Lucky you, they chased me out. The funny thing was, both of them were shorter than me 😆😄

0.000 NEOXAG

I can imagine it and it even seems funny to me 😆

0.000 NEOXAG



and this

Just a few 🤗😘😍

0.000 NEOXAG

The first two are my favorites, two of at least 5 😁

Similar preferences?

I love that you selected a few and pasted the link here, I really appreciate it 😍

I send you a big hug and kiss and I wish you a beautiful weekend 🤗😘❤️❤️❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

0.000 NEOXAG

WOW!... Photographic skill taken to the maximum!... Congratulations @dimascastillo90 friend, this is a very high quality photographic sample!...

!discovery 40

0.000 NEOXAG

How kind you are! It's good that you liked them and appreciated it in this way, thank you very much for the motivating comment and for the support @jlinaresp friend!

0.001 NEOXAG

How beautiful😍 your photos speak for themselves, plus I read with interest the history of this building..........for me it is always an added value to describe the history of a building

0.000 NEOXAG

A very important building for the city and worth sharing and getting to know. Thank you very much for commenting :)

0.001 NEOXAG

Beautiful photographs of this place. The paint on the ceilings is a good attraction.

0.000 NEOXAG

A good photographer always finds interesting angles and subjects... that's your case. Here architecture is the highlight, although there are some images with shadows and reflections that I really like. And the art (in a shopping mall?) left me impressed. 😃

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello there! Lo divertido de diversificar nuestro contenido es contribuir, en cierta forma, con la memoria histórica de nuestra época, me encanta la idea de usar estas comunidades para que haya constancia de cómo son las cosas realmente a ojos de un ciudadano común.

Impresionante estructura, algo que uno esperaría más para un edificio de oficinas del estado o algo así. Aunque lo del centro comercial suena aburrido y consumista, es una forma de que tengamos acceso a lugares así, ¿no? en otras circunstancias uno suele tener que conformarse con fachadas.

0.000 NEOXAG

Tiene mucha razón en lo que dices, algo tan simple y común como un centro comercial pero al menos nos da la posibilidad de poder apreciar el edificio tanto de forma externa como internal, así como también los detalles.

Me.ha encantado tu comentario y tu apreciación @ninaeatshere muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de pasar por aquí ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Y a mí me han gustado mucho las fotos jejeje no hay de qué, gracias por compartir tu forma de ver la ciudad!

0.000 NEOXAG

What a magnificent building it looks like a jump back in time I can figure out old twenty years party with champagne flutes and fancy dresses.

0.000 NEOXAG

I can imagine what it was like in the 50s and 60s and I imagine the same thing as you. It is an amazing and beautiful building.

Thank you very much for your nice comment @noemilunastorta friend :)

Have a wonderful weekend ✨

0.000 NEOXAG

It's really a tourist site

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Beautiful! The woman on the escalator is a gorgeous shot!

0.000 NEOXAG

That is one of my favorites, although it is more Street but it is very interesting at an angle. Thanks for stopping by @x-rain friend! Much appreciate it.

0.000 NEOXAG