[ESP-ING]Celebrando el abrazo en familia con amigos//Celebrating the hug as a family with friends



Hola querida comunidad espero se encuentren muy bien , hoy vengo hacerles un blog de lo que fue mi domingo , como muchos no saben hoy se celebra el dia de el abrazo en familia aqui en venezuela entonces me parecio excelente que cayero domingo porque asi tenemos mas tiempo de diafrutar el dia con nuestros familiares en casa celebrando bien sea con una rica comida o un rico postre. En mi caso la noche anterior habia quedado con unos amigos para hacer una sopita aqui relajados en casa.

Hello dear community, I hope you are feeling very well, today I come to make a blog about what my Sunday was like, as many do not know, today is the day of the family hug here in Venezuela, so I thought it was excellent that it fell on Sunday because then we have more time to enjoy the day with our family at home celebrating either with a delicious meal or a delicious dessert. In my case, the night before I had met with some friends to make a soup here while relaxing at home.


Cabe resaltar que me levante algo tarde, a eso de las 10 am y a esa hora le escribi a mi amigo que si ibamos a realizar la sopa y me dijo que si, que ya venia a mi casa, debo decir que estaba lloviendo bastate pero eso no fue impedimento para que compartieramos. Cada quien salio en busca de lo que faltaba y cuando teniamos todo nos vinimos a el garaje de mi casa a preparar todo, aqui estaban ellos picando su verdura.

It should be noted that I got up a little late, around 10 am and at that time I wrote to my friend that we were going to make the soup and he told me yes, that he was already coming to my house, I must say that it was raining enough but that It was not an impediment for us to share. Everyone went out in search of what was missing and when we had everything we came to the garage of my house to prepare everything, here they were chopping their vegetables.


Solo ellos dos porque no habia mas cuchillo jajajaja eso era punto a mi favor y bueno dejando tambien que hagan algo.

Just the two of them because there was no more knife hahahaha that was a point in my favor and good also letting them do something.


Yo como no estaba picando nada me toco el ajo jajajajaja hice mi pasta bien coll para condimentar mi carne.

Since I wasn't chopping anything I touched the garlic hahaha I made my pasta well coll to season my meat.


Aqui montamos nuestra carne a guisar y aglojar mientras terminaban de picar y lavar muy bien la verdura, que por cierto a simple vista se veia que era bastante.

Here we put our meat to stew and agglome while they finished chopping and washing the vegetables very well, which by the way at first glance could be seen to be quite a lot.


Despues que esa carne aflojo lo que hicimos fue bajarla y montar la verdura a aflojar. Uno de los chinos estaba aguado y una yuca tambien. Eran las 3 de la tarde y ya estbamos viendo gris, de verdad el gambre que teniamos era fenomenal jajaja pero esperando que estuviera, Dios mio uno cuando tiene hambre se desespera.

After that meat loosened, what we did was take it down and mount the vegetables to loosen. One of the Chinese ones was watery and so was a yucca. It was 3 in the afternoon and we were already seeing gray, really the hunger we had was phenomenal hahaha but waiting for it to be there, my God, when you are hungry you get desperate.


Aqui finalmente estuvo la sopa y ya era hora de comer , el estomago me estaba rugiendo el pobre de el hambre que yo tenia.
Estabamos contentos porque ya ibamos a comer, hicieron la sopa bajo en sal porque no puedo comer tan salado.

Here was finally the soup and it was time to eat, my stomach was growling because of how hungry I was.
We were happy because we were going to eat, they made the soup low in salt because I can't eat that salty.


A final de el cuento la verdura se desaparecio jajajajaja en la olla solo quedaba caldo y nada de verdura y bueno, la presa era 1 1/2 kg de hueso rojo, realmente sabia muy bien solo que no espeso como yo queria.

At the end of the story the vegetables disappeared hahahahaha in the pot there was only broth and no vegetables and well, the prey was 1 1/2 kg of red bone, it really tasted very good just not as thick as I wanted.


Ya aqui nosotros bien felices porque habiamos comido, ya solo quedaba joder y contar chistes hasta bajar la comida.
Repito, amo compartir con amigos son los mejores recuerdos que nos quedan.

Here we were very happy because we had eaten, all that was left to do was fuck around and tell jokes until the food was down.
I repeat, I love sharing with friends, they are the best memories we have left.


Muchas gracias por llegar hasta el final. Feliz dia de el abrazo en familia. Saludos.

Thank you very much for making it to the end. Happy family hug day. Greetings.

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