Visit to the Castle of La Real Fuerza
In the city of Havana, more specifically in what is known as Old Havana (one of the main tourist centers in Cuba) is El Castillo de La Real Fuerza, which is one of the main exponents of military architecture during the Spanish colonial rule in the Caribbean.

The main function of the fortress was to be a main defensive point; It was also the guardian of the valuable objects of the Spanish Crown. In the mid-20th century it also began to be home to different institutions such as the National Library and the National Monuments Commission.

Currently the castle houses the Navigation Museum where we can learn about the maritime history of the Cuban island. The museum is located in the moat that surrounds the fortress, it also contains all kinds of exhibitions of valuable objects from the colonial era and has a scale model of the entire castle.

Last Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to visit this beautiful place with my boyfriend (@crismr) and I was amazed. If one day you visit Cuba, be sure to go to the Castillo de la Real Fuerza.

Why have you tagged leofinance in a post that has nothing to do with finance at all? Please explain.
Incredible photos and great storytelling.
You had a great weekend visiting part of Havana's history.
I recommend that for future publications you choose the Topics-Tags that best suit your publication to have a better reach.
Sometimes less is more
Greetings @dianegr