What CURRENT ASSETS represent through efficient financial information for management.

Currently, it is a challenge for Venezuelan companies to efficiently manage current assets, especially due to the changes that have arisen in the economic and social context of the country as a result of the economic crisis, affecting accounting and financial management.

Although organizations seek to efficiently and effectively exploit financial resources, various problems have influenced the handling and management of current assets..

According to the order of ideas mentioned, it is appropriate to mention that for a correct financial management it is essential to identify, know and control current assets, since it is common to observe companies that find it difficult to adequately manage cash and inventory accounts.

It should be noted that in the country, although the International Accounting Standards IAS 2, 8 and 36 on inventories, accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors and impairment of assets are known, companies have certain weaknesses in the management and accounting treatment of assets..

Therefore, this prevents the control, order and debugging of accounts, the correct calculation of income, the risk of fines and penalties for non-compliance with laws, difficulties in the preparation of financial statements and weaknesses in the planning and management of assets.

In the same way, the cash account is inevitable not to have them in the organization; since, thanks to them the companies receive the largest amount of money, impacting directly on the efficiency and effectiveness of financial management.

The same happens with cash, as well as with inventories, since there are no parameters in the company to regulate and update them, which leads to a lack of control in the management of assets.

In spite of this, updating and controlling the inventory account is a complicated task in the country, since inflation and constant political and economic changes make this task difficult, and there are companies that do not have inventory valuation methods or updating of inventories.

We can point out that this has had repercussions on the veracity of the accounting information, generating inconsistency in the information of the financial statements, difficulty to reflect the economic benefits and losses, which causes the generation of the approximate value of the inventories, causing the company to not know exactly the value of the inventories or specifically the value of the assets.

In addition to this, in the administrative and accounting field there is the belief that cash is only related to immediate money, when it is not really so; since it includes bank deposits and short-term investments, in other words, cash does not only include the inflows of metallic money, but also bank deposits at sight and short-term investments..

To conclude we can mention that adapting the financial information coming from these accounts in a real way; it is determinant since the hyperinflationary economy that is lived in the country demands the efficient management of the assets to protect the utility and operation of the organizations applying the accounting systems and adequate techniques to strengthen the value of the company and through this, to know and correct the weaknesses..
