[ESP-ING]Domingo de sopa en familia 👪 🍛//Soup Sunday with family 👪 🍛



Hola querida comunidad espero tengan un feliz inicio de semana cargado de mucha salud y bendiciones. Hoy los ánimos amanecieron a 1000% 🥰 pero quiero compartirles lo que fue el dia de ayer Domingo. Pense que iba ser mas aburrido porque todos los domingos son aburridos pero realmente estuvo bastante tranquilo ya que habia movimiento de elecciones. Entonces me levante hacer algunos oficios en la casa para desocuparme temprano.
Y mientras fregaba mi esposo me dijo que tenia ganas de tomar sopa de pescado, entonces fue a comprar la verdura y todo porque ya el pescado lo teniamos de el dia anterior que se habia comprado. La sopa se hizo en casa de mi suegra obviamente porque yo no se hacer sopa y de pescado mucho menos. Ella como siempre cocina muy bueno y para complacer a su hijo más aun. Bueno ella preparo todo mientras nosotros comprabamos algunas cosas que faltaban como el casabe y el limón que por cierto el limón aqui es como contrabando. Jajajajaja no se consigue.

Hello dear community, I hope you have a happy start to the week full of lots of health and blessings. Today the spirits dawned at 1000% 🥰 but I want to share with you what yesterday, Sunday, was like. I thought it was going to be more boring because every Sunday is boring but it was actually quite quiet since there was election movement. Then I got up to do some chores around the house to get off work early.
And while I was washing, my husband told me that he wanted to have fish soup, so he went to buy the vegetables and everything because we already had the fish from the previous day that had been bought. The soup was made at my mother-in-law's house obviously because I don't know how to make soup or even fish. Like her, she always cooks very well and to please her son even more. Well, she prepared everything while we bought some things that were missing like cassava and lemon, which by the way, lemon here is like contraband. Hahahahaha it is not possible.


Quiero confesar que no me gusta sopa de pescado (PERO ESTABA BUENISIMA) yo no como verdura en sopa 😅
La sopa fue con pescado atún medregal y ese pescado estaba bastante gordo. O sea que tenia bastante posta. Aqui se puede ver.

I want to confess that I don't like fish soup (BUT IT WAS GREAT) I don't eat vegetables in soup 😅
The soup was with amberjack tuna fish and that fish was quite fat. So he had quite a post. Here you can see.


Lo mas que me gusta de la sopa es el caldo, eso si me encanta. Y mas cuando lo acompañas con casabe o arepa.

The thing I like most about the soup is the broth, I love it. And even more so when you accompany it with casabe or arepa.


Nos sentamos todos en la mesa a compartir y a echar cuentos ya que muy poco nos reunimos con frecuencia. A contar historias y de todo lo que pasa por alli jajaja ustedes saben a chismear un rato.

We all sat at the table to share and tell stories since we rarely meet together. To tell stories and everything that happens there hahaha you know how to gossip for a while.




Luego de comer ayude a mi suegra a limpiar la mesa fregar y hacer que todo quede limpio ustedes saben que el olor a pescado es bastante fuerte.

After eating, I helped my mother-in-law clean the table, scrub and make everything clean. You know that the smell of fish is quite strong.


Luego de eso estabamos que sudabamos la gota gorda de el calor que esta haciendo entonces decidimos reposar la sopa acosta donos un rato a conversar..

After that we were sweating a lot from the heat it was getting so we decided to rest the soup and sit down for a while to talk...


Ya despues se hizo la hora de ir a entrena(a trotar). No se si a ustedes les pasanpero yo siento que la hora esta pasando volando, ya mañana mis.o nos toca darnos feliz año jajajajaja que locura vale.

Afterwards it was time to go to training (jogging). I don't know if it happens to you, but I feel like the time is flying by, and tomorrow we have to give ourselves a happy new year hahahaha, it's crazy.


Bueno ese fue todo mi loco domingo espero les haya gustado gracias por llegar hasta aqui 🙂

Well that was my whole crazy Sunday I hope you liked it thanks for coming this far 🙂

0.023 NEOXAG