[ESP-ING]Acompañame a contar esta triste historia 🤣 un sábado de locura// Join me to tell this sad story 🤣 a crazy Saturday
Buenos dia mi gente hermosa , como estan pasando su fin de semana??? Espere que esten activos y compartendo en familia. Recargando energia para mañana comenzar la rutina de trabajo.
Bueno hoy quiero contarles un poco de lo que fue mi dia de ayer, mu loco pero yo siempre ando con mis hostorias...
>Good morning my beautiful people, how are you spending your weekend??? Expect them to be active and sharing as a family. Recharging energy for tomorrow to start the work routine.
Well today I want to tell you a little about what my day was like yesterday, very crazy but I always go with my stories...
Me levante muy temprano a correr y hacer mis ejercicios luego de eso me fui a casa de una amiga y mientras la ayudaba en algo.
Ella me hizo desayuno porque sali sin comer, por cierto @zarethg tus arepas estaban divinas. Gracias por olvidar echarle sal a la masa, asi es mas saludable jajajaja.
I got up very early to run and do my exercises. After that I went to a friend's house and while I helped her with something.
She made me breakfast because I left without eating, by the way @zarethg your arepas were divine. Thanks for forgetting to add salt to the dough, it's healthier that way hahahaha.
Bueno luego de alli inventamos ir a carupano hacer unas compras nerviosas como yo le llamo jajajaja.
Well, from there we decided to go to Carupano to do some nervous shopping as I call it hahahaha.
Bueno la ayude a limpiar la cocina y dejar todo arreglado, me fui a mi casa a bañarme y la deje a ella para que se bañara y arreglara a los niños, ya saben que con ellos hay tener algo de paciencia.
Well, I helped her clean the kitchen and get everything ready, I went home to take a bath and left her to take a bath and get the children ready, you know that with them you have to have some patience.
Bueno nos fuimos como a eso de las 10:45 am algo tarde pero bueno no podiamos hacer más. Llegamos y dejamos a los niños en casa de la mamá de mi amiga para nosotras poder comprar rapido (ique jajaja).
Well we left around 10:45 am a little late but well we couldn't do more. We arrived and left the children at my friend's mother's house so we could shop quickly (hahaha).
Bueno yo fui y compre un material que necesitaba para mi trabajo.
Luego nos fuimos a traki hacer nuestras compras y es alli donde se sintio el verdadero terror jajajajaja , me estaba comunicando con unas personas que mandaron a comprar algo conmigo y de repente el telefono se puso que no queria funcionar ni con la señal ni con el wifi de la tienda era una locura yo queria tirarlo, me medi como 10 trajes de baño y ninguno me quedo jajajaja ya yo estaba estresada porque a eso fue que fui a comprar me el traje de baño.
Bueno entramos alli como a las 11:30 y salimos de traki a las 02:00pm jajajajaja una locura de verdad.
Well, I went and bought some material that I needed for my work.
Then we went to traki to do our shopping and that's where the real terror was felt hahahahaha, I was communicating with some people who sent me to buy something and suddenly the phone started not wanting to work with either the signal or the wifi The store was crazy, I wanted to throw it away, I measured like 10 swimsuits and none of them fit hahahaha and I was stressed because that's why I went to buy the swimsuit.
Well we entered there at around 11:30 and left traki at 02:00pm hahahahaha, really crazy.
Luego como teniamos hambre yo dije bueno de aqui a que lleguemos a la casa nos desmayamos de el hambre, total que pedi unas lumpias para comer , bueno el caos, luego que las pedi el telefono murió, no quisa hacer el pago , no llamaba , no agarraba wifi , no me habia la aplicación de el banco. En fin era una locura. Yo dije mejor meto el telefono en el bolso porque sino me va dar algo.
Then, since we were hungry, I said well, from here until we get home we fainted from hunger, so I ordered some lumpias to eat, well the chaos, after I ordered them the phone died, I didn't want to make the payment, I didn't call, I didn't get wifi, I didn't have the bank application. In short, it was crazy. I said I better put the phone in my bag because otherwise it will give me something.
Fui me compré un té frio y me relaje. Mi amiga hizo el pago con su telefono y alli estuvimos casi 2horas esperando a el chino que nos tragera nuestro pedido de lumpias. Cuando finalmente llegaron las lumpias yo estaba que me daba algo de la rabia porque ese telefono me saca canas verdes.
I went and bought a cold tea and relaxed. My friend made the payment with her phone and we spent almost 2 hours there waiting for the Chinese man to bring us our order of lumpias. When the lumpias finally arrived I was a bit angry because that phone gave me green gray hair.
Nos fuimos a la parada a buscar un carro porque teniamos que pasar buscando a los niños pero como no habia carro nos tocó irnos en bus, mientras en bus se llenaba nos sentamos en la calzada a deborarnos esas lumpias que por ciertos nos costaron 1.5$ pero estaban muy buenas y crocantes. No sabia que a las lumpias se les echa queso, esto es nuevo jajajaja , Finalmente el bus se llenó y nos pudimos ir.
We went to the stop to look for a car because we had to go looking for the children but since there was no car we had to go by bus, while the bus was filling up we sat on the road eating those lumpias that cost us $1.5 but They were very good and crispy. I didn't know that you add cheese to the lumpias, this is new hahahaha, Finally the bus was full and we were able to leave.
Lo bueno fue que llegamos a casa, lo malo fue que el bus olía a caca 💩, el chofer en plena via se iba a bajar a echarse puño con otro conductor y para completar el 70% de los que venian en el bus estaban ebrios!
Como se llama la obra de este dia?? 🤣😂😅 Dios mio de verdad jajajaja una locura...
Llegue a mi casa casi a las 5pm de la tarde .. repose y me llamaron para hacer un trabajo. La cliente llego a las 6 de la tarde ella estaba muy feliz porque se iba hacer sus uñitas aqui les dejo como llego.
The good thing was that we got home, the bad thing was that the bus smelled like poop 💩, the driver in the middle of the road was going to get off to fistfight with another driver and to top it off, 70% of those who came on the bus were drunk!
What is the name of this day's work? 🤣😂😅 My God really hahahaha crazy...
I arrived home at almost 5pm in the afternoon... I rested and they called me to do some work. The client arrived at 6 in the afternoon. She was very happy because she was going to have her nails done. Here she will leave you how she arrived.
Y mira como se fue... con ella termine a las 8pm.
And look how it went... I finished with her at 8pm.
Luego empece a las 08:00pm con ella, mira su cara de felicidad. Y termine a las 10:30pm 🥵
Then I started at 08:00pm with her, look at her happy face. And finish at 10:30pm 🥵
Y este fue el resultado.
And this was the result.
Un dia estresante pero bastante productivo. Espero les haya gustado este post de locos gracias por llegar hasta el final saludos.
A stressful but quite productive day. I hope you liked this crazy post, thank you for making it to the end, greetings.