Music news + 🚀Giveaway 10000 starbits 🚀 N° 178




Michael J Fox played guitar with Coldplay.

The actor of the "Back to the Future" saga, Michael J Fox, had the pleasure of playing the guitar with the British group Coldplay. The actor suffers from Parkinson's disease, a disease that was diagnosed many years ago when he was at the peak of his acting career. It is not the first time he has played with the band. It already did so in 2016 and its objective is to put Parkinson's disease and the need to investigate it on the table.



Luca Bocciaannounced presentation at Niceto Club.

Luca Bocci wants to say goodbye to his third album with a presentation at Niceto Club. It will be presented on July 27 at the Niceto Club in the City of Buenos Aires. The presentation is to say goodbye to his third album called "Paraíso corazón" that gave him so much satisfaction. It is the return to Buenos Aires after living for some time in Spain.




The winner of the last draw was:

Screenshot (4877).png

Screenshot (4878).png

Music video of the day.

La Renga - Panic Show. Source: YouTube.




Michael J Fox toco la guitarra junto a Coldplay.

El actor de la saga "Volver al futuro", Michael J Fox, se dio el gusto de tocar la guitarra junto al grupo británico Coldplay. El actor sufre de mal de Parkinson, enfermedad que le fue diagonosticada hace muchos años cuando estaba en la cima de su carrera actoral. No es la primera vez que toca con la banda. Ya lo hizo en 2016 y su objetivo es poner sobre la mesa el mal de Párkinson y la necesidad de investigarlo.



Luca Boccianunció presentación en Niceto Club.

Luca Bocci quiere despedir su tercer disco con una presentación en Niceto Club. Se presentará el 27 de julio en el Niceto Club de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. La presentación es para despedira su tercer disco llamado "Paraíso corazón" que tantas satisfacciones le dio. Es la vuelta a Buenos Aires despues de vivir un tiempo en España.




El ganador del último sorteo fue:

Captura de pantalla (4877).png

Captura de pantalla (4878).png

Video musical del día.

La Renga - Panic Show. Fuente: YouTube.


Keep up the good work. 👏🎵

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