Lost Magic : The Battle of Armors

Another week, another Splinterlands[https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@splinterlands/battle-mage-secrets-weekly-challenge-sffnvx) challenge. On this round we have LOST MAGIC ruleset as our main theme.

Lost magic is a ruleset that forbids any magic attacks use in the battle. So all units which have magic attacks won't be eligible for the line up selection. So we are talking about melee and range only here.

In this case there are some approach we can use, I won't talk about each on this post. I will select one of my favorite approach that I use it a lot, it is the battle of armor.

Either range or melee will decrease the target armor first before they can damage the health point. So by manipulating or exploiting the armor, we can get the advantage here. This is the debatable approach regarding there is an ability, piercing, that could ruin this approach.


And there is this guy, Conqueror Jacek who makes all his team having the piercing ability. However the odds people will use him is not high. Well let's be frank here, not many players like to use fire element. They prefer earth, water, and dragons.

So let's see our battle then

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

This was a battle from silver league modern rank battle, as you can see both of us using water element team. Because this was a modern format, so I guess both of us were human.


This was the ruleset, I really did not like this set. There was a True Aim ruleset, so all hit would land perfectly. so like it or not, I had to have a faster team, because whoever hit first, would kill first, and got the advantage.

Then we had that Lost Magic. This lost magic build my whole meta here.


The first pick for this ruleset was this Kelya Frendul the summoner. She had that +1 armor which became the foundation of my Armor battle here. Well a +1 speed was crucial too regarding we had that true aim ruleset.


This Noa The Just became my second pick for the meta, because he had that Rust. I really did not want to see my team lost because my opponent used the same meta and they somehow won due to better or higher level. Rust was important to negate opponent armor buff.


The last one was this Swap Spitter, he had a repair ability. I needed that to keep having armor activated. His giant killer was a bonus too, incase my opponent brought some big guys on their line up.

Let's see our battle then.


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. My team was focusing on defense here, we had the opportunity team and the rest provided shelter for our attackers. My opponent was more of a gang ho type, they would go all out trying to make the killing first.
  • My opponent had 16 melee damage and 2 range damage. Combined all they became 18 damage per round and they still had a double strike from Coastal Sentry and a Trample ability given by Posibilus The Wise.
  • My team had 12 melee damage and 6 range damage which both built up 18 damage per round. My team did not have any extra attack or ability that added attack, because we focused more on defense.
  • I think I had the advantage here regarding their Supply runner did not have swiftness ability. During aim true ruleset, 1 point gap in speed was crucial, that could decide a match instantly.


  • Both of us lost a unit in the first round. I lost my Baakjira and they lost their Uraeus. in this case, the lost I had should be weighted more because Baakjira was a great tank and Uraeus was a weak but deadly sneak attackers.


  • I lost another tank again, this time Kulu Mastermind and their lost their first tank, The DiemonShark. Overall this was still equal 4 vs 4.
  • From other point of view, I already lost two of my core tanks. I should be losing this battle, right?


  • Despite the fact I lost two of my core units, we were still on equal ground here. 3 vs 3 and it looked like I would be soon winning this battle.


  • My prediction was right, now 2 vs 3. My team started to lead and I could not see how they would be able to make any "come back" run.


  • Round 6 was the last one, good game.

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The conclusion was simple, my approach was better. This would be a more evenly battle if only they had Supply Runner who had a swiftness ability, that made our speed more equal, however still it would not give them the victory.

This battle showed us that during the LOST MAGIC, my team who was relying on armor defense, armor debuff, and armor repair... managed to build up a good meta in offense and defense and we got our win despite our opponent was great too.

Seriously having Coastal Sentry at level 7 with the support of Posibilus the Wise, was a great move. With the help of aim true which made all her attack landed, she became a menace and mostlikely could run over all opponent by herself.


However she became the only treats on their side, because of the piercing ability. Other than her, definitely we saw my armor tactic almost nulled all of their attacks.

Ok that's all for my battle mage secret post today, see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

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