On developing and being in the forests; The case of having enough clean air, and not having too much pollution to do breathing!



We should have enough rainforests, and we should take responsibility for making clean air, and we should not have too bad quality in the air, and we should have good quality in the air, and we should not have too much pollution and we should not destroy the rainforests, and we should use them to live long lives and also good lives. We are finding tropical rainforests in Central and South America, Western and Central Africa, Western India, Southeast Asia, the island of New Guinea, and Australia. So, we should develop the forests, and we should take care of them, and we should be living and working in the country where we are appreciating life, and we should live and work and operate our lives as good as possible. We must be careful about making and using resources, and we should use our human resources and capital resources as good as possible, and we should use them in sensible ways, and life is not just about being inside the universities, the colleges and the business schools, but there should be enough quality of the writing, and there should be enough quantity of study programs, and if you are clever and smart and intelligent, the study programs should be ranked, and we should use the study programs that are best possible fitting our lives. And we cannot be satisfied with the schools unless there are good reasons for it, and competitive strategies, that are something we are having at Harvard, and we should accept that Harvard with professional courses and social affairs, is the best as possible. And we should always look for quality and we should not hear to all the employees, but we should ask the people evaluating schools, and we should have enough quality in the schools from emic and etic perspectives, but we should always accept and respect people, and love them for what they are doing, if the doing is related to know people, to work properly, and for being within and without the humans that are in any systems. So, when we are working, we should work strongly and we should work in constructively and positively ways.

You know, the forests are filled with trees and biodiversity, and hence we are experiencing many things in the forests, and love is not difficult, and we should love the people that are around us, and we can live as every of our days are the last, and we should meet new people every day. And the spirit and the love of people, that is something we accept and respect, and people should be satisfied by being in villages, districts, towns and cities. And we can be deeply into the forests, and we should have enough time and experience and enjoy the life by being alone and together with other people in the forests, and we have nearly always plenty of times when being there.

Why do we need the forests as we are using? We need the forests to do something good with humans, and that we are having better life when we are breathing better quality in our air. Accordingly, there are several important functions with the forests, and we should use them to get more and better quality in our lives, and we should be in the forests when we like it, and we should collect friends wherever we are being and living and working and operating, and we should know families, and we should be satisfied of knowing many people, and satisfaction is important in life, and we should use it, in many ways that are happening. And satisfaction is central in living the life, and satisfaction should be even more important than dissatisfaction, and we should be positive and loyal in life, and we should use the evil and devil forces in our lives to make good results, and we should use our human nature in the nature to appreciate people, and we should do good speaking among people rather than slandering. So, every environment is dependent on you and me, and we are framing and understanding the lives just as we are doing from time to time and from place to place.

We are using carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air in the nature. And there is also argon and nitrogen in the air, and maybe the constitution of the air is determining how old we are, and why we have the experiences as we have. And perhaps people living and working in Caucasus are older than other people due to the air and the environments the people are being within, and therefore we should take these things in serious manners.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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