Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral [ENG/ESP]



Hello everyone, Hive friends! Today I bring you a post about the main catholic temple of Argentina... The Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires.

The pictures were taken by me two days ago during a tour around the area and suddenly I came across such architecture and I thought it was perfect to share it with all of you.

Hola a todos, amigos de Hive! Hoy les traigo un post sobre el principal templo católico de Argentina... La catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires.

Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi hace dos días durante un recorrido que hacía por la zona y repentinamente me topé con semejante arquitectura y me pareció perfecta para compartirla con todos ustedes.



It is a cathedral located in the neighborhood of San Nicolas in the city of Buenos Aires in front of the Plaza de Mayo and is more than 200 years old, it is considered the largest church in Argentina.

The construction of this work was initiated during the XVIII century and finally concluded in the XX century, passing through numerous architects, styles, facades, reconstructions and several changes to reach the appearance and style that it has at the moment.

Es una catedral ubicada en el barrio de San Nicolás en la ciudad de Buenos Aires frente a la plaza de mayo y tiene más de 200 años de antigüedad, se le considera la iglesia mayor de Argentina.

La construcción de ésta obra fue iniciada durante el siglo XVIII y finalmente concluida en el siglo XX, pasando así por numerosos arquitectos, estilos fachadas, reconstrucciones y en si diversos cambios para llegar a la apariencia y estilo que posee actualmente.





I will mention a little about the history and architecture of this historic building through the years and two centuries, how it has been changing styles and what form it has taken with the passing of time.

The idea of founding this cathedral comes from the 1500's but it was not until the XVII century between 1750 and 1790 that its definitive construction began to take shape, in the same way it was built in two parts, the first one mentioned before and the second one for the following century between 1800 and 1850 approximately.

Mencionaré un poco sobre la historia y arquitectura de este histórico edificio a través de los años y de dos siglos, como ha venido cambiando de estilos y que forma ha tenido con el pasar del tiempo.

La idea de fundar ésta catedral viene de los años 1500 pero no fue hasta el siglo XVII entre 1750 y 1790 que su construcción definitiva empezó a tomar forma, de igual manera se realizó en dos partes, la primera antes mencionada y la segunda para el siglo siguiente entre 1800 y 1850 aproximadamente.


The Italian architect Antonio Masella was in charge of directing the construction of the cathedral in the year 1752 to culminate it in 1791 and for the year 1822 was designed the facade by the French architect Propero Catelin and Pedro Benoit, which represents what it is today and how it was kept that way. Then it was inaugurated in 1850, approximately a century after the beginning of its construction...

These Frenchmen were the ones who gave the neoclassical style to the cathedral, in which they included 12 corinthian columns representing the 12 apostles.

El arquitecto italiano Antonio Masella fue el encargado de dirigir la construcción de la catedral en el año 1752 para culminarla en 1791 y para el año 1822 fue diseñada la fachada por el arquitecto francés Propero Catelin y Pedro Benoit, que representa lo que es hoy en día y como se mantuvo de esa forma. Para luego ser inaugurada en el año 1850, aproximadamente un siglo después del inicio de su construcción...

Estos franceses fueron los que dieron el estilo neoclasico a la catedral, en la cuál incluyeron 12 columnas de orden corintio que representan a los 12 apóstoles.



Later, in 1860, the French sculptor Joseph Dubourdieu was in charge of the bas-relief work of the frontispiece, which represented Jacob's meeting with his son Joseph in Egypt.

Posteriormente para el año 1860 se realizó un trabajo de bajorrelieve del frontispicio que estuvo a cargo del escultor francés Joseph Dubourdieu mediante el cuál se hizo una representación del encuentro de Jacob con su hijo José en Egipto.



The building is a classical Greek temple rather than a typical temple, it has no towers and its façade is inspired by the Palais Bourbon in Paris.

For many years, even centuries, this cathedral has been erected, it has undergone renovations, it has passed through different architects of different nationalities. Finally the cathedral was declared a National Historic Monument in 1942.

Unfortunately I was not able to access the interior of the cathedral so what is described here is based mostly on its external appearance and facade, accompanied by a bit of history and some relevant data regarding its architects and some meanings of their works in terms of their style.

Finally, some of the writings that are written on the walls of this cathedral.

El edificio es un templo griego clásico más que un templo típico, no posee torres y su fachada está inspirada en el Palais Bourbon de París.

Desde muchísimos años incluso siglos se ha levantado ésta catedral, se han hecho reformas, han pasado por diferentes arquitectos de diferentes nacionalidades. Finalmente la catedral fue declarada Monumento histórico nacional en el año 1942.

Lamentablemente no pude acceder al interior de la catedral por lo que está acá descrito está basado mayormente en su apariencia externa y su fachada, acompañado de un poco de historia y de algunos datos relevantes en cuanto a sus arquitectos y algunos significados de sus trabajos en cuanto a su estilo.

Para finalizar, algunas escrituras que están plasmadas en las paredes de esta catedral.




All photos in this post were taken by me and are of my authorship.

Todas las fotos presentes en este post fueron tomadas por mi y son de mi autoría.




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Hello @dimascastillo90. What a spectacular building! If I was a first-time traveler to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, I'd probably have the initial impression that it was a government entity. Because of the typical neoclassical style of its exterior facade used for such institutions, unknowing visitors would never assume that it's a cathedral. However, with that design twist in its architecture, I find that religious edifice truly stunning and admirable. Besides, being considered as the largest church in Argentina, I think the chosen architectural characteristic is truly suitable for its societal significance.

Like me, would you react the same way when seeing that building for the first time?


Hi @storiesoferne thank you so much for your comment! I really agree with you and I thought it was a government institution the first time I saw it however its history is quite interesting and its neoclassical-Greek style makes it stand out from other cathedrals.
I hope to be able to visit its interior very soon. If you were a tourist coming here I would recommend many places 😊.


Wonderful! Appreciate your reply. Buenos Aires is certainly a location blessed with so many architectural treasures. I look forward to experiencing more of your awesome content here. Cheers! 😊


That's Argentina for sure! Soon I will be making a trip to share one of the most impressive cathedrals of Buenos Aires, I hope you can enjoy it😊.


Realmente es impresionante la arquitectura de tu país y también la manera como nos la presentas! Excelentes fotografías como siempre!

!discovery 30

It is really impressive the architecture of your country and also the way you present it to us! Excellent pictures as always!

discovery 30


Hello @maridmc. Kindly provide/include the English language translation for your comment. Thank you for your consideration.


Of course. I'll keep that in mind for the next comments! 😊


Well done @dimascastillo90! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded GOLD MARK in Architecture Brew #42. Congratulations!


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