Re-channeling Sex Drive: A Secret Weapon For Productivity


I do not know for men but I have spoken to a number of women and have concluded that apart from experiencing a drop and surge in hormonal levels (during or before menstrual cycle), we also experience the unmistakable carnal urge to indulge in human desires. Yes, that is a very polite way of saying craving sex.

Until I entered my twenties, I really did not understand how it really works. Took me years to understand my body and its language when it comes to my period. Took me years to understand that there are days when I will have so much energy than I know what to do with and then, there will be days when I just cannot be arsed. In all this, it will take me another many months to realize that I am at my most productive during these days when I am starved.

In his book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill raised the topic of Sex Transmutation. Before now, I knew I was a very active person. Not that I indulged in sex. It was just on my mind for days and sometimes weeks at a time. As a distraction, I would find something doing and pour all that energy into it. Before I read this chapter of his book, I had already come to realize that I get productive during my ovulation days.

Now, I first likened it to the surge in hormones and what not, but reading that chapter, I understood that I might have just been using the energy I could use for carnal desires and using it to get things done. I may be cranky, snappy and even bitchy, but I will accomplish more than eighty percent of what I have set out to do. Sometimes, I am doing well for days and giving one hundred and twenty percent. All this would become clear to me later, and that is now.

Out of curiosity, I picked up the book and proceeded to read the chapter again because, I was definitely on a roll. Not only that, I was doing well compared to months back on Hive. My posts are well thought out, written with clarity and, gaining good rewards. I had to pause and think, why are there days like this? Just what have I not figured out? I refused to believe that it was just pure luck.

I recall @tengolotodo teaching me the power of manifestation. As a positive person himself, who is always seeing the good and not the bad, he tried to make me understand that I could do that too. I tried for a couple of days and went slump. I did not have the energy believe all the time that good things happened to me when negative things surrounded me. Now, I realized that despite being surrounded by negativity the past weeks, my positive levels remain high. Why is that? I was mulling over this all night into this morning when I felt the familiar pangs of hunger.

Then it clicked. I remembered reading the words of Napoleon,

The creative imagination functions best when the mind is vibrating (due to some form of mind stimulation) at an exceedingly high rate. That is, when the mind is functioning at a rate of vibration higher than that of ordinary, normal thought.

He also cited the stories of some renowned names that accomplished this through stimulations like alcohol or narcotics. Authors, musicians and artists that have gone into such state to produce what we term genius works using the influence of external stimulants. Then he buttressed the fact that we have enough of nature’s stimulant and that itself is the desire for sex. Unless utilized rightly, we cannot feel or experience the power of this stimulant.

Sex has been a topic for years. Based on the small experience I have reading, listening and watching people talk about sex, it is as deep in spirituality as it is physically. Sex is spiritual and it connects to the soul. I guess this is why we are advised by religion not to indulge in it before marriage. Sex is not just physical, many have even referred to it as healing and that I am yet to understand. What I do understand though is that, whether we like it or not, sex has an effect not just on our mind but also on our soul and its entirety.

I will go back and point out another point in this book, which is,

I read this part repeatedly. Maybe this explains why I am running on crack speed and agility days before and after my period. This would also explain why when I was talking to a friend of mine, sharing our experiences, we recounted that we are more productive during these times than when we do find relief. It amazed me honestly.

According to research, people seldom succeed before 40 or 50. Why? Well, Napoleon tells us that it is because of overindulgence in physical expression of emotions through sex. Now that made a lot of sense. At least to me. It explained a lot why I seemed to be working and meeting quotas at the drop of a hat. In one week alone, I did what it would have taken me months to do.

As to how I can constantly keep this level of energy via sex transmutation, I am still yet to find out. What I know now is that the line drawn by our various religious doctrines is not for nothing. There is science (for those who doubt) to back this claim. As I said, I am still learning and right now, I am learning through my actions to things that happen around me.

However, this further explains to me that there is more than just hormones at work here. I have always believed that sex is more than just physical pleasure. I remember how I cut off from someone when he told me that he could not go two weeks without sex. Color me judgy or what have you but I will not let such a person into my circle. Especially when they do not stick it in one person. Association matters to me a lot. Eventually, that person would rub off on me and I will find myself in that state of mind. As much of an edge sex can be, it is wise to apply discipline.

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You're on to something here alright, I now recall how some top athletes have achieved their best performances that included in their dedicated regimen is abstinence.


Yes ma'am. It may sound ridiculous, but I've experienced it to know it's not.


True true true!
I have been called all sort of names for not seeing this thing called sex as just a physical thing and I’m okay with it. I don’t mind.
I was about to say something else but I just forgot…oh no, not again.


When you remember, you know where to find me :harold_neo:

Anyway, sex is way too deep and it holds spiritual components too that people decide to ignore. Not me making that mistake
